Welcome to Dis la Vérité (Institute of Emotional Literacy).
Our program is designed to improve relationships between men and women through sexy, healing, affirming travel retreats. Traveling is not just a vacation, it is a portal to healing.
Travel with us, as we learn about and celebrate communion, communication and conflict resolution in sexual health. The relationship(s) you want require effort and understanding, not just sex, but we will talk about that too!
Please note: this adventure is not a couples retreat all are welcome. Our trip welcomes all men and women.
We are excited to have you onboard. All Packages are all-inclusive. Room includes junior suite garden view. Covid vaccination required to enter Costa Rica. Al deposits are non-refundable.
Payments leading up to a cancellation beyond April 1, 2022 will be moved towards the next Back to US retreat.
Welcome, drop your luggage off, come meet the crew. We are going to get to know one another in a personal way. Grab a drink, introduce yourself.