'Roots' is a 6 week online program that enlivens and strengthens your foundation. It is an introduction into the WildCore™ Movement Leadership Path and is designed for anyone ready to feed nourishment to their energetic roots through movement, self-care rituals, art and 1:1 personal support as well as community connection. 'Roots' is a prerequisite to the WildCore Teacher Training.
I chose to name this offering 'Roots' due to my ongoing fascination and study of ecology and how our outer environment can support an inner exploration of our bodies. I believe that by using the power of metaphor, we strengthen our abilities to relate what we see in nature to what we sense in the body. I have found that this stream of imagination and connection supports us in recognizing innate wisdom that wakes us up to a new level of vitality and belonging.
This course will support you in developing a relationship with your own ecology, as well as gain clarity on your main tap root you can resource from. My tap root or main support and inspiration for my life purpose is my devotion to the ancient art of dance and sharing it through WildCore Movement, so people can remember this form of healing, expression and utilize the ongoing vitality that dance/movement naturally generates.
'Roots' is the beginning of a journey. One that leads you to your own wild core and encourages untamed self-discovery, healing and expression. 'Roots' is a prerequisite to the WildCore Leadership Path, specifically designed so you may always feel resourced, supported and aware of your ever evolving inner ecology.
Each week will have a focus that represents one of the roots to our foundation of our Wild Core. Essentially, we are enlivening our 1st Chakra or Muladhara qualities. There are pre-recorded meditations and educational videos that will support our weekly gatherings. Each livestream class will be recorded if the timing does not work in your schedule.
Weekly themes:
*Creating Sacred Space ~enhances your sensitivity to physical space through cleansing rituals and intention setting. This connects us to our extensive root system that is already in place.
*Abundance/Scarcity ~ feeling into your relationship with money, time and worthiness. The shallow roots.
*Building your music library ~learn strategies to collect, organize and develop your relationship to music, movements and your creativity. Your ability to absorb and respond to rhythms.
*Tap Root ~recognizing resistance, resentments, judgements and other shadows that may be dancing alongside you. In this class we will learn how to claim the teaching and clear the pathway to fully receive this resourceful energy of your tap root. Your main anchor.
*Return to Center ~learn about the basic instincts, impulses and primal responses of your body.
Exploring and discussing your recent tendencies and applying techniques to return to your center.
*Integration week ~we will visit any new topics or questions that developed during the course and provide opportunities to embody all that we learned.
Here is the basic outline of what is included in this 6 week course of 'Roots':
Held on Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 pm PST
Begins on February 12th, 2025
*One hour weekly livestream on the topics outlined above. The themes will be taught through movement, meditations and discussions.
*3 ~~~1:1 personal mentoring sessions that are designed specifically for your growth.
*One Shamanic Session with Brietta
*Pre-recorded videos for Art Integration, Journaling, Movement and Education.
*Access to WildCore Movement online Portal, which offers 6 livestream movement classes per month plus recordings.
In its essence, the WildCore journey tends to flush out old beliefs, outdated patterns and asks you to step into a new level of owning your power. Over time our inner wild has been tamed, domesticated and threatened, therefore the journey to reawaken requires guidance.
My passion is to support people in connecting to their inner wild. The pathway to the wild in everyday life is the dance floor, where we tap the inner wellspring of expression that helps release stress, tend to contracted places, and open a doorway to our untamed nature.
Whether you are joining 'Roots' for your personal growth or you are ready to become a leader of your own WildCore Movement class. I am here as a mentor, sister, friend and confidant as you discover new layers of growth and personal evolution. Teaching people how to move their body authentically, sourced from their core requires YOU as the facilitator to know your own core intimately. To understand the self-doubts that will surface, the judgements and criticism we inflict on ourselves are actually rooted in beliefs that were created from traumas, karmic lines and lineages that ultimately have kept us safe (so to speak).
The mentorship sessions combined with the Shamanic Session or sessions if you choose assists you in gaining new insights and clarity of where the beliefs came from, how they may be stored in your body and through these sessions you can claim the teachings, loosen the knots that bind and engage with a new lightness and vision toward your new becoming.
Through self-healing activations such as chakra meditations, guided movement, work with the triangle of disempowerment, energy hygiene tools and more! These sessions will be the enriching nutrients of support your roots will need to grow, strengthen and expand.
This is my fourth round of offering a WildCore™ Movement Teacher Training. Developing 'Roots' from the experiential knowing, the feedback from others and countless hours witnessing the process of women of many different backgrounds step onto the path of being a somatic educator. I am inspired to assist you in creating the strength, resilience, awareness and trust this path requires, as well as guide you to feel the immense amount of resource available to continue to flourish rooted from your wild core.
