
      Imprint Tours
      • Email address verified
      101 reviews
      Mar 14 - 24, 2022
      Group size: 10 - 30

      Imprint Tours
      • Email address verified
      101 reviews

      Mar 14 - 24, 2022
      Group size: 10 - 30

      About this trip

      Few places on the globe evoke the mystery and awe that Patagonia provides for the intrepid traveler. The rugged crags and spires of mighty Torres del Paine and Los Glacieres National Parks constitute perhaps the most impressive mountain vistas on earth. Iguazu is arguably the world’s most impressive waterfall. The wild isolated inlets, fjords, and islands of Tiera del Fuego, alpine lakes, penguin and seal colonies, and massive glaciers round out the natural experience. Combine these with the cultural gems and Tango culture of Buenos Aires and one has a recipe for a memorable travel experience. 

      Available Packages

      Double (Deposit Paid)

      For couples.

      Price is per person based on double occupancy.  

      Twin (Deposit Paid)

      For individuals traveling together or a couple desiring twin beds.

      Price is per person based on double occupancy. 

      Single Traveler (Deposit Paid)

      For individuals traveling alone and paying Single Supplement.

      Single Willing to Share (Deposit Paid)

      For the individual who doesn't want to pay the Single Supplement and is willing to share a room with a traveler of the same gender.

      Note - If Imprint is unable to find a traveler willing to share you will be required to pay the single supplement.

      Double (no deposit paid)


      For couples.

      Price is per person based on double occupancy. 

      Single Traveler (no deposit paid)

       For individuals traveling alone and paying Single Supplement. 


      Available options

      Pre-Tour Iguazu Ext: Double/Twin
      Pre-Tour Iguazu Ext: Single Traveler
      Pre-Tour Iguazu Ext: Single Share

      Your Organizer

      Imprint Tours
      101 reviews
      We at Imprint Tours believe travel broadens horizons, introduces new ways to see the world, equips us with a new frame of reference for evaluating our own society, breaks down prejudice, and promotes global understanding. Therefore, we endeavor to “Travel with Intent”: an intention to take a reflective, introspective approach; connect with the cultures we visit; and balance the enjoyment of discovery with responsible travel. We want our “imprint” on the planet to be light and our “imprint” on the local culture to be positive.


