Online: Remote Dieta, Jan. 11 -21, 2024

AYA Healing Retreats
  • Email address verified
Jan 11 - 21, 2024
Group size: 1 - 16
Online: Remote Dieta, Jan. 11 -21, 2024

AYA Healing Retreats
  • Email address verified

Jan 11 - 21, 2024
Group size: 1 - 16

About this trip

 Online Remote Dieta

The vision of this Online Dieta is to offer students the opportunity to follow a Shipibo Traditional Dieta from the safety of their home supervised by our Shipibo Maestro Don Miguel.

Home Retreat

Shipibo Curandero traditionally used fasting, a diet and seclusion from others to seek guidance from the plant spirits and obtain the vital knowledge needed to heal others.Before students can communicate with plant teachers, they must undergo a rigorous process of mental, physical, and spiritual purification. The Dieta usually accompanied by abstinence from sex, pork, red meat, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and processed food. Abstaining from any substance or activity that might cloud the mind is essential for the plants and trees dieta to promote physical healing and spiritual transformation.Therefore we invite the students to correctly set the container for the dieta and create a safe home retreat for the duration of the dieta. It is possible to continue to work and attend to family matters. However, it is highly recommended to avoid social interactions.

Online Offers:

Day 1: Noya Rao tea preparation

• You will have the unique chance to prepare your tea from the Sacred Noya Rao tree’s barks in the safety of your home. You will be guided by a recorder video to make the Noya Rao extract, and you will receive an indication of how to set up the Dieta at home. You will also receive a few Noya Rao leaves for you to keep.

Day 2: Intention Setting and Opening Ceremony

• The group will meet in Zoom for the first session and the Opening Ceremony. After sharing your intentions on a beautiful ritual, Don Miguel will sing his Icaros to each of the participants. This will sign the official beginning of the Noya Rao Dieta.

Day 3: Fasting

• Fasting is an essential component of the Dieting a Plants and Teacher Trees. Don Miguel will invite the group to fast for 12 or 24 hours after drinking the first cup of Noya Rao extract. After the 12/24 hours fast, the participants will be allowed to eat a simple meal containing no oil or salt, or any of the foods they have committed to abstaining from for the duration of their dieta.

Day 4: Lecture and Noya Rao Icaro’s class

• On a Zoom meeting, you will learn the Shipibo Tradition of the Master Plants and how to work with your pipe by Don Miguel. Don Miguel will also teach the group about the significance of the Noya Rao Icaro that you can use throughout the Mater Plant Dieta. This knowledge will be vital in helping you to access your highest potential and realize deep healing and transformation.

Day 5: Breathwork and Sound Healing Journey

• This will be a beautiful practice where you will be working with a feminine style of breath called Clarity Breathwork. This breath brings to light the power and simplicity of breathing into the body with intention. Bringing more awareness to your breath’s quality can open up more clarity in every aspect of your life. This guided breathwork will be paired with sound healing with various instruments and singing to support the journey. This container will allow you to connect more deeply with yourself, your diet, and Noya Rao.

Day 6: Guided Somatic Meditation and Movement

• This Meditation will help to deepen and expand how to listen to the wisdom of your body. We will explore through seated meditation and movement, the more subtle aspects of your felt sense of experience. By developing more communication with your body, you will be able to handle, identify, and understand your emotions more freely. This practice will introduce how to navigate all emotions and how to move them through the body rather than the mind.

Day 7: Self Healing, Self Resourcing, and Self Love

• This workshop will focus on the importance of learning how to self-nurture through times of difficulty or discomfort. Before, during, and after this dieta there may be things that arise that are uncomfortable. This is very much a part of the process and is a wonderful opportunity for healing. In this workshop, there will be a guided meditation, teachings on various ways to self-resource, journaling prompts, and self-love techniques. You will be deep-diving into identifying what you need and, more specifically, what best supports and nourishes your spirit.

Day 8: Sharing Circle and Singing Circle

• The Sharing Circle is similar to the sharing Circle we hold after the ceremony; it will be an opportunity to speak from our hearts without interruption. During the Singing Circle, we will share the virtual microphone with the Circle. You are also welcome to offer Medicine songs, Icaros, mantras, practice your Noya Rao Icaro or listen and receive from the group.

Day 9: Integration Workshop

• This Zoom workshop is meant to support the group in finding the practices that integrate into everyday life the relationship created with Noya Rao and how to grow strong foundational roots like a tree.

Day 10: Closing Dieta Arkana Ceremony

• After one has fulfilled the terms set out of the Master Plant dieta, a closing ceremony will be conducted by Don Miguel on zoom, which signals the end of the fast and celebrates the students’ dedication and determination. The closing usually takes the form of chanting of a special Arkana, a protective Icaro by Don Miguel sang individually.

Post-Dieta Private Integration Session

Following your Noya Rao Dieta, you will receive one individual support session with our team. These sessions will offer you the opportunity to discuss your Dieta experience and work through tangible solutions to any real-world problems you are facing that prevent you from fully integrating this work. 

What’s included

  • Noya Rao Pipe
    made by Don Miguel
  • Noya Rao Necklace
    made by Don Miguel's family
  • Opening Dieta ceremony
    by Don Miguel on Zoom
  • Online Lectures
    by Don Miguel on Zoom
  • Icaro’s class
  • Group Integration
  • Integration sessions
    1 on 1
  • Breathwork
  • Sound Healing
  • Guided Meditation
  • Dieta recipes guide

Available Packages

Trip Price

Available options

Additional Noya Rao Necklace
Private Ceremony with Don Miguel

You will be able to receive a full private ceremony remotely and listen to the Icaors that Don Miguel will sing to you. 

Preparation call with Adelina

In this 1 hour call with Adelina, you will receive guidance and support in preparation for your Remote Dieta. 

Your Organizer

AYA Healing Retreats
AYA Healing Retreats hosts transformative retreats in the spiritual homeland of the Shipibo people near Iquitos in the Peruvian Amazon. Our work is grounded in the traditions of the indigenous Shipibo people. Our retreats invite participants to let go of limiting beliefs and buried wounding and to experience profound spiritual, emotional and physical transformation.