Culture Immersion - Cancelled due to Covid - Back in 2021

  • Email address verified
7 reviews
Nov 28 - Dec 9, 2020
Group size: 16 - 18
Culture Immersion - Cancelled due to Covid - Back in 2021

  • Email address verified
7 reviews

Nov 28 - Dec 9, 2020
Group size: 16 - 18

About this trip

WorldTowning Voyages: Morocco

As many of you know, we visited Morocco for seven weeks in 2018 (as a family) and then again this past December with our first ever WorldTowning Voyages group trip. Our WorldTowning Voyages Morocco trip was such a grand success that we have decided to do another one in November/December of 2020. Now, you too, can explore the colorful culture, the warm and friendly people, the exotic sights, sounds and tastes that is unmistakably - Morocco.

Join Jessica, Will, Avalon and Largo and your fellow WorldTowning Voyagers for 10 days in the mesmerizing Kingdom of Morocco. Explore with us, using a purposefully designed itinerary that maximizes exposure to the best parts of the culture: food, art, architecture, hiking, nature, history, and our favorite pastime, meeting the locals.

This is not a trip that moves from tourist destination to tourist destination, and it is not an RV trip (sorry, maybe another time). Instead, we will connect to the heart and soul of the Moroccan culture through its people. Explore the fine art of tagine cooking and mint tea pouring. Learn about life in an Amazigh village of 20 families that is tucked away in the high Atlas Mountains. Marvel at the intricacies of stunning architecture, and expand your knowledge of Islam. Hike and squeeze your way through the tiny cracks of Dades Gorge, and laugh at spitting camels—all while engaging deeply with the locals who share their history and all its details with great passion.

Does this sound dreamy? The experience is all that, and more.

For more details scroll down for the daily itinerary at the bottom of this page. And for an even greater understanding of what to expect in Morocco, check out our videos from our time there at the link below.

Watch our Morocco videos


What is a requirement for this trip?

This trip is open to singles, couples and families. However, given the active and challenging nature of this trip, we have the following guidelines:

*Group members must be physically fit individuals (see participation guidelines below). This adventure is not recommended for anyone under 11 or over 70 due to the level of activity. 

* A community mindset and the ability to be considerate of others.

* A desire to embrace a culture that is different than your own without judgement.

If you want to explore a land considered mysterious, make new friends, and push yourself out of your comfort zone, this is for you. If you care about connecting deeply with a new culture and its people in a way you cannot do in a traditional vacation, this is for you. If you approach the world with a glass is half full attitude, this is for you.

Participation Guidelines

This is a trip of a lifetime for many, but not for all. If you have watched our videos, you have a very clear understanding of what the trip will be like—minus the RV. We feel it is important to be honest about what the trip entails. We want everyone who attends to have an awesome experience. Because of that, we are making sure you have as much information up front as possible to make a decision about whether it is right for you.

As with any group trip, travelers have many different types of personalities. People’s level of enjoyment during a trip will be affected by those around them. While not everyone needs to be similar in personality, there are some things we ask of our trip participants. Please thoughtfully consider that this trip might not be for you if you are in conflict with any of the statements below.

WorldTowning Voyage Morocco trip participants must possess the following characteristics:

A humanitarian nature

WorldTowning is a humanitarian company. Humanitarianism is an active belief in the value of human life, whereby humans practice benevolence and provide assistance to other humans, in order to better humanity in the areas of morality, altruism, logic and reason. We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind, including that which is based on race, color, religion, sexual preference, gender identity, national origin, physical or mental ability, or any other basis of discrimination. Our company operates from a place of kindness to all—and we ask that all who join us do the same. This goes for the staff that assists us and anyone we encounter in our travels. If you cannot be kind to the people working with us and treat them as equals, rather than servants this is not the trip for you.

An active lifestyle and be physically fit

Morocco IS NOT accessible. Motorized transportation cannot be provided between all places we will visit. Much of this trip will be focused on walking in the Medinas and hiking in picture perfect landscapes. This trip requires mobility and energy. If you struggle with physical activity, have accessibility needs or need special care, then this trip is not for you. We cannot guarantee access to alternative modes of transportation (cabs, buses, etc) which means you will need to walk even if you are struggling. As a general rule you should be able to walk up to 7 miles per day (not all at the same time), climb four flights of stairs (elevators are non-existent) and be able to drag or carry your belongings on wobbly streets. In several of the locations there will not be porters to help us. Another reason why you must be fit. Of course we wish this trip could accommodate everyone, but this is Morocco, and certain things are beyond our control.   