      We really enjoyed this trip. Japan is beautiful with lush green rolling hills. The people are fantastic. They are polite and helpful at every turn and they enjoy the American tourists attempts to butcher their language. Our tour guide, Lulu, was absolutely exceptional. She was a bright spot on the days when we were feeling a bit fatigued. Even with the ample free time the trip felt somewhat fast paced. Accommodations were in-line with expectations of Japan and their tight spaces. We were glad we took the trip and enjoyed every aspect of it, including the earthquake.
      By Jerry G for Japan on Jun 24, 2024
      It was the trip of a lifetime! We especially loved our tour guide, Lulu, who went above and beyond for everyone! We felt like we got to experience everything and had such an amazing time.
      By Julie I for Japan on Jun 23, 2024
      This was a fantastic trip!! Lulu was one of the nicest, most positive guides we have ever had on a trip - and we've taken quite a few tours over the past ten years! We appreciated the choices of hotels as they were always good quality and very convenient to food and transportation throughout the cities we visited. In addition, the stops made were enjoyable, interesting, and informative. I really feel as though this is a great overview of Japan. It also made us want to go back to see more! My only complaint was that Maia would often address the group in a patronizing manner when giving information or instructions. None of us were children and we were all experienced travelers, so that really wasn't necessary. I know she is young and just starting out in this field, but it would be great if she could learn some more positive methods of communication. Overall, however, this was a really wonderful adventure.
      By Elizabeth M for Japan on Jun 21, 2024
      I had a great time and really enjoyed the tour. Lulu our in-country guide is the BEST! She has a personable, engaging, informative, & lovable demeanor. Which makes for a great tour guide! Unfortunately, she is leaving Japan to live in Europe. But sounds like Imprint does a good job at finding their local in-country tour hosts from other travelers who have gone on prior Imprint tours. It's a well-curated Japan 'overview' trip. You go to key cities. Imprint focuses on key castles, shrines & temples. You can add more during your free time if you think you want to visit/see more. The trip also has some fun experiential activities (Zen meditation, sushi making, sweets making). If you can, add a day or two ahead, for more time in Tokyo. Hiroshima is a key, important city to visit, very sobering. If you can, plan something uplifting, meditative, lighter, post visiting the key historical A-bomb sites and museums to help re-establish balance for the day. ~10 to 12 on our tour were able to get tickets for a night baseball game (the Carps) in Hiroshima. If you can get tickets to a baseball game somewhere on the trip - GO! The enthusiasm of the crowd/fans is infectious. Plus good baseball. Make sure you stay for their 7th-inning rituals too! Games are sold out in advance. If you can buy local tickets from boxoffice - best value (general seating section - seats not assigned). Can use Stubhub but will pay a premium for the same general festival seating areas. (still worth it to catch a game). But go early to secure general, open seats, or may be hard to find seats. If you want to experience the traditional Temple lodging (eg tatami-mat style eating & food (vegetarian) and sleeping), public bath and participate (optional) with Buddhist meditation and prayers in a less intimidating manner the Koyosan extension is a great experience. The Koyosan mountain area and the Okuno-in cemetery is incredibly historical/important to Buddhism. As well as one of the most peaceful, and naturally beautiful cemeteries I've ever visited. The trip's hosted meals (i.e., 1st night in each new city, except for Osaka, where Imprint hosts the last night meal) are focused on more common Japanese food, which accommodates a wider range of eaters. At all of the hotels, during breakfast, you can experience other unique Japanese dishes (e.g. noodles, soups, natto, rice, fish, vegetables, Japanese curry, etc.,). You can experiment more with your open meals too. You also have access to Japanese-style eggs, sausages, yogurt, fresh fruit (at most hotels), and breads. If you are a big coffee drinker and tend to get up early, consider packing a single cup, pour-over funnel plus filters. You can bring some initial ground coffee and can get more as you travel. There is always a hot water pot & coffee cups in your room. You can get powder creamer from the lobby. All rooms have small refrigerators too. There is always a convenience store just steps away! Coffee shops (e.g., Starbucks/Tully's & local shops) often open much later (e.g., post 7 am or 8 am). Some hotels have self-serve espresso machines but you may not have access until 7 am, when the breakfast area is open. We learned this travel tip from a fellow traveler & will do this in the future! Travel is eased through the use of a private coach bus for most of the transportation. There is one local train & Shinkansen travel leg (Takayama-Kyoto). Consider having a small overnighter bag & using Japan's inexpensive & very efficient luggage transport if you don't want to worry about managing your luggage for this transport leg. We shipped our spinner bags from our Tokyo hotel, day packed for Takayama and our bags were waiting for us in Kyoto. You will also use some local subway trains/buses for some activities/sites. As well as for your free time ventures. Have great walking shoes - you'll be getting in your steps and walking up/down a fair amount of stairs too (stations and sites). Hotels were well located, usually near key/fun neighborhoods and train/local subway stations. One hotel also had an onsen in the hotel. So the tour group could try without having to be on the Koyosan extension. Rooms are small compared to US standards - but manageable. Imprint usually reserves two twin bed rooms for couples. These rooms are often larger. Use packing cubes to help keep things organized & accessible as you may not be able to unpack your suitcase. You'll love the Toto/Toto-like toilets everywhere! I have never encountered cleaner public bathrooms (in towns and rest stops) with high-end Toto toilets in my life! You may see some squat toilets, but all of our stops had Western-style toilets too. For our trip, a few of the hotels (Kyoto & Hiroshima) have very effective wash & dry (i.e. combined-cycle) machines plus laundry detergent built in. So if you pack for 7 - 8 days, you should be fine. Save up some coins for these stops. Some machines only take 100Y coins (500Y-600Y per wash&dry load). Some may take Suica/Pasmo too. Try to check in advance, machines are often in high demand - with your other tour partners and other hotel guests! (Bring a coin purse or small Ziploc baggie to hold and manage your coinage during the trip!). If Japan is on your travel list, this is a great way to get a solid introduction to a beautiful country. The country is beautiful, incredibly clean - especially for the population/number of tourists, very safe, and the Japanese people are gracious hosts, who take great pride in their country, craftmanship, and service! On our first exposure to the local subway trains (~9 pm) from HND airport to our hotel in Asakusa, locals were quick to help us in the train stations to ensure we were at the right platform and got on the right train. Learn about Japan's history, its culture, and embrace the customs and you will have a great trip! Note if you are a tall person ~5' 10" to 6ft or taller, be prepared to stoop/duck a LOT. I would not let that stop travel but be aware.
      By Karen I for Japan on Jun 20, 2024
      Great trip! The tour guide was incredible, the itinerary was varied and interesting, the food was fantastic and the group was fun.
      By Susan S for Japan on Jun 18, 2024
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