Yoga and Surfing Are a Natural Pair to Make You More Powerful

May 23, 2016
Jen Corley (she/her)
1 min read
Yoga and Surfing

Yoga and surfing are a natural pair. Both focus on balance in the body and mind. Without mental clarity, one can no more catch a wave than stay steady in tree pose.

yoga and surfing are a natural pair

A yoga retreat that incorporates surfing is a powerful way to go with the flow in more ways than one. With your days taken up by morning vinyasa followed by a daily dose of the ocean, there’s little time to get caught up in the little stressors that take over our lives nowadays.

yoga and surfing are a natural pair

If you’re a yogi who has never surfed, a dedicated retreat is the perfect time to begin. You’ve mastered natarajasana pose, so balancing on a surfboard will be a piece of cake. You’ll love the peace of mind that you get when you’re so in tune with nature that you can feel the ocean’s swell.

yoga and surfing are a natural pair

If you’re an experienced surfer who lives for the next time they can hop on a board, introducing a yoga practice to your life is a natural fit. Some of the bonuses of pairing yoga with surfing are more flexibility, core strength, and lung capacity. You also reduce your chance of injury when you use yoga as a means to stretch out your body after a long day riding waves.

yoga and surfing are a natural pair

No matter which modality you come to the retreat through, you are bound to learn something completely new. Plus, a yoga and surfing retreat is the perfect chance to spend some time in an idyllic oceanside location, soaking up the sand and sun.

yoga and surfing are a natural pair