Hormone Yoga Therapy - Mindfulness & Balance ERICEIRA (2-day Workshop)

Ericeira, Portugal

Luciana Moraes
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Oct 28 - 29, 2019
Group size: 8 - 10
Hormone Yoga Therapy - Mindfulness & Balance ERICEIRA (2-day Workshop)
Ericeira, Portugal

Luciana Moraes
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Oct 28 - 29, 2019
Group size: 8 - 10

About this trip

WORKSHOP ** to see in ENGLISH go down the page.



 Equilibre as suas hormonas e melhore sua qualidade de vida com técnicas transformadoras!   

As suas hormonas têm-na deixado com dores de cabeça, mau humor e insónias? 

Sofre com Desequilíbrio emocional?

Menopausa precoce?

Sintomas clássicos da Menopausa?

Tireoidite de Hashimoto e TPM?

Tem dificuldades para engravidar? 

Se respondeu sim às questões acima, este workshop é para si!

Junte-se a nós nesta rejuvenescedora experiência!  


HYT é uma técnica holística que combina “asanas” (posturas de yoga) realizadas em modo dinâmico com técnicas energéticas tibetanas para rapidamente reativar a ação das glândulas - hipófise, ovários, tiroide e glândulas suprarrenais, permitindo a retoma da produção hormonal.

Mindfulness/Centramento - atenção plena. "Prestar atenção de uma determinada forma, no propósito, no momento presente, e sem julgamento" Jon Kabat-Zinn. 

"É no momento presente que você constrói o passado e o futuro", Victoria Triep

Através de uma técnica de respiração vamos equilibrar nosso sistema nervoso simpático e parassimpático.

É uma técnica alternativa natural e saudável às terapias de reposição hormonal. 




Porque o HYT afeta positiva e fortemente aqueles que estão na menopausa, eliminando a maioria desses sintomas, recuperando o bem-estar através da restauração do equilíbrio hormonal e emocional.

É uma oportunidade única para aumentar sua qualidade de vida, como Victoria Triep confirma:

“Combino algumas das técnicas que aprendi e experimentei ao longo dos anos para dar a conhecer um guia prático e eficaz”

“A regularidade da prática é diretamente proporcional aos resultados, como em qualquer caso, inclusive de reposição hormonal, e alcança resultados relevantes que podem ser monitorados através dos exames dos níveis hormonais específicos.” 

A pratica de Yoga Terapia Hormonal é recomendada para qualquer pessoa com disfunção hormonal ou desequilíbrio hormonal nomeadamente, TPM, pré-menopausa e menopausa, infertilidade, hipotireoidismo, Tireoidite de Hashimoto e ovários policísticos. Recomendado para mulheres acima de 35 anos.




Victoria Triep, professora certificada de Yoga Terapia Hormonal e Hatha Yoga (TTC 200hs) por Yoga Vidya em Bad Meinberg o maior Ashram Europeu de Yoga Vedanta Tantra na tradição de Swami Sivananda, tendo cursado vários cursos relacionados tais como: cura energética, técnicas de meditação, práticas de medicina ayurvédica, sucesso e cura pelo Poder Feminino. Vive atualmente na Alemanha e virá a Portugal exclusivamente para este workshop.

Mais informações sobre a Victoria:  https://www.findingthebliss.com/yoga-retreats-with-victoria-triep/


" Victoria is a wonderful trainer. She knows how to push you to achieve more and you don't even feel stressed out. She is passionate about Yoga and her Harmon yoga classes is the best gift you can give yourself and celebrate your womanhood"... about her classes, "they were really wonderful and refreshing"

_Dhanashree Mahajani

"I was in Victoria´s yoga class for over a year. She is very calm, attentive, friendly, encouraging and patient. Her classes are funned relaxing. She adopts breathing exercises, helps correct the pose and introduces wonderful yoga music to accompany exercises or the meditation. After her yoga class in the morning I always felt energised and relaxed at the same time"

_ Peirong Xia


A participação de adolescentes com desequilíbrio hormonal deve ser feita apenas em casos críticos de TPM e por tempo determinado. 

YTH não é recomendada para mulheres que tenham (ou tenham tido):

Qualquer forma de cancro relacionado com hormonas (mama, cervical, útero), mesmo depois de mastectomia. 

Endometriose avançada

Osteoporose avançada

Diagnóstico psiquiátrico

Dores abdominais não diagnosticadas


28 de Outubro - Segunda-feira

12:00 -  14:00 Início/ Apresentação

Centramento e pranayama para equilíbrio

Teoria - sistema endócrino

Introdução as Técnicas básicas - Pranayama, Bandas e Circulação energética

14:00  Pausa almoço

15:00  Centramento + Pranayama

Teoria: Corpos físico, mental/emocional e energético - correspondência com o sistema endócrino- Funções hormonais, causas, efeitos e soluções

16:00 - 18:00   Prática: Pranayama + Sequência inicial 

 Sequência base

 Relaxamento e yoga Nidra

18:00  Comentários e encerramento do primeiro dia

29 de Outubro - Terça-feira

10:30 -11:30 Centramento;  Dúvidas

11:30 - 13:30 Pranayama + Sequência inicial

Sequência base

Relaxamento + Yoga Nidra

Pausa Almoço

15:00 Centramento, Hábitos e Alimentação


Prática completa

17:30 Relaxamento e yoga Nidra



Positive Nomad Studio - Lagoa, Ericeira


Procure alternativas aqui, ou contacte-nos


*Inscreva uma amiga e receba 20% de desconto – 120€

Não perca esta oportunidade de encontrar harmonia e equilíbrio.