Religious openness without any discrimination toward Muslims or people of the Islamic faith

Although the media and other entities may project a negative bias towards those of the Islamic faith, we have found the people of Morocco to be some of the most welcoming, kind and giving people in all of our travels.  We will not stand for a negative bias toward or discrimination against people, based on religion or socio-economic status, on our WorldTowning Voyages.

Flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing plans

We have worked very hard to secure locations, create detailed arrangements and ensure contracts are in place. However, plans do change on trips of this nature, due to weather, unforeseen differences in culture, and other factors beyond our control. As a result, we may have to change a plan at the last minute. It is not ideal, but we are realistic in understanding that it does happen. In the event you have a rare evening without hot water or heat/ac or have a hard pillow/uncomfortable bed we will do our best to accommodate, but there is not always a solution. Again, Morocco is a developing country and although rare, sometimes these things happen even in the best of accommodations, due to no fault of ours or the staff. We take these experiences in stride and as an opportunity to stretch ourselves. We require high levels of adaptability for just these cases during our WorldTowning Voyage trips. 

Acceptance for different cultures

If this is your first time to Africa, particularly to Morocco or a Muslim country, you will experience a very different culture.  It is not a wrong way of life nor is it abnormal, even though it might be foreign to you. Some crave familiarity—in food, culture, religion, communication, etc. This trip is for people who are able and willing to go outside their comfort zones when it comes to day-to-day life.

A willingness to “get a little dirty” and sometimes rise early

Morocco is dusty, particularly the desert areas. On occasion we will be hiking, sand dune sliding and sleeping in a "glamping" Berber tent—among other adventures. Expect some sand, a bit of dirt and a little grime. Some conditions might surprise you, but it's all part of the adventure. Bring a bottle of hand sanitizer and baby wipes, and you'll be fine. If you are not ready to channel your inner kid, and the thought of a little bit of mud upsets you, then this trip might not be for you.

Most days we will start with breakfast at 7:30/8:00am, however there are a couple of long(ish) drive days where we will need to rise earlier. If you do not like to get up early occasionally, this is not the trip for you.

An openness to new foods

Outside of one planned Thai dinner, one Chinese dinner and one Italian dinner, we will eat solely local Moroccan food. There will be no access to Starbucks or McDonalds, but we will devour copious amounts of Moroccan whiskey (aka mint tea) and tagine of every variety. We ate very well each time we have been in Morocco, and the food is one of the highlights of this trip. It does call for people willing to try the new and exotic vegetarian and meat-lover foods that make up Moroccan cuisine . 

Alcohol independence - an ability to forego alcohol for a time

Although a predominantly Muslim country, Morocco is not dry. However, alcohol is not readily available. Most restaurants will not offer you an alcoholic drink with your meal. Those accustomed to regular alcohol use or desiring to drink every day should consider this trip carefully. 

A desire for cultural awakening instead of a tropical vacation or nightlife experience

Although Morocco has sandy beaches, this will not be the focus of our group trip to Morocco—maybe on our next one. As much as Will and I love to cut a rug, nightlife will not be a planned part of this trip, as well. (Although spontaneous drum circles have been known to appear sparking a much enjoyed tribal dance experience).  Ordinarily, when are up late, it will be the result of a dinner or tour. 

Ability to ride in a vehicle for long periods of time

We have created a tour that we believe highlights the best parts of Morocco. As a result, this will means some long(ish) driving times, which we will break up with meals and restroom breaks. You can rest, chat, read, write, share photos and play games (including WorldTowning Vlog trivia) while the driver delivers us safely to our destination. If you have difficulty sitting for up to two-three hours at a time without a break this is not the trip for you. Or if you don't fancy being in a car for up to eight hours on our longest day drive then this is not the trip for you. 

Cold-weather adaptability

While December is one of the colder months in Morocco, it is still warmer than many other places across the globe. This means that, although it will be warm in the desert during the day, it can get quite cool at night. If you are seeking a hot mid-winter get away, you will not get it on this trip.

