Soulful Rechage Yoga Retreat from Women

San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

42 reviews
Feb 2 - 9, 2025
Group size: 1 - 20
Soulful Rechage Yoga Retreat from Women
San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

42 reviews

Feb 2 - 9, 2025
Group size: 1 - 20

About this trip

The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.

- Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Running with the Wolves

Hello and warmest welcome here ❤️

Yay for considering a most delicious nourishing retreat for yourself!

I have been hosting a week-long retreat each winter, usually in February, for almost 10 years. It’s a great time to get warm, create some extra space for slowing down in winter time. In the astrological calendar, end of March is the New Year, when Spring comes, and winter time is a time for rest, replenishment, emptying out, beginning again with a fresh new start.  I feel so fortunate to continue to co-create these experiences of profound connection and renewal that emerges through this sacred, sweet, spacious time. I’m thrilled you’re considering this for yourself.

A glimpse of my retreat pillars, the guideposts of the retreat, and what you can expect:

  • Experience wild + rugged BEAUTY that is southwest Nicaragua. Nicaragua on the whole is still very beautifully undeveloped, rich in biodiversity, and is home to some of the kindest people. The earth hums with vitality and raw beauty. 
  • Reconnect to your body and a healthy RHYTHM. Start the day with morning silence (often a favorite time of day). We practice meditation at 7am, and from there move into a daily morning movement practice at 7:30am, with nourishing breakfast to follow. Late morning, head out for a surf, swim, chill time or adventure tour. Return back to the group for late afternoon practice or workshop, intentional communal dinners, and deep rest. (The whole day may sound a bit early, but when the sun sets at 6pm, you easily settle into a rhythm waking at dawn, sleeping at dusk.)
  • Experience the wild BEAUTY that is YOU. Just by creating the time and space to be in wild nature, with time and space to unwind, and practices to reconnect all of us back to our essence, who we are outside of all of our roles and identities… the layers of busyness, figuring out, having to be someone.. fall away. We come a little closer to remembering childlike wonder, curiosity, and to the unencumbered, free souls we are! We create the space to unwind and listen to the whispers of your body and heart. 
  • Self-honoring as you adventure. Permission to be in the practice of connecting with your body and your intuition and honoring yourself, at all levels. Choose your adventure day to day, plenty of free time, and within the structure of retreat. 
  • Nourishing, powerful, playful and restorative movement.
  • Morning Yoga Practice: The morning yoga practices offered will support all levels of practitioners. This is retreat is a soulful experience that seeks to deeply meet you where you are at in your body. Classes will alternate with all-levels yoga flow. On the alternating days, we will offer mindful strength and a slow foundations flow. We recommend using the retreat as inspiration to practice yoga at least twice a week leading up to this time.
  • Afternoon practice: Yoga labs, dance and restorative yoga will be offered in the afternoon! Both are blissful practices, and an opportunity to shake it, set your soul free and dance! As well as alternating days to really rest and soak in restoration.
  • Receive. Receive support and nourishment — from nature, from community, from yoga practice and us as your guides for the week. We create the space with enough structure and support so you can simply learn and experience. To truly allow ourselves to receive is such an important part of rejuvenating our feminine energy, vitality and creativity, and has been one of the ultimate teachings for me. 
  • Radical love! To be held in radical love, warmth and kindness. The space we seek to provide on retreats is one where you can trust that you will feel welcome and celebrated exactly as you are. The 
  • Beautiful community. To experience the kindness and support of community. While you will have plenty of your own time and space to do as you wish.. we share yoga, meals, and any other moments you choose together. The energy of feeling connected and seeing so much beauty around us — ultimately helps us remember ourselves and all we are.
  • Soulful home away from home. 


