Sacred Center LIVE

Sarasota, FL, USA

1 review
May 18 - 21, 2023
Group size: 8 - 12
Sacred Center LIVE
Sarasota, FL, USA

1 review

May 18 - 21, 2023
Group size: 8 - 12

About this trip

Reclaim the potency of your pelvic bowl and activate the energy of the feminine contained within your "Sacred Center."

This four day, three night retreat has been intentionally curated for you to remember and honor your Sacred Center: your pelvic bowl and all it contains: muscles, blood, energetics of root/sacral chakras, and the feminine energetics of intuition, receptivity, creativity, and sensuality; as celebrated parts of your femininity. 

As women in this modern age, we are influenced by social media and a hypermasculine framework in our careers and personal lives. It can become all too easy to fall victim to the outdated structures of always doing, producing, and achieving to receive accolades, promotions, and praise. 

On the opposite end of this spectrum, some of us may settle into a role of an unbalanced feminine energy: constantly nurturing others, martyrs, performing to please (fawning), never vocalizing desires or needs, to be seen and not heard. 

Neither of these are a sustainable way to live. 

You deserve more and better than this dear one and with the assistance of some amazing women on retreat with you; you will learn how to balance your masculine and feminine energies and live a truly balanced life when you acknowledge, honor, and come home to one of the most ignored and the most vital part of your expression as a woman: your Sacred Center.

With discussions about unique aspects of the feminine, including talks by four guest speakers on the pelvic floor, oriental medicine, erotic dance, and goddess storytelling, breath-work and movement practices, kundalini inspired yoga, meditation, free-writing, nature walks, sound bath, and more; you will integrate the abandoned parts of your womanhood for a balanced, sensual, joyful and replenished life. 

You will be guided back home to the most essential and feminine parts of your pelvic bowl, womb, heart, mind, and spirit and you will thrive in the splendor you radiate simply by living and moving as a woman embodying her Sacred Center.  

What is "Sacred Center"?

I’m so glad you asked. ​

Sacred: from Latin "sacer" meaning holy, also, connected with God (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose, thus deserving great respect.

Center: from Greek "kentron" stationary point of a pair of compasses'" The most important place in the respect specified.

​So there you have it; your "Sacred Center" is quite simply put, the most important part of your body deserving divine respect.

Need more proof? 

Did you know that the tip of your sacrum is a part of your pelvic floor and that the ancient Romans called the sacrum os sacrum meaning "holy bone" and the ancient Greeks called it hieron osteon meaning "temple or sacred place"?

Your pelvic bowl (and all of your lady bits therein) is a place to be revered, respected, heck, even worshiped (as in some Tantric traditions). 

Yet too often in modern and patriarchal driven cultures, we are taught to cover up, ignore and be ashamed of the very thing that makes us uniquely able to create and live a fulfilling life.

Quite frankly, this is bonkers and no way for a goddess sister queen such as yourself to live your one gorgeously unique and wonderful life.

Can I get an amen?!

Scratch that.

Can I get an ah-woman?!

You know enough. 

You are enough.

Sometimes we need a reminder of that truth. 

Consider this it. 

Like a wilderness guide with a map and a lantern; I will walk beside you as you pave your own path back home to this knowing; back home to you, back home to your Sacred Center.

Are you ready to walk with me?

Intake Form

Please fill out this quick intake form before checkout

This retreat is for you if:

  • You have been/or have bouts of feeling stuck, stagnant, depleted, drained, and/or resentful in your personal and/or professional relationships

  • You are in a caregiving position (teacher, healthcare, full time mom, etc.) and make time for everyone else with your needs last on the list.... if ever.

  • You feel like there's something missing in your life or like there could be more but you don't know what "it" is.

  • You have moments of  or are constantly doubting yourself: worth, strength, enough-ness.

  • You yearn for a deeper connection with your partner or you tend to seek love and validation from others.