A community approach to travel and the ability to work as a team

We are here to make this the most amazing group trip you have ever taken, just ask our previous group and check out the reviews. Our goal is to fill your soul to the brim with magic in a group environment with like hearted individuals. It is not good for the group moral if we have someone who expects us or other trip members to accommodate to their needs solely. This is why it is very important to read the guidelines above. We cannot leave the group to care for an individual unless they are sick. If you are continually late, constantly complaining that "it's not like home", treating the staff we encounter poorly (this includes Will, Jessica, Avalon and Largo), or you believe we are your servants we reserve the right to send you home. This may sound harsh, but a group trip is just that "a group" and our philosophy is to work together as a team and not be self absorbed or inconsiderate of others time, at the same time being accountable for ourselves and those we bring with us. 

*We reserve the right to refuse registration to anyone we feel does not represent the WorldTowning philosophy of travel listed above.

Understand and agree with the WorldTowning and WorldTowning Voyages Mission Statement

See below.


We need a minimum of 16 people for this trip to take place. Please do not book flights or make any other related financial investments into the trip until we notify you that it is official. If 16 people do not sign up for the trip, you will be fully refunded the amount of money paid to WorldTowning for your spot. We will notify you on or before March 1st that the requirement for the minimum number of participants has been met.

If more than 18 people sign up, we will waitlist the additional individuals. Those who may have been waitlisted for the trip, will get first refusal for registration if a space becomes available. 


The 50% down payment is non-refundable, as we must forward payments for locations, transportation and tours in advance (unless our trip minimum is not met). However, should you need to cancel, we will offer your spot to the first person on the waitlist. If we are able to fill your spot, we will refund your down payment, minus processing fees. 

Final payment is due 90 days before the start of the trip. This is non-negotiable. If you do not pay the balance for your trip, your place will be given to another individual and your down-payment will be forfeited.

Arriving late or leaving a trip in progress will not result in a refund, and no refunds will be made for any unused portion of the trip. If we request you leave the trip due to poor behavior (see participation guidelines) no refund will be given.

The itinerary is subject to change, if we find an experience that we believe would make the trip even better. 


We've outlined a few of the most common FAQ's here. Once you register and make a deposit for the trip a complete welcome email, welcome package (including a more extensive FAQ) and regular communications will arrive in your mail box within the upcoming months. We will also have a Zoom video call to meet all of you, clarify the itinerary and again go over who this kind of trip is best suited for.

Why should we take this trip with you?

If you follow us on Social Media, you will quickly discover that our family of four has been traveling full-time since 2014 with a focus on finding the most authentic and soul-filling experiences possible. It is the experience that we seek for ourselves that we wish to impart onto you. We have been to Morocco twice and it gets better every time, Our small groups allow us the opportunity to create deep connections with those who we interact with locally and among ourselves. Every adventure is a growth opportunity and we will be with you every part of the way. In addition, we have personally spent a minimum of three months (and up to a year) in each location we offer a group trip. 

Do we have rest days?

We have more activity options than humanly imaginable to provide you with the fullest Moroccan experience. With that premise in mind, there are no scheduled rest days. However, it is not uncommon for individuals to sit out an activity as deemed necessary to provide for additional rest or to seek out that perfect rug you saw in a shop the day before. In the event that you choose to sit out, you are responsible for your time, food, costs and whatever else you choose to do. We will not plan additional activities for you.

Who is welcome on this trip?

We've outlined above who this trip is for and who is it not for. Understand that WorldTowning does not discriminate based on religion, gender, race, age, socio-economic status or sexuality. We are welcoming and inviting of all who meet the participation guidelines, and request that, if you join us, you demonstrate inclusiveness and that you welcome all religions, genders, races and sexual orientations without bias.

When will we first meet?

Besides the face to face on-line trip-preparation discussions which will occur prior to the trip, we will all meet for the first time on November 28th on the rooftop terrace during our wine and cheese meet n' greet. However, if your flight arrives late, we will see you at the opening breakfast on November 29th.

Do I need medical insurance? (Note: This is a WorldTowning Voyages trip requirement.)

Yes. You never can predict what can go wrong on a trip, and we want to make sure our guests are covered if medical care is needed. Most insurance will cover you outside of your home country while traveling, but we will need verification of this.

How will we get from the airport to the hotel upon arrival?  

We will pre-arrange transportation to pick you up at the airport, pending you arrive on November 28th. If several of you are arriving within a couple of hours of each other, we may ask you to have a coffee and wait for one another.

Can you drink alcohol in Morocco?