 2 days with Victoria Triep

Balance you hormones and improve your quality of life with these transformative techniques. 

Have your hormones left you with headaches, moodiness and sleeplessness?

Do you suffer from emotional imbalance?

Early menopause?

Classic Menopause Symptoms?

Hashimoto's thyroiditis and PMS?

Have trouble getting pregnant?

If you answered yes to the questions above, this workshop is for you!

Join us in Portugal for two days in idyllic Sintra, for this truly revitalising and liberating HORMONE YOGA THERAPY MINDFULNESS & BALANCE WORKSHOP.



Victoria Triep, certified HYT teacher and Hatha Yoga (TTC- 200hs) by Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg - Europe´s leading Yoga Vedanta Tantra Ashram in the tradition of Swami Sivananda,  having also attended many related courses such as: energy healing, meditation techniques, Ayurvedic medicine practices, success and healing by Feminine Power. She presently lives in Germany and will be in Portugal exclusively for this workshop. 


More about Victoria: https://www.findingthebliss.com/yoga-retreats-with-victoria-triep/



" Victoria is a wonderful trainer. She knows how to push you to achieve more and you don't even feel stressed out. She is passionate about Yoga and her Harmon yoga classes is the best gift you can give yourself and celebrate your womanhood"... about her classes, "they were really wonderful and refreshing"

_Dhanashree Mahajani

"I was in Victoria´s yoga class for over a year. She is very calm, attentive, friendly, encouraging and patient. Her classes are funned relaxing. She adopts breathing exercises, helps correct the pose and introduces wonderful yoga music to accompany exercises or the meditation. After her yoga class in the morning I always felt energised and relaxed at the same time"

_ Peirong Xia


HYT is a holistic and rejuvenating technique that reactivates the production of female hormones through dynamic exercises combined with Tibetan energetic techniques to quickly reactivate the action of the pituitary glands, ovaries, thyroid and adrenal glands, allowing the hormone production to resume.

Mindfulness & balance - "Paying attention in a particular way: in the present moment, on purpose and non-judgmentally" Jon Kabat-Zinn.

"In the present moment you build the past and the future" Victoria Triep.

It is a natural and healthy alternative technique to hormone replacement therapies.


Because HYT affects positively and strongly those who are experiencing menopause, eliminating most of those symptoms, hence, recovering wellbeing through restoring your hormonal balance and your emotional balance.

It is a unique opportunity to increase your quality of life as Victoria Triep confirms:

“Here I combine some of the techniques I have learned and experienced over the years to make known a practical and effective guide.”

“The regularity of practice is directly proportional to results, as in any case, including hormone replacement, and achieves relevant results that can be monitored by examining specific hormone levels.”

The practice of Yoga Hormone Therapy is recommended for anyone with hormonal dysfunction or hormonal imbalance such as PMS, premenopausal and menopause, infertility, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's thyroiditis and polycystic ovaries. Ideal for women over 35 years.



Teens with hormonal imbalance should be done only in critical cases of PMS and for a set time.

Not recommended for women who have (or have had):

All hormone-related cancers (breast, cervical, uterus), even after mastectomy.

Advanced endometriosis.

Advanced Osteoporosis.

Psychiatric diagnosis.

Non diagnosed abdominal pain.

Interested in this energy-boosting experience?


The 2-day workshop will take place at the Positive Nomad Studio, in  Lagoa, Ericeira

 ACCOMMODATION  (Not included in the workshop fee.)

Check accommodation in the surrounding area here, or contact us for help. 


Bring a friend and pay 120€ - 20% Discount.

Grab this unique opportunity to find harmony and balance.

What’s included

  • Day 1 / Dia 1
    Presentation and introduction to basic techniques of Hormone Yoga + Hormone Yoga Practice
  • Day 2 / Dia 2
    2 x Hormone Yoga Practice (morning + afternoon)
  • Reading material
  • Water

What’s not included

  • Meals / Alimentação
    not included / não incluído
  • Accom. / Alojamento
    not included / não incluído
  • Insurance / Seguro
    not included / não incluído
  • Transport / Transporte
    not included / não incluído

Available Packages

1 Participant
2 Participants
3 Participants

Your Organizer

Luciana Moraes
Luciana is the founder of www.findingthebliss.com and www.kross-link.com, both platforms for blissful holidays and retreats. Both projects are fuelled by her passion for travel, yoga, ethical living, self development, writing and sharing experiences and knowledge. Luciana partners with credible professionals in various fields to present unforgettable and transformational experiences.