Rainforest Language Collaborative

      Quito, Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest

      Amazon Journeys with Steve
      • Email address verified
      Duration: 49 days
      Group size: 1 - 2
      Rainforest Language Collaborative
      Quito, Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest

      Amazon Journeys with Steve
      • Email address verified

      Duration: 49 days
      Group size: 1 - 2

      About this trip

      Welcome to The Rainforest Language Collaborative, where we answer the call from our Indigenous friends in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest. They seek to embrace English as an additional language, empowering themselves with direct communication with the wider world, free from reliance on non-Indigenous interpreters. Renowned for their resilience and cooperation, the Achuar people are eager to conquer language barriers, demonstrating their readiness to adapt and learn. As an English educator, you play a pivotal role in fostering their independence. Our immersive 7-week program goes beyond language instruction, fostering cultural exchange, sharing of wisdom, and blending ancient traditions with modern teaching methods. Join us and be part of this transformative journey.


      • Teaching: With a full-time teaching schedule on weekdays, we're seeking certified ESL educators or individuals with teaching or training backgrounds to join our mission.
      • Weekend Excursions: Beyond the classroom, the rainforest is your living textbook. Spend weekends delving deep into the Amazon, guided by local indigenous guides who know it best, and indulge in firsthand learning of cultural traditions and practices that have sustained generations (e.g., plant medicine ceremonies, waterfall ceremonies, dream sharing guayusa, medical rainforest hikes, etc.)
      • Training & Orientation: To ensure you're well-prepared, we've designed robust pre and post-trip training sessions, equipping you with the right tools, techniques, and understanding to make a meaningful impact.
      • Fundraising Support: Recognizing the spirit of community, we offer support for fundraising, ensuring that financial constraints don’t deter passionate educators from this transformative journey.

      Join us at the Rainforest Language Collaborative, where every lesson taught echoes through the dense canopies of the Amazonian rainforest. Come, teach, learn, and co-create a legacy.


       This is a 7-week commitment to teach a specific module. Below are the available 2024 dates:

      Jul 6, 2024

      Aug 10, 2024

      Sep 21, 2024

      Nov 2, 2024

      Application Process

      Given the depth and intensity of this experience, it is important that we learn more about you to see if there is an appropriate match between you and this particular journey. To fill out the application, click here.

      Your Local Guide

      Steve Torneten, Journeys Director 

      Leading transformative journeys in the Amazon has been a profound passion of Steve's ever since he received a calling years ago to journey into the enchanting magic of the Amazon rainforest and connect with our Indigenous brothers and sisters who call it their home. He has cultivated a relationship with these Indigenous communities grounded in principles of respect and reciprocity, and for over 27 years, they have consistently upheld their commitment to this partnership.

      He believes there are few journeys as impactful as the ones we offer. It serves as a transformational experience for our guests, while simultaneously providing a valuable and empowering experience for the indigenous people who generously share their ancient wisdom with the world, contributing to the creation of a new worldview.

      His personal journey has been an adventurous one, spanning from serving 8 years as a helicopter pilot in the Marine Corps to establishing a successful real estate business. This was followed by years of exploration into human consciousness through practices like meditation, yoga, fasting, and, ultimately, letting go of it ALL during my first journey in the Amazon.

      Michelle Turan, PhD, BCBA Rainforest Language Collaborative Director

      Michelle has supported education around the world supporting disadvantaged populations at their request. As a full-time professor in behaviour analysis, Michelle believes that great change is motivated by action and not words. Through her travel experience she has personally explored more remote areas with Indigenous communities and has deeply benefitted from the wisdom they have shared. It is for this reason, Michelle feels deeply committed to supporting the Achuar community in their desire to learn English as an additional language. As an Intercultural Development Inventory administrator, Michelle wishes to also support teachers in their own growth in cultural competencies while in this immersive experience.