In some areas, yes. In other areas, no. Please see our participation Guidelines.

Is this a mission or does it have a religious affiliation?

No. WorldTowning is not affiliated with any religious group. As a part of our commitment to ethical travel, we will be donating 5% of the profits to the education of the youth of Morocco. For more information see Ethical and Sustainable travel below.

Can children attend this trip? Are they free? Do you offer babysitting?

Children can attend, but please note the level of physical activity and the age requirements. Children under 11 are not the best fit for this trip. Unfortunately we will be unable to make accommodations for children for walking, hiking or travel.

Children do pay the same rate as any other guest as we do not get a discount from the companies we work with for children. 

We do not provide babysitting services and our team members (or other guests) will not be responsible for your children if you request this. We love kids, but we don't feel comfortable being responsible for a minor. You are responsible for the children you bring. 

How many people will be on the trip? Will you open it up to more?

The maximum size is 18-20 (plus the four of us). We keep the groups small for a more intimate and friendly learning experience.

What happens if I get sick from food, water, etc.? 

This can happen both when at home and while traveling. We will do our best to keep you comfortable in every way possible. Be sure to bring any products that you use from home for when you are ill.

Do I need a visa?  

No, in most situations. Visas are not required for visits lasting fewer than 90 days. You must have a valid passport, however, with at least one blank page. In some cases, a visa may be required depending on your passport country.

Is Morocco safe?

One of the first concerns people have when it comes to Morocco is the question of safety. Morocco is not unlike other countries around the world; there are issues with pick-pocketing and petty theft in the big cities. However, murder and violent assault are very rare. Morocco employs a vast network of police officers who work both in uniform and undercover, especially in major cities. They are vigilant when it comes to the safety of visitors. 

Another issue that concerns women when traveling is the question of aggressive men. Occasionally a woman may be the subject of cat-calling or other verbal expressions. When traveling with a group, it is very uncommon for women to have these experiences. In all of my experiences in Morocco, neither I (Jessica) nor Avalon have ever felt uncomfortable.

Are vaccines required?

No, but before you travel overseas, it is always good to view the list of recommended vaccines for Morocco. However, we do highly recommend that anyone visiting has at least a Hep A vaccine.

What should I pack?

Don't pack too much! Functional, lightweight clothing that can be worn a few days at a time, and then easily washed and hung dry is best. The temperature can be warm in the day and become quite cool in the evening, depending on where we are in the country. A more complete packing list will be included in the itinerary. 

Will vegetarian and vegan options be available?

There are options for vegetarians in Morocco, however if you follow a vegan diet, gluten diet or another sort of restricted diet it is almost impossible to find alternatives at all locations during your time in Morocco. If you are considering this trip, but have dietary limitations please reach out ahead of booking to discuss what options are available. In all cases, we will do our best to work with you, but we believe it is important to be frank that some options may be more challenging or not even possible.

Can my pet join me?

Due to cultural and religious reasons, support animals are not allowed in the majority of buildings, hotels, and other areas of Morocco. For this reason, we are not able to accept or accommodate travelers with support animals.

How will we travel from location to location?

The bus we will be using seats 27 people comfortably with air conditioning and heating. There is no WIFI onboard but you won't miss it while enjoying the views of the Moroccan countryside out your window! We do ask on the bus that you sit with another individual so we may leave the four front seats open for anyone who gets car sick and several other seats for our carry on bags. 


WorldTowning is a slow travel-adventure company committed to helping those seeking a broader global experience to embrace a lifestyle of respect, learning, growth and giving through concentrated exposure to and immersion in the world’s many diverse and varied cultures. We do this by equipping travelers with necessary education, tools and consultation, so they can take the next steps in their long-term travel journeys. We are more than a travel company, however. At WorldTowning, we are in the business of cultural bridge-building, personal-development fueling, heart and mind expanding, and dream living. Our WorldTowning Voyages program is an extension of our core WorldTowning offerings, wherein small groups of travelers embark on shared experiences and adventures to live the world as locals on the globe’s roads less traveled. 

WorldTowning: Living and Changing the World, One Hometown at a Time


Last year we volunteered at the Medina Children's Library in Fez and fell in love with what the organization is doing. As part of our mission to give back and a have positive impact when we travel, please note that we will donate 5% of our profits to the library to help support the literacy efforts in Fez. In addition, we will offer an opportunity for you to volunteer at the library one afternoon during our time in Fez if you so choose. 

