Campamento de Verano Galapagos AGOSTO 2021

Galapagos Ecuador

  • Email address verified
15 reviews
Aug 7 - 13, 2021
Group size: 1 - 999
Campamento de Verano Galapagos AGOSTO 2021
Galapagos Ecuador

  • Email address verified
15 reviews

Aug 7 - 13, 2021
Group size: 1 - 999

About this trip

Nuestro campamento de Verano Galápagos Unplugged esta diseñado para jóvenes aventureros que quieran desconectarse del mundo cotidiano y conectarse consigo mismo y con la naturaleza que los rodea.  Aprenderán mientras exploran y descubren la magia de las Islas Galápagos.


Galápagos Unplugged cuenta con un equipo de expertos en varios niveles: Educación,  Psicología, Interpretación, Naturaleza y Mar.  Guías naturalistas certificados por el Parque nacional Galapagos y Wilderness Advance First Aid (WAFA).

El equipo a cargo tiene mas de 20 años de experiencia en manejo de grupos en las islas Galápagos tanto en programas de mar y de tierra.

En el siguiente link esta la información detallada del equipo de trabajo:

What’s included

  • Transfers
    Desde y hacia el aeropuerto en Galápagos
  • Acomodación
    En carpas dobles
  • Comidas
    Tres comidas diarias
  • Actividades
    Full actividades como se describen en el itinerario.
  • Guias
    Naturalistas certificados por el Parque Nacional Galápagos.
  • Equipo
    Kayaks, equipo de snorkel.

What’s not included

    Boleto aéreo a Galapagos (Se lo puede incluir)
    Entrada al Parque Nacional USD. 6,00 Ecuatorianos; USD. 100,00 extranjeros. Se paga en efectivo al llegar a las islas.
    Tarjeta de transito Galapagos (se lo puede incluir)
    Gastos personales
    12% IVA ( si se requiere una factura)

Available Packages

Trip Price
Deposit: $400

Available options

Boleto Aéreo Quito-Galápagos-Quito
Tarjeta Control Transito Galápagos



- Vuelo A Baltra en la mañana

- Llegada a Baltra. Transfer al campamento. 

- Charla introductoria sobre el campamento y asignación de espacios.

- Almuerzo y cena

- Fuego grupal y observación de estrellas

Your Organizer

15 reviews
TrekEcuador is committed to offering personalized travel arrangements that cater to the distinct preferences of their clients. The company provides unconventional travel experiences that connect people from different parts of the world, enabling them to fully engage in the local culture and find inspiration to make a positive impact. TrekEcuador is committed to responsible tourism and ensures that all travel arrangements are meticulously organized.


My trip to the Ecuadorian rainforest, where I met the Achuar and Sapara tribes, was an unforgettable experience. Immersed in the breathtaking Amazon, I participated in traditional ceremonies, learned about the tribes' deep spiritual connections with nature, and explored the vibrant biodiversity of the region. The local guides, passionate about preserving their culture and the rainforest, enriched our journey with their knowledge and stories. This adventure, emphasizing sustainable tourism and cultural respect, left me with a profound appreciation for these resilient communities and the natural world they protect. An extraordinary and life changing journey that I highly recommend! Cristina S.
By for Embracing Rainforest Cultures-Sapara & Achuar Journey with Anita & Kit on Jun 05, 2024
This was an absolutely top-notch trip - it was well organized, packed with adventure, the food was great, and all activities were coordinated with perfection. My cabin was very comfortable and well tended when I was absent. The entire crew was friendly and helpful and everyone did their job with excellence. I loved every minute of it and would highly recommend it to anyone considering Galapagos travel. It was especially helpful to have someone meet us at the airport to negotiate the arrival process and to return us there for our departure. Thank you for that assistance! The thing I loved the most was the commitment I felt from the crew, especially our fantastic guide/naturalist, Joel, to the protection of the Galapagos Islands and preserving this incredible place for the enjoyment of future generations. It is only with such a commitment that others will have an opportunity as amazing as this was for me. THANK YOU!
By Letitia R for 5 DAYS / 4 NIGHTS "BONITA YACHT" on May 09, 2024
Amazing trip! I highly recommend. Fantastic staff on board, outstanding food, comfortable accommodations. Wonderful, Galapagos born naturalist/guide accompanied us everywhere. Small group size with people from all over the world and an enjoyable diversity of ages and backgrounds. A very helpful staff person met us at the Quito Airport and guided us through the somewhat challenging process to travel to the Islands.
By Steve B for 5 DAYS / 4 NIGHTS "BONITA YACHT" on Apr 28, 2024
Our trip to Kapawi Lodge was amazing! Everything was beyond my expectations. Travel-wise everything went smoothly, the lodge itself is beautiful and comfortable, the food was fabulous, and the staff were super helpful and really friendly. Our lodge guide and our local guide both kept us busy from dawn until the stars were out and every activity we did was interesting, meaningful, and fun. Adding Banos and especially the lovely hacienda at Cotopaxi to the trip just made it even better. Highly recommend!
By Jessica M for Kapawi Lodge, Baños and Cotopaxi on Feb 11, 2024
Great trip and experience!
By Claudia P for DISCOVERING QUITO on Dec 26, 2023
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