  • You are curious about your pelvic floor muscles and womb organs and how to work with your body and its cycles, not against them 

  • You used to be creative (or want to be) and find your inspiration lacking luster

  • You desire to feel radiant, sexy, sassy and embody your beauty 

  • You want to increase your energy levels and connection with yourself, and those in your personal/professional circle for a meaningful and impactful life.

  • You are seeking an “intentional get-away” and desire to be in communion with other women, nature, Spirit (whatever or whomever that means to you) and most importantly yourself

  • You are ready to put the “work” in and wish to show up fully for yourself and for the women who join you on this journey of discovery and remembrance of the divine feminine.

  • You are a female identified woman with female reproductive organs.

What you can expect from this retreat

  • Empowerment and agency from understanding the unique anatomy of your pelvic floor muscles and pelvic organs and how they play an integral role of support as a part of your deepest core and as a part of you. 

  • Respect, honor and love for your body (and yourself) as you navigate your soft tissue through self myofascial release using Rad Roller massage balls

  • Release tension and restore vitality, sensuality, trust and prana (energy flow) through self massage and partner stretching

  • Heightened power, presence and pizazz with Kundalini inspired movements and pranayama (breath -work) 

  • Deep connection to Spirit, Source, Creator, God. Whatever you call that "thing" that is bigger than you, you will find deeper connection to "it", yourself and all of your interpersonal relationships as you appreciate and find connection to your womb, muscles of your pelvic floor, and energetics of the organs in your womb (even if you have had one or all of your pelvic organs removed, the energetic potential remains and you can access it with guided breath, meditation, and movement)

  • Understanding of your root, sacral and solar plexus chakra energetic centers and how to harness and hone their elemental qualities to feel supported, fluid and empowered during times of difficulty/stress.

  • Manifestation of creative dream seeds through meditation, crystal bowl sound bath and journal practices

  • Re-ignition and remembrance of your sensuality and sexuality through education of vaginal self massage (to be done in the privacy of your own room/home), erotic floor dance, sensually eating meals, and self touch/massage

  • Appreciation of your menstrual cycles as you understand how to work with the phases of your cycle to optimize energy and your creations.(*note: even if you are no longer menstruating, as a woman, you still energetically shift with the seasons and the moon so this work will be relevant for you.)

  • A full embrace of your beauty and wholeness as you witness (and are witnessed) the beauty and wholeness of the women who share sacred space and time with you on this retreat with an eye gazing practice and beauty walk

  • Attraction of the people, situations and relationships that are in your highest and best good by gaining clarity of what does and doesn’t light you up with journaling, meditation, and sharing circles.

  • Receiving of the healing, grounding and intuitive energy of mother Earth with sensually inspired nature walks

This retreat is NOT for you if

  • You are coping with a deeply seated trauma and need professional assistance. Sharing circles will be a time to reflect on the retreat and your personal experience with mutual respect of each other’s time and experience. No advice giving/fixing/comparing. 

  • You are a lone wolf. I get it, I am too sometimes and while there will be scheduled time for alone time, you will be expected to show up for all sessions, and share/listen with compassion for your fellow woman on retreat with you.

  • You cannot or will not get on/off the floor, move your body in yoga, nature walks, and erotic dance *modifications and props will be provided to offer reasonable assistance to anyone who requires it*

  • You are offended by and will not participate in talk of vaginas, vulvas, menstrual cycles, sex, and Hindu goddesses.

  • You do not identify as a woman with female genitalia.

Your Accommodations

You will be staying at the beautiful and centrally located Hotel Indigo in downtown Sarasota, FL.  

This boutique hotel is located in the heart of the Rosemary district and is steps from the new Bay Park Conservancy with 53 acres of amenities featuring kayak tours, mangrove walks, sunset deck, food court, live music and more. 

24 hour room service

H2O restaurant and bar

Fitness center

Hot tub/Soaking pool

Outdoor fire pit


All meals will be provided for with the exception of one lunch and one dinner on your own.