WorldTowning Volunteering at Medina Children's Library 

WorldTowning Promotional video for MCL

We encourage you to learn more about this school and consider how you, personally, can support ethical and sustainable travel.

What’s included

  • Meals
    Breakfast, lunch, dinner from Nov 29th - Dec 9th (breakfast only on Dec 9th).
  • Accommodations
    Nov 28th -Dec 8th
  • Ground Transportation
    Nov 28th -Dec 8th
  • Activities/tours
    All activities and tours from Nov 29th until Dec 8th
  • Drinks
    Does not include alcohol
  • Live Q & A
    A pre-trip learning session (video, live), discussing the culture and history of Morocco, helpful words and phrases, and tips on cultural “do’s and don’ts.
  • Welcome Party
    Wine and cheese greeting party
  • Moroccan gifts
    Local treasures waiting for you (
  • Bottled Water
    Each guest will receive one water per day, additional water will need to be purchased
  • Arrival Transportation
    A member of our team will be at the Marrakech airport to pick up arrivals on Nov 28th
  • Water, coffee, tea
    At planned trip meal
  • YouTube Vlog
    We will produce 1-2 vlogs of the group experience for you to share with family and friends.
  • Private Facebook group
    Only for registered members. A place to ask questions and connect with other group members before the trip.
  • WorldTowning Swag
    You will receive a welcome package (pre-trip) with swag, a book and several other items.

What’s not included

  • Arrival day meals
    These meals are on your own. However there will be cheese and wine in the evening of Nov 28th
  • Trip insurance
    Please purchase in advance for your party
  • Departure day meals
    These meals are on your own
  • Tipping at the toilet
    Usually public toilets cost a few cents, you will be responsible for having local currency on hand. WorldTowning can help you to get change.
  • Additional tips
    WorldTowning will tip guides and staff. However, please feel free to tip additional if someone goes above and beyond. Many individuals live off of tips.
  • Alcohol
    On the arrival evening, November 28th, a wine and cheese meet and greet will occur at the riad. Other than that alcohol is not included. Furthermore, alcohol is available on a limited basis in Morocco
  • Juice, soda, smoothies
    Extra drinks beyond what is offered at meals are your responsibility
  • Souvenirs
  • Departure transportation
  • Flights

Available Packages

Double Occupancy Room

Since we will be staying in 5 different accommodations during our 10-day trip, the sleeping arrangements may vary. You may be sleeping in a double occupancy room laid out with 2 twin beds or with 1 double bed. If you need twin beds, please notify us ahead of time. 

As we are traveling in December, it’s important to keep in mind the places where we are staying do not have central heating. Most will have space heaters or room heaters available, but you should be prepared by packing clothes for sleeping that are appropriate and warm.

Deposit: $1,475
Single Occupancy Room

Since we will be staying in 5 different accommodations during our 10-day trip, sleeping arrangements may vary. You may be sleeping in a single room with a twin bed or a double bed depending on the facilities. 

If you are a solo traveler and would like us to partner you with a roommate, so you can take advantage of double occupancy room rate, please let us know.

As we are traveling in December, it’s important to keep in mind the places where we are staying do not have central heating. Most will have space heaters or room heaters available, but you should be prepared by packing clothes for sleeping that are appropriate and warm.

*We cannot guarantee a single room in the tents at the desert. It is only one night, but we might ask you to share with another same gender individual. 

Deposit: $1,700
Triple Occupancy Room

Since we will be staying in 5 different accommodations during our 10-day trip, the sleeping arrangements may vary. You may be sleeping in a triple occupancy room with 3 twin beds, 1 double bed and 1 twin, or 2 double beds. If you specifically need one of the above room configurations, please let us know ahead of time. We will do our best to accommodate the request. 

As we are traveling in December, it’s important to keep in mind the places where we are staying do not have central heating. Most will have space heaters or room heaters available, but you should be prepared by packing clothes for sleeping that are appropriate and warm.

Deposit: $1,450
Quad Occupancy Room

Since we will be staying in 5 different accommodations during our 10-day trip, the sleeping arrangements may vary. You may be sleeping in a quad occupancy room with 4 twin beds, 1 double bed and 2 twins, or 2 double beds. Or, we might put you in 2 double rooms. If you specifically need one of the above room configurations, please let us know ahead of time. We will do our best to accommodate the request. 