       " Teaching English to the children of the Achuar community  was one of the most rewarding and valuable experience of my life.The English program serves as a vital tool to empower these indigenous children. As they learn English, they gain a voice on the global stage. I recall a conversation with one of the children's parents, who expressed a dream for his sons and daughters to speak English confidently. He shared concerns about interpreters not fully conveying their messages".- Luciana Alves- June 2023

      "I loved and fully lived this unique adventure, took a while but I finally manifested my biggest childhood dream.Thank you to Amazon Journeys with Steve for this unique & one in a lifetime experience".  - Magalie Dubois, December 2023.

      " It has been a rich and wonderful experience. It’s good to leave your preconceived notions at home as nothing can adequately prepare you for this jungle journey! The Achuar are wonderful people and living amongst them for the past seven weeks has been the experience of a lifetime.  Being of service to them through teaching English has been an incredible honor for which I am very grateful!  🙏🙏🙏" - Letitia Reason , February 2024.


      We recognize that this is a significant commitment, and we are here to assist you in your decision-making process. If it would be beneficial, we would be delighted to arrange a Zoom call with you to ensure that this journey aligns with your aspirations, our mission, and the indigenous communities we serve. Please click here to access our calendar and schedule a Zoom call. During the call, we will provide a more comprehensive overview of the journey and address any questions you may have.  

      Packing List

      Once you are accepted and have paid your deposit we will send you an email with all the information you need to travel to Ecuador.  

      What’s included

      • Cultural Training
        Participants will receive individualized training on Cultural Competencies that will assist them in navigating any cultural difference when in country.
      • All meals
        Starting with dinner on the first day of your journey and ending with breakfast on the last day of your journey.
      • Transportation
        In-country transportation including taxis, canoe's and planes.
      • Lodging
        Small boutique hotels, and communal lodging while in the rainforest.
      • Equipment
        You will be provided a pair of rubber boots, bedding, mosquito netting and other equipment in the rainforest.
      • Guides
        Experienced Indigenous and Ecuadorian guides for translation
      • Internet
        We will provide access to a Starlink satellite service.

      What’s not included

      • International Flights
        International flights to and from Quito
      • Taxi
        Taxi ride to and from Quito airport to hotel
      • Extra Lodging
        Early arrival or late departure lodging
      • Personal Spending
        Gratuity for your local indigenous guides, shamanic experiences, souvenirs and other personal purchases.
      • Personal Emergencies
        Additional arrangements required due to any emergency or other situation
      • Computer
        You will need to have your own laptop, tablet to connect to the internet.
      • Criminal Record Check
        A Federal and State (or province) criminal record check will be required (within 60 days) that includes a screening for vulnerable populations.

      Available Packages

      Trip Price

      Payment is not required until the application has been approved. 

      Deposit: $750


      Pre Departure (Virtual)
      Language Collaborative

      The teaching collaborative's pre-departure training  is a comprehensive and interactive program. Through virtual sessions on Zoom, you, and your fellow participants will engage with the Institute's leadership to establish a strong foundation for your teaching journey. You will participate in intercultural awareness training, delving into the diverse communities you will be working alongside. The history of these communities will be explored, fostering a deeper appreciation for the cultural context and also to prepare you for the potential as well as the limitations of your role. Moreover, as teachers, you will gain insight into the rich history of the Pachamama Alliance and the Journeys program, as well as the Institute's existing partnerships within the rainforest. Equally important, participants will receive guidance on essential packing and preparation to equip them for a seven-week immersion into the heart of the Amazon. This thorough pre-departure training consists of at least four meetings, ensuring that every teacher embarks on their extraordinary adventure feeling fully prepared and eager to make a meaningful impact.

      Your Organizer

      Amazon Journeys with Steve
      Embark on eco-sustainable adventures with Amazon Journeys with Steve, where our focus in the Ecuadorian & Bolivian Amazon and Andes highlands extends to rich cultural exchanges and deep respect for indigenous communities. Immerse yourself in transformative experiences marked by ancient shamanic ceremonies. Eagerly welcomed, we learn ancient traditions, forging a profound respect rooted in unwavering reverence for Mother Earth. Join us on a sacred dance with nature—a journey beyond exploration.