Awaken to all possibilities Package

Laguna Beach, CA, USA

Love All
  • Email address verified
Duration: 7 days
Group size: 1 - 999
Awaken to all possibilities Package
Laguna Beach, CA, USA

Love All
  • Email address verified

Duration: 7 days
Group size: 1 - 999

About this trip

This package is designed for the Soul who is newly awakened, or who has been on their path for some time, and is now ready to take the heart leap into the unknown. Experience the Divine through Soul work that is deeper than simple meditation, yoga, prayer, etc. Are you ready to follow your heart with EVERY step? Are you ready to Let go and Rise in Love? 

Take the heart leap with your Soul Collective, experience the Soul Adventure of a lifetime. Simply reserving your package is your first Soul test. Are you able to trust enough to walk into the unknown purely following Soul Guidance? Each part of the package is completely unique, guided specifically by your Soul’s intention. With this opportunity, you expand by following your heart into the unknown. When we trust, we can receive and flow the energy through this inspired work. Trust your Heart Guidance.

The Intention for this Package offer is to Awaken to Soul Freedom and experience the Infinite Energy of Pure Source Love.  Immerse your Soul in an integrative, step by step experience that begins with virtual work (in person private sessions optional).  Break through energetic blocks in your life. Expand your heart to love all parts of yourself. 

With each experience; from your Conscious Call, to the Healing Sessions, you will grow progressively more comfortable with this Energy. Show up for yourself to release lifetimes of trauma, karma and density to build your inner strength and connection to Source. Receive deeper healing and open up to profound transformation; experiencing synchronicities, magic and miracles!

From this place of innerstanding, excitement and readiness, you will Dive Deep into a 5 Day, 4 Night Shamanic Healing Retreat. Immerse your Soul in unconditional Love. 

Available Packages

Trip Price
Deposit: $2,500

Available options

Private Room


Conscious Call
Receive Conscious Energy and begin your preparation

Schedule and Receive 1 Call-

Montevo’s intention is for you to feel seen as a Divine Soul Being. Share your story, what is coming up for you to heal, where you are struggling, and your aspirations, as he clears your energy. Receive consciousness around where you’re at on your path, as well as inspired modalities, next steps, and inspirations. Receive Unconditional Love & Soul Support. You are not alone!

Duration: 1 to 2 hours/call

Your Organizer

Love All
The Intention for this Package offer is to Awaken to Soul Freedom and experience the Infinite Energy of Pure Source Love. Immerse your Soul in an integrative, step by step experience that begins with virtual work (in person private sessions optional). Break through energetic blocks in your life. Expand your heart to love all parts of yourself. Experience 1 Conscious Call, and 2 Private Shamanic Healing Sessions, leading into one Soul Immersion Retreat.