As we are traveling in December, it’s important to keep in mind the places where we are staying do not have central heating. Most will have space heaters or room heaters available, but you should be prepared by packing clothes for sleeping that are appropriate and warm.

Deposit: $1,450


Arrival Day

Arrive November 28th. Make yourself comfortable in the hotel. Please note: If you would like to arrive earlier and explore on your own prior to November 28th, that is fine. Our trip officially begins November 28th in the evening.

We can’t wait to meet all of you. As a warm welcome we would like to invite you for wine, mint tea and cookies on the evening before the trip officially begins on the rooftop terrace. If you will be arriving late don’t worry as we will do a more formal welcome at breakfast in the morning. 

In addition we will hold a short workshop on November 28th so you can learn about Moroccan life nowadays, traditions, celebrations, Islam, clothing... and also language, from a local. This is a great way to familarize yourself with the culture before we get started. 

Get a good night’s sleep because tomorrow we rock and roll!

Vlog about the guests arrival and part of day one

Your Organizer

7 reviews
We are a adventure loving family traveling the world full-time since 2014. We are also the founders of WorldTowning: a company committed to getting you traveling, providing help with all the logistics associated with full time travel. What drives our lifestyle choice is a desire to expand our view of the world, enhance our knowledge of a region and establish lasting community ties – anywhere around the globe. WorldTowning Voyages is our effort to take all of you along with us on these adventures.


WorldTowning’s preparation for the trip was right on point. We had such a great time. Enjoyed every minute with fun, lively group of people. Trying local food was wonderful, variety kept everything interesting. Loved the desert tents and camel riding. Shopping was so such an exciting adventure, I bought a large rug, colorful light, slippers, oils and more. Be sure to pack an extra bag for all the treasures you’ll want to bring back. I would absolutely recommend this trip for anyone who loves adventure.
By Iris T for WorldTowning Voyages on Dec 24, 2019
I just returned from the trip of a lifetime with WorldTowning Voyages (WTV). From our introduction to Morocco welcome baskets to the carefully chosen local tour guides, accommodations, and meals; they were committed to making sure we had an incredible time. WTV interspersed culture, history, and adventure into their activities. Jessica, Will, Avalon, and Largo provided a unique and immersive experience for all ages. I look forward to traveling with them again!
By Gina D for WorldTowning Voyages on Dec 20, 2019
An ambitious maiden voyage with a broad variety of unique and interesting experiences. The most energetic will not be left wanting more to do. Those who prefer a lighter schedule will have a hard time deciding which of the fabulous activities to refrain from. The hired guides were knowledgeable, caring, and provided an excellent and in depth education on the food, culture, art and history of the area. Jessica and Will are truly in their element, coordinating the days events and making sure everyone is well taken care of. Our daughter made instant friends with Avalon and Largo. We could not have asked for a better team be in charge of the kids club. We had a fun group of friendly and adventurous participants and I wouldn’t expect Jessica and Will to attract anything less! We had a wonderful time and look forward to more tours with WorldTowning Voyages in the future.
By Jodi B for WorldTowning Voyages on Dec 16, 2019
My trip to Morocco with WorldTowning was incredible! I was leery at first of “group traveling” but my fears quickly disappeared. With the lead of our hosts, a delightful sense of community was built as were lasting friendships. The organization and excellent communication made a heavily touring schedule extremely enjoyable. From the iconic souks in the medinas to the top of the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara desert, the Moroccan experience provided by WorldTowning was perfect. I would give WorldTowning the highest of ratings and will be watching for an opportunity to travel with them again! Thanks for the fantastic memories, WorldTowning ❤️
By Kelly M for WorldTowning Voyages on Dec 16, 2019
It was more than what I imagined. Worldtowning’s itinerary allowed us to experience so much..... food was amazing, shopping was tons of fun, opportunities to learn hands on with local Moroccans, guided tours, explore different cities, and they have found the best riads to stay in overnight. WorldTowning is the way to go if you want to fulfill your bucket list dream to travel to Morocco. No way I would have seen as much with out Worldtowning ..... plus you’ll have so much fun with your group. “We were strangers on day 1 and family at the end!” It was so much fun that I will be a future Worldtowning Voyager again in the future. ~~Laney
By Laney L for WorldTowning Voyages on Dec 16, 2019
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