*please note if you require a vegetarian or vegan options or if you have any food allergies/sensitivities in participant info*

For the lunch and dinner on your own; you will be provided with information to all of the local spots and are welcome to dine in the h2o bistro on site. 

Take this free time to explore the sights of Sarasota with a new friend or go on a solo adventure!

Cancellation Policy

*deposits are non-refundable*

Cancellations made at least 45 days before the retreat will be fully refunded.  NO deposit refunds.

Cancellations made less than 45 days in advance will NOT be refunded.  NO deposit refunds.

Packing List

- yoga mat (there will be a few to borrow if needed)

- comfortable clothes to sit and practice movement in each day(think yoga leggings or similar)

- long sleeve shirt/long pants for erotic floor dance

- flowy pants/dress/skirt for our closing ceremony

- journal

- pen

- water canteen (complimentary hydration station at the hotel)

What’s included

  • Accomodations
    8 king suites, 2 double queen suites
  • Shuttle service
    To/from SRQ international airport
  • Meals
    hot breakfast buffet all days, 1 lunch and 2 dinners
  • Workshops
    lectures, movement, breathwork, journaling, dancing, mala bracelet crafting, soundbath. Each workshop will be at least one hour in duration
  • Nature Walk
    1 hour walk to the brand new Bay Park in downtown Sarasota.

What’s not included

  • Airfare
    Please check flights in/out of SRQ to receive the free shuttle service
  • Transportation
    Shuttle service is limited. If you need to travel further than 3 miles, please make appropriate reservations
  • Alcoholic beverages
    While drinking is not prohibited, it will also not be provided. If you do indulge, please do so consciously aware of early workshop attendance the following morning
  • One lunch and one dinner
    Enjoy exploring what Sarasota has to offer! Or enjoy eating on your own in the comfort of your room for a mini break away from the group. This is also a great time for a solo excursion or rest

Available Packages

Double Occupancy Queen Room

This is for the babe on a budget who is bringing a friend or is ready to make a new one! Enjoy a spacious room with 2 queen beds fit for two queens. Enjoy all of the amenities of a single room: wifi, 24 hour room service, and concierge

*Let us know if you are bringing a friend or need a roommate assigned to you at check out*

Deposit: $333
Single Occupancy King Room

This is for the Queen who desires an expansive retreat in every sense of the word. Relax in the lap of luxury you deserve with a spacious king bed all to yourself, 24 hour room service, concierge services,  and wifi. 

Deposit: $499

Available options


Goddess Gathering (Thu)
Meet and Greet & Wine and Dine


*times and topics are subject to change*

This weekend will be a deep and perhaps heavy dive into the waters of your feminine energetics. So we'll kick it off with something light to meet one another and ease into our sacred time together. 

Meet in the conference room of the Hotel Indigo and receive your name tag, swag bag, and itinerary for the retreat.

Set your intentions and clear your space, heart, and mind for a full and rejuvenating weekend.

Tapas style dinner will be provided.

Finish your first night with ice breaker questions/games to build rapport with the women on retreat with you. 

Your Organizer

Jessica LaFalce of Mvmt Therapy LLC
1 review
Jessica is a devotee of the studies of any and all things woman & passionate about guiding women home to their feminine wisdom, intuition, creativity, joy and love with education and embodiment practices of the pelvic bowl. Her ethos is that what you understand you respect, what you respect you honor, and what you honor you love. And with that kind of love you can be the most authentic and radiant version of yourself; fully present and fulfilled as a woman on this Earth. Jessica LaFalce PTA, E-RYT 200, RYT 500, YACEP, Primal Vinyasa™


Was such an amazing time. The collective and sacred space of women and powerful feminine energy healed my soul during this time. Jess really created such a beautiful safe space for us to be women and I cherished every second of it! -AS
By Alexis S for Sacred Center LIVE on May 30, 2023
What a sweet and heartfelt testimony! Thank you Alexis for being a part of this retreat and sharing your beauty, vulnerability and powerful/easeful presence. The container would not have been the same without you in it and I'm SO glad you decided to join us! -Jess