Queer Leadership Summit 2022 🏳️‍🌈

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216 reviews
May 13, 2022
Group size: 1 - 500
Queer Leadership Summit 2022 🏳️‍🌈

  • Email address verified
216 reviews

May 13, 2022
Group size: 1 - 500

About this trip

The 2022 Queer Leadership Summit:

A one-day virtual experience designed to equip LGBTQ+ leaders with tools and knowledge for building a more inclusive, healthier, and sustainable Queer Future.

The Programme.

We're bringing LGBTQ+ leaders together through a dynamic schedule of wellbeing workshops, self-empowerment sessions and inspiring speaker panels. Through shared experience, story-telling and personal discovery, the agenda has been design to inspire and empower; equipping participants with the necessary tools, knowledge and passion they need to collectively create change within their own communities and organisations.


10.00 : Welcome

10.10 : Grounding Exercise

10.20-11.20 : Panel - Be The Change.

with Ben Pechey, Chloë Davies, Eva Echo and Geff Parsons.

Though we stand on the shoulders of giants, the actions we take as Queer Leaders will also inform our legacy. Being the change we want to see in our communities and organisations calls us to draw on the very essence of our values, beliefs, unique expression of our identities, without losing sight of our wellbeing needs. Being the change doesn’t mean being perfect, and being a role model doesn’t have to involve being on ‘that’ list. Understanding that we all have a scope of influence is so important. In this panel we’ll discuss what it means to show up in the fullness of ourselves – how authentic leadership can help sustain our drive for change. 

11.30-12.30 : Workshop - My Voice, My Story.

with Shiva Raichandani and Andrew Seedall

Being a change-agent, improving where we are today to create belonging and inclusivity are no small tasks. On this journey, we are often asked to ‘tell our story’. Storytelling is a transformational tool for activism, it has the power to educate informally and humanise the reality of our lived experience through emotional connection. And in that respect, the stories we choose to tell can bring your purpose to life, or they can sometimes hold us back. In this session, we’ll explore how to find confidence in storytelling and lean into the wisdom of our voice to help us get out of our heads and into our hearts.

12.30-13.00 : Talk and Panel - Navigating The Media.

with Ben Pechey, Yasir Mirza and Chris Kenna.

The media plays an important role in shaping public and political attitudes towards minorities in general. Discourse around LGBTQ+ issues may have evolved, and in some instances, led to constructive change but this has yet to be said for Transgender, Queer and Non-Binary folks who still find themselves at the centre of hate rhetoric and controversy. As Queer Leaders we’re regularly being called to speak out for our community, especially within the organisations we work for, and during Pride season in particular. Our statements and stories are sought after by the press; just as we freely use our social platforms to shed light on the issues we stand for. In this discussion, we’ll explore how to pitch ourselves authentically and navigate the media to have meaningful impact. 

13.00-14.00 : Break

14.00-14.30pm : Mindful Reset - Guided Practice.

with David Kam and Char Bailey

Challenging the status quo is no simple task. And sometimes, our words can fall short. Whether we lack the grounding or the confidence in what we're saying – doubt and fear can prevent us from truly expressing ourselves. Mindfulness is an essential tool for self-expression. It also helps cultivate creativity by growing our experience with self-awareness. In this session, we’ll explore short mindfulness practices to help focus our attention and tune into our own intuitive process. 

14.30pm-15.30pm : Talk -  Queer Resilience and Intra-Community Allyship.

with Eva Echo, Rico Chace, Yaz Senghor and Max Marchewicz.

Pride season offers us a platform to share our history, our journey, our resilience – the unique strengths and qualities that derive from our lived experiences of being queer in a heteronormative world. As leaders within our organisations and communities, we often hold the power and privilege to lead our ERG networks, or our company’s DEI objectives. But when our bias is left unchecked, we can unconsciously become gatekeepers to those us whose intersecting identities create more barriers to representation. In this panel we’ll discuss how to become better allies – who empower and create space for the most marginalised folks within our community to tell their stories.

15.30-16.30pm : Workshop -  Finding Your No: Self-Compassion and Healthy Boundaries. 

with Dr Paul Taylor-Pitt and Tash Thomas

Being a visible Queer Leader during Pride comes with added pressures, responsibility and often hidden personal costs. Authentic Queer Leadership is about challenging the status quo, but it’s also about honouring the energy we invest as change-agents by listening to our bodies and making a conscious effort to look after ourselves. Setting boundaries is an act of radical self-compassion. Studies show that self-compassion helps foster the resilience we need to effectively help and lead others.  

16.30 : Break

16:40-17.40pm : Workshop - Emotional Regulation and Integration.
with Jamie Clements.

