EVOLVE :: A Wellness Pop Up by Meridian and The Experience

      Casa Versalles 113, Juárez, Cuauhtémoc, 06600 Ciudad de México, CDMX

      The Experience Mx
      • Email address verified
      10 reviews
      Apr 12, 2023
      Group size: 1 - 39
      EVOLVE :: A Wellness Pop Up by Meridian and The Experience
      Casa Versalles 113, Juárez, Cuauhtémoc, 06600 Ciudad de México, CDMX

      The Experience Mx
      • Email address verified
      10 reviews

      Apr 12, 2023
      Group size: 1 - 39

      About this trip

      EVOLVE es la primera de una serie de experiencias de bienestar que te cargarán de energía, te harán más fuerte física y mentalmente y sobre todo harán que salgas de tu zona de confort para que puedas tomar la decisión de EVOLUCIONAR. 

      Tendremos un entrenamiento híbrido combinando indoor cycling, funcional y sound bath. 


      EVOLVE is the first edition of a series of wellness experiences that will recharge you, help you grow stronger, get you out of your comfort zone so you can take that next step into your personal evolution. 

      We will have a hybrid concept that combines indoor cycling, functional training and sound bath. 

      What’s included

      • EVOLVE General Admission
        Access to all the classes/activities: Indoor Cycling, Functional & Soundbath
      • Goodie Bag
        Filled with goodies from our amazing sponsors!
      • Hydration...
        & Post Workout Shake

      Available Packages

      2nd Phase Tickets
      1,450 MXN


      Wellness Pop Up

      OPENING CIRCLE // 9:00AM



      WORKOUT PHASE 1 // 10:00AM

      GROUP 1: CYCLING (40MIN)- Mariana Salazar y Diego Robledo

      GROUP 2: FITNESS (40MIN) - Coach Pomar y Ana Ransanz

      HYDRATION BREAK // 10:40AM

      WORKOUT PHASE 2 // 10:50AM

      GROUP 1: CYCLING (40MIN)- Mariana Salazar y Diego Robledo

      GROUP 2: FITNESS (40MIN) - Coach Pomar y Ana Ransanz

      COOL DOWN & POST WORKOUT SHAKE // 11:30AM -12:00PM


      SOUND HEALING // 12:00PM -13:00PM


      Your Organizer

      The Experience Mx
      10 reviews
      The Experience is a fitness getaway that holds one clear intention: create safe spaces where people can reconnect with their soul and find their community. Our three main pillars: movement, connection and collaboration.


      The trip was absolutely incredible - logistically, extremely impressed with the entire production and organization, including the hotel/property and attention to every detail.
      By Rafaela D for The Experience 2023 on Jan 05, 2024
      It was an amazing week, everything there was just perfect - food, accommodations, people, coaches, location, etc. If you haven't gone before, you need to do it at least once in life, it's really worth it. Came back with a lot of new things learnt, new friends all over the world, new movements to teach on the bike, exhausted but grateful and really happy. There were a couple of things I didn't like much, but I think is just a matter of improving organization by the staff: classes never started on schedule, we were always late for at least 10min, there was one that started late for about 25min, I don't mind being late but it really annoys when you are on time, to pay for the ones that are not, hence this made all day schedule to change. Another thing I didn't like was that I never got a front row, even we were told that everyone was having a front row spot at least once; well that was not my case at all, 2nd row was my closest, and not to mention we always saw same people riding in front row, so again, logistics/organization here was not great. Last but not least, be prepared to climb around 100 steps to get to you room, not kidding, it's a huge hotel in between the woods, so every room is separated from each other, this is amazing and has a great view to get to your room, but be prepared to hike every time you pretend to head up. This things are just heads up for both, staff and new people willing to come, this are the "behind the scenes" no one told me before booking; I'd still highly encourage everyone to attend, but keep in mind those tiny things mentioned before. Overall, this is actually THE EXPERIENCE, I mean, every second of it, kept surprising me, I felt every single emotion I could, met tons of amazing people around the world, met new international coaches, learnt from them and also from myself, grew in a personal and professional way; seriously, no doubt this was one of the best weeks of my life! Thanks to everyone to made this happen, this was just magic, felt like I was literally in a whole different world.
      By ERIKA S for The Experience 2023 on Dec 28, 2023
      Wow, just wow. From start to finish the planning and execution of The Experience exceeded my expectations. The hotel/venue was beautiful, the staff was incredible, the spa was excellent, and the food was plentiful, healthy, and delicious. Amazing coaches, classes, people, and new friends. I went in without knowing anyone and came out with many new connections & friendships! As a rider, not an instructor myself, I was initially intimidated, but this quickly faded away. And, the live music and cacao ceremony on the final night was an incredible surprise. I do wish they posted the guest coaches in advance of booking, but this didn't sway my experience. Would 100% recommend it and hope to go again in the future <3
      By Keri P for The Experience 2023 on Dec 28, 2023
      Amazing pop-up fitness experience from start to finish. Every detail was really well curated & on time with world class trainers in a BEAUTIFUL venue. I also really appreciated all the special touches that made this event feel free special like the goodie bags, time for connection, and surprise chelas & oysters at the end. Can't wait to go again.
      By Keri P for EVOLVE :: A Wellness Pop Up by Meridian and The Experience on Mar 20, 2023
      Amazing. Life changing. The organization, food, and accomodation was awesome. Thank you for this wonderful week!
      By Sofía M for The Experience 2022 on Dec 26, 2022
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