I would like to offer you an outline of options to stay engaged leading to the first in person module in the Fall. This year I am excited to announce the option of gaining a 200 hr Yoga Certification along side your WildCore Movement Certification if you choose. The Yoga course will be led by Elizabeth Ruff. There will be more information about this offering very soon.
One of the most important pieces to being a leader of movement is to have a lot of experiences of being in a movement class. I would encourage you to stay committed to the WildCore Movement Portal with the monthly fee of $55, so you can continue to expand your movement vocabulary, get familiar with my style and stay on journey.
In June, I will be offering my 'Awaken Your Medicine Woman' online course that spends three weeks with each of the elements of earth, water, fire, air and space. If you have already taken this course you will be welcome to retake it for a small fee with additional mentoring sessions for your own self-healing activations and choreography creations.
The flow of WildCore Teacher Training Certification
"Roots'~6 Week Online introduction, offered February 2025 & late September
Creative Empowerment~ October 27th-November 2nd at Breitenbush Retreat in Oregon
Winter Mentorship~ Online November 2025-5 months
Teacher Training~In person in Sandpoint~ Spring 2026, dates TBA
Elizabeth will be present at both Creative Empowerment and the Spring Teacher Training. She will be sharing her Embodied Anatomy, Tantra and Ayerveda within our in person modules. If you would like to receive your 200 YTT or work towards your 500 YTT. You will have this option with some additional hours of contact online. I am so excited to have this Yoga Certification as an additional add on. There will be more details of what will be offered coming very soon!
"Dance has shaped my body
sharpened my senses and opened the door to my intuition.
How can I thank her." ~Peruvian performer
I have always cherished this quote as it speaks to the heart of my devotion to the dance. There are so many reasons why we are drawn to express ourselves through our body in sync with music and community. Our bodies are wired for this type of connection, healing and relating. It is one of the most ancient forms of story telling, ceremony and healing. When humans had fire and the drum, they danced.
The Portal has monthly themes to deepen your experience both on and off the dance floor and awaken your souls journey.
Everything will be recorded and available within 24 hours from class time.
Weekly Wednesdays 8:30-9:30 am PST
*New Moon Flow~ usually Monday nearest new moon 8:30 am PST
*Full Moon Journey~usually Monday nearest full moon 8:30 am PST
*Pre-recorded library of meditations, 30 min Core workouts, archives
Brietta has been a pioneer of dance in its many forms of healing, prayer, play, and conditioning in small mountain towns for over twenty three years. She carries the lineage of the ancient art of dance within her soul. The combination of Brietta’s devotion to the dance, her nomadic spirit, family roots & passion to support herself and others into an embodied conscious awakening has birthed her own trademarked movement form called WildCore™. Her years of study as a conscious dance leader and mentor for Soul Motion® began to blend with her years as a Nia® Teacher, Massage Therapist, Shamanic student & practitioner, Prana Flow® Yoga teacher, apprentice to mother-nature, energy enthusiast & performer. Her book ‘WildCore: 12 Keys to Unlock Your Untamed Expression’ shares her initiations, discoveries, education, and the wild devotion that birthed her movement form.
Brietta offers her healing artistry to people across the globe, supporting them to access their own wild core and self-healing activations through movement. She owns the Embody Center for the Healing in Sandpoint, Idaho, offers retreats globally, as well as online courses, teacher training, performances, Shamanic Healing and Massage. Brietta loves to inspire self-healing through movement and bodywork.
Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 pm PST livestream and recorded!
Begins February 12th
*One hour weekly livestream on the topics outlined above.
*3 ~~~1:1 personal mentoring sessions that are designed specifically for your growth.
*One Shamanic Session with Brietta
*Pre-recorded videos for Art Integration, Journaling, Movement and Education.
*Access to WildCore Movement online Portal, which offers 6 livestream movement classes per month plus recordings.
Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 pm PST livestream and recorded
Begins February 12th
*One hour weekly livestream on the topics outlined above.
*3 ~~~1:1 personal mentoring sessions that are designed specifically for your growth.
*One Shamanic Session with Brietta
*Pre-recorded videos for Art Integration, Journaling, Movement and Education.
*Access to WildCore Movement online Portal, which offers 6 livestream movement classes per month plus recordings.
If you need extra support within your energetic transformation. I recommend receiving a Shamanic Session no more than once a month, so you have time to integrate. AND your system may be ready to receive more than one session if you discover beliefs, patterns, ancestral lineage threads that are holding you back or derailing your growth.
You are receiving my discount price available to 'Roots' participants only.
Learning techniques to create sacred space.
Intention setting
Cleansing Rituals