Pride gets us to reflect. We're often looking back to look forward. When we’re listening people’s stories and sharing our own, emotions can often come to the surface. We’re also probably going be challenged, and feel frustrated at times… In this session we will experience how breathwork can be used as a tool for self-regulation. Together, we’ll explore a short practice to support us in having better influence over our internal state of being (how we think, feel, behave, and react) – which equips us to face more confidently the complex dynamics of transformation and change.

17.40pm : Final Breakout
17.50pm : Conclusion
18.00pm : Close

Why join?

We're creating a space to welcome, and best reflect, the rich plethora of identities within the Queer Community. A space for new ideas and meaningful conversation; for Queer Leaders to collectively learn and imagine a united vision. You'll get to connect with other LGBTQ+ activists on a global scale and learn from those driving forward change within their organisations and communities. With a focus on representation, this is a space and platform for all to be seen and heard.

Become more informed and intuitive with the decisions you make as a change-maker.

Cultivate more confidence with knowing, connecting with and sharing your own story.

• Discover new self-care tools for managing your own mental health and wellbeing.

Hear new perspectives and feel empowered to lead, help and support others.

• Refresh and recalibrate your core values.

Understand better your actions, thoughts and beliefs as an ally of the entire LGBTQ+ community.

• A safe space to discuss, learn and get curious.

Useful information:

DATE : Friday 13th May

TIME: 09:00 - 18:30 UKT (GMT) 


COST: £100 (Community) - £500 (Corporate)


All sessions delivered by our We Create Space Collective.

Maylis Djikalou (she/her) - Programme Director

Michael Stephens (he/they) - Founder

Char Bailey (she/her) - Facilitator 

Eva Echo (she/they) - Host & Speaker

Dr Paul Taylor-Pitt (he/him) - Facilitator 

Shiva Raichandani (they/them) - Facilitator

David Kam (he/him) - Facilitator 

Andrew Seedall (he/him) - Facilitator 

Chloë Davies (she/her) - Host & Speaker

Yassine Senghor (she/her) - Speaker

Yasir Mirza (he/him) - Speaker

Tash Thomas (she/her) - Facilitator 

Ben Pechey (they/them) - Host & Speaker

Rico Jacob Chace (he/him) - Speaker

Jamie Clements (he/him) - Facilitator

Max Marchewicz they/them) - Speaker

Chris Kenna (he/him) - Speaker

Geff Parsons (he/him) - Speaker


Comfortable clothing for a bit of movement.

Journal / notepad / pen.


Closed caption will be enabled throughout this experience. Please let us know if you have any specific access requirements. Send us an email if you'd like to ask a questions. Email: hello@wecreatespace.co


These sessions will offer a mix of storytelling, disruptive thinking and innovation tools, strategic insights, specialised terminology, and language, along with personal leadership skills, self-inquiry, and holistic/somatic practices. They will be interspersed with key teachings from the realms of coaching, mentoring, consultancy – inside and outside the DEI space.


We offer a safe space to get curious, open up and discuss important topics with others. Naturally it is a completely confidential space, where individuals can openly share their feelings and thoughts with the option of anonymity. 


Your safety is our main priority and need to be clear that we're not offering crisis support. For this reason, we would highly recommend individuals with concerns relating to pre-existing mental health conditions, substance misuse and related disorders to seek alternative and immediate professional help. 

Do we offer subsidies?

We understand that not everyone is in a position to afford this event with everything going on right now. We're offering free spaces to Queer Leaders and Activists who work for a charity / LGBTQ+ non-profit. Please request access via: hello@wecreatespace.co


We're doing our best to make the summit as accessible as possible. Closed captions will be enabled throughout this experience. If you have any questions around accessibility or suggestions you would like to make, please feel free to email us at hello@wecreatespace.co

Will your organisation fund you?

If you are part of a larger organisation, business or LGBTQ+ ERG you may be able to secure internal funding for your entire network to attend these events. We’ve created a separate business case pack for you to use.



Our Sponsors.

Special thanks goes to Pride at JTI who are kindly sponsoring these events. Their contribution will allow for more Queer Leaders from the charity and non-profit sector to attend.

What’s included

  • Workshops
    We've designed an exciting programme; a mix of wellbeing workshops, self-empowerment sessions and inspiring panel discussions. While also allowing time to connect with other global queer leaders.
  • Food and Drink
    We will provide a delicious lunch menu, with loads of freshly sourced produce. Teas and coffee will be provided throughout the event as well as refreshments at the end of the day.
  • Admin Support
    Should you require any help completing the pre-assessment and questionnaire.
  • Additional Support
    We will provide additional support in the form of signposting to relevant services only.
  • Confidentiality
    All participants will be asked to conform to our agreed privacy terms and conditions.

What’s not included

  • Medical Insurance
    Suitable and relevant medical insurance to be provided by participant.

Available Packages

Community Booking

This self-funding community option includes access for one person to the virtual Queer Leadership Summit on Friday May 13th 2022

Corporate Booking

This corporate sponsorship package includes access to the virtual Queer Leadership Summit on Friday May 13th 2022 for your entire LGBTQ+ network.

It also includes the sponsorship of one LGBTQ+ charity or non-profit organisation to gain free access for their employees.




Available options

£10 Donation
£25 Donation
£50 Donation
£100 Donation


WCS Pre-Pride Summit
Friday May 13th Virtual Schedule

(Please note all times are UKT)

10.00 : Welcome

10.10 : Grounding Exercise

10.20-11.20 : Panel - Be The Change.

with Ben Pechey, Chloë Davies, Eva Echo and Geff Parsons.

11.30-12.30 : Workshop - My Voice, My Story.

with Shiva Raichandani and Andrew Seedall

12.30-13.00 : Talk and Panel - Navigating The Media.

with Ben Pechey, Yasir Mirza and Chris Kenna.

13.00-14.00 : Break

14.00-14.30pm : Mindful Reset - Guided Practice.

with David Kam and Char Bailey

14.30pm-15.30pm : Talk -  Resilience and Allyship.

with Eva Echo, Rico Chace, Yaz Senghor and Max Marchewicz

15.30-16.30pm : Workshop - Setting Boundaries. 

with Dr Paul Taylor-Pitt and Tash Thomas

16.30 : Break

16:40-17.40pm : Workshop - Emotional Regulation.
with Jamie Clements.

17.40pm : Final Breakout

17.50pm : Conclusion

18.00pm : Close

Your Organizer

216 reviews
We’re a global collective of Queer Leaders connecting communities with tools, knowledge and support networks for change and growth.


Incredibly welcoming atmosphere, guided with experience. Connections built with intent and longevity. Had an entirely positive impact on my life. Incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to attend.
By Yujx S for Who am i? | 15+16 Apr 2023 | TQ+ on Apr 26, 2023
It felt really special to be in group exploring what Queer Leadership is, given I have only ever been in spaces which centred straight white men as leaders. The speakers were all excellent and each brought a unique perspective with lots of learning in each of the shares. Speakers were also so generous with how personally they shared their own stories and answered your questions. I feel very grateful to have been part of the weekend as it really has had a profound affect on the way I view myself as a queer leader. I'm also learning more now about how I can be anti-racist and a better ally to my queer siblings of colour. Thank you to Maylis and Michael for creating and holding such a powerful space, I feel my queer inspiration battery is full (!) and I am committed to keep learning and what Queer Leadership means.
By Louise B for Who am i? | 25+26 March 2023 | LBTQ on Apr 17, 2023
It was a lovely group of folks. I don't know if I learned much about myself, but I did learn a lot about how others are thinking about these themes and conversations. I enjoyed myself.
By 🏳‍🌈Leandra S for Who am i? | 25+26 March 2023 | LBTQ on Apr 04, 2023
I had a truly transformative experience. It provide a warm and safe place to consider and explore that I had and hadn’t considered previously. The facilitators were both gracious and generous.
By Calvin S for Who am i? | 18+19 Feb 2023 | GBTQ on Mar 03, 2023
It was an amazing online event with great leaders from WCS (Michael, Maylis) and lot of interesting participants. Insightful retreat with a lot of learnings and also fun. Highly recommended for GBTQ men who want to find out who they are!
By Dirk F for Who am i? | 18+19 Feb 2023 | GBTQ on Mar 01, 2023
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I highly recommend We Create Space! I participated in a 2-day 'Who Am I?' Virtual Queer Leadership Retreat with other Queer leaders and it was truly transformational–I left forever changed. The intentional and purposeful programming by Michael and Maylis was so meaningful and well structured. The biggest draw for me was the community care and networking opportunity of being able to see and hear from other queer folx. This is what has been the hardest for me to find in my own personal journey.
By Luke L on 28 Jul, 2021
The workshop I attended literally created space in both my body and mind for exploration, curiosity and openness. It was wonderfully facilitated, inspired immensely by the speakers' talks and other queer participants sharings. It shifted the way I saw different aspects of my life and opened the room for more discovery. Definitely recommended to all queer people who want to learn more and increase their inner potential!
By Bers G on 09 Jul, 2021
I took part in a weekend Who Am I? retreat and highly recommend it. The group size is intimate so never feels too daunting and you're able to build connections well. Maylis was a fantastic organiser - felt there was great communication from pre-booking right through to afterwards. Michael is a fantastic host, he leads the retreat with from a place of kindness, vulnerability and openness I find really commendable. Whether you're new to self exploration or a seasoned pro - I think this is worth doing.
By Jamie M on 01 Sep, 2020
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