  • Yoga + buddhist philosophy, and somatic experiencing. A holistic approach to sharing the philosophy, science and spiritual aspects the practice.
  • Wholeness and healing. At the core of yoga philosophy is teaching that we are whole, perfect and complete, right now. Nothing we can “do” will change or improve upon that, it already is. At the same time, we are all healing. We live among so many societal, cultural, and often familial structures that don’t support our thriving. Sometimes we’ve undergone a great loss, or are in the midst of a big life transition. Wherever you are on the journey, you’re welcome.
  • Cultivating the resource of wellbeing. Cultivating wellbeing is a foundational nervous system practice that is a big part of the healing and thriving journey. Noticing beauty, noticing small shifts in our perspective, and allowing ourselves to feel the satisfaction of a nourishing day, a yoga class we did our best in, or whatever we’re up to. So often we’re moving to fast to register how we’re really doing, and on retreat we practice taking in goodness.

We have lead about 15 retreats over the past 6 years, and every single time I arrive I am thank myself over and over again for carving out time and space for what really feels like a sacred ritual of taking a week each year to dedicate to daily practice, rest, room for spontaneous adventure, deeply nourishing food, movement, and of course beautiful community. If this retreat calls to you, I know you will find many gems here that serve you! 


- Costa Dulce is a sanctuary nestled on the southern coast of Nicaragua, offering a unique blend of tranquility, adventure, and community. Here, the gentle whispers of the jungle and the soothing rhythm of the waves invite you to a journey of self-discovery and connection. Whether you’re drawn by the allure of the surf, the tranquility of yoga, or the promise of wellness, Costa Dulce is your gateway to an unforgettable experience. Alongside being an incredibly beautiful eco-resort, there are opportunities to participate in cultural experiences like Cacao rituals, salsa classes, temezcal ceremonies. Learn more about Costa Dulce here:

- Meals: Enjoy healthy fresh, organic, plant-based and gluten-free meals at Costa Dulce. Our food has consistently been one of our favorite features for guests, where most find our farm-to-table kitchen to be a highlight of their trip. La Dulce Cocina takes pride in serving you healthy and delicious local food. We pay extra attention to selecting locally grown fresh ingredients so our menu changes with the seasons.

We consider food to be a pillar of well being. Good food not only means that it’s deliciously kind to our taste buds, but also that it is good for our body, our planet and our communities. A true nourishment for ourselves and our surroundings. We understand how important individual dietary needs in order to feel good and that’s our main goal.

- Shared Rooms: Most people who join the retreat share a room with someone they haven't met yet! I consciously pair people based on my intuition and the information I receive from you. Sharing rooms is common on a retreat, and always works out beautifully. If for any reason your room situation doesn't work out, there is always another option we can work out for you.  

- Other retreat activities:

- Fishing and Catamaran tours

- Horseback riding on the beach

- Surf, boogie board, snorkel

- Jungle hikes (guided and on your own)

- Cultural connection with cacao ceremony, salsa classes, cooking classes on site.

- To book:  If this retreat is already feeling like an easy yes, great, jump on in! If you'd like to connect on the phone to see if it's a good fit for you, please email me at  with a few times that work for you to connect. I love meeting people and connect on the possibility for you to join this special retreat, to see if it's a good fit, and without any pressure to join. 

As a dedicated student of yoga for over a decade, I truly believe that nourishing ourselves nourishes all life. Investing time and energy back into ourselves is essential to remember we are not only here to be of service, but to know ourselves as divine and worthy of receiving as well. We will use the yogic philosophy of the 8 limbs of yoga as a foundational teaching of this retreat, and explore how we can use the limbs to experience the joy of the inner most self, and express that in our being.

Come join us! This retreat is a time for you to slow your roll.. to live in the present, be wonderfully pampered with delicious meals, transformative yoga, immersed in nature and open to all that possible for your life! Please feel free to reach out with any questions.   

With love, Julie

What’s included

  • 3 Farm-to-Table Meals
    plant-based menu sourced from organic permaculture farm on property. Option to add eggs, chicken + fish.
  • Daily Meditation
    7:00AM - 7:20 AM.
  • Daily Morning Yoga.
    7:30AM - 9AM. Pranayama and invigorating all-levels yoga practice.
  • Daily Afternoon Practice
    4PM - 5:30PM. Afternoon Practice.
  • Eco-chic Accommodations
    with daily room service

What’s not included

  • Surf Board Rentals
    15 / day
  • Surf Rental + Lesson
    $45 / day
  • Cultural