Delight in God's Creation: A Faith-Based Retreat

Fruit Cove, FL 32259, USA

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Oct 23 - 25, 2023
Group size: 20 - 40
Delight in God's Creation: A Faith-Based Retreat
Fruit Cove, FL 32259, USA

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Oct 23 - 25, 2023
Group size: 20 - 40

About this trip

"Behold the birds of the air... Consider the lilies of the field..."  (Matthew 6)

So often in Scripture we find lessons drawn from nature. Now is your opportunity to open your heart to the natural world, open your heart to communion with our Creator God.

Nature therapy and Christian contemplation go hand in hand.  Ladies, take time away with us, and rediscover the delight of God’s creation — the natural world around us.  We will step away from our daily grind, our many responsibilities, and dwell in God’s presence, allowing nature therapy to spurn our worship of and delight in Him.

Much of our modern lives are spent in stress and constant decision-making — in logic, in problem-solving, in projects, in “purpose”.  Stepping into the green biomass on the banks of the St. Johns River in Northeast Florida — dwelling with ancient oak and magnolia trees, ferns and sandy soil, mischievous squirrels and dancing lizards — we will begin to engage our senses, bringing us into our bodies and quieting our souls, where delight, and being present, and wordless worship come into play.  

Through nature therapy, tangled thoughts begin to untangle, anxiety begins to melt into confidence and peace, and our ability to calm our thoughts and listen to God increases.

Connect with other women as we delight in God’s creation together.  

*This retreat is for women only.  

**While this retreat is conducted from a Protestant Christian perspective, it is open to all women regardless of religious background.  Let us all delight together with open hearts.

What’s included

  • All Meals
    Healthy, delicious meals from our resident chef! Please let us know any dietary restrictions you may have.
  • Daily Forest Bathing
    Also known at Nature Therapy. Connect with nature and with yourself, as you observe what is happening around you and within you.
  • Villa Accomodation
    Beautiful on-site villa, peaceful in atmosphere for the optimal retreat experience.
  • Christian Contemplation
    Guided and solo Christian contemplation, based in nature. Let Creation spurn your worship of the Creator!
  • Retreat Guide Book
    For solo contemplation, Bible study, and group discussion.
  • Prayer Labyrinth
    Self-guided time in the prayer labyrinth!
  • Stations of the Cross
    Spend time with Jesus as you contemplate the Stations of the Cross, situated in tranquil winding paths in the woods.
  • Surprise Guest Leaders
    You may be visited by our Christian yoga instructor, our clean eating coach, our herbologist, our worship director, our sound bath practitioner - let the sense of surprise bring you delight!
  • Swag Bag
    Welcome gifts that are sure to delight!

Available Packages

Double Occupancy

Hotel-style room with two queen beds in our reserved villa.  Spacious and well-appointed, with TV, wifi, and private en-suite bathroom. 

Single Occupancy

Hotel-style room with two queen beds in our reserved villa.  Spacious and well-appointed, with TV, wifi, and private en-suite bathroom. 


Who’s Going

Your Organizer

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We provide small-group, luxury multi-day wellness tours all over the world - a perfect blend of authentic exploration and lasting rejuvenation. Our Core Values are Delight, Discover, Rejuvenate. As our guest, you will re-ignite your delight in your own life journey, discover new wellness practices culturally-specific to the destination, and return fully rejuvenated, with newfound strength, joy, and curiosity for the “everyday”.


Such a great experience! Enjoyed the beautiful location and the peaceful way of just being with other women and praying for each other.
By Melissa H for Delight in God's Creation on Apr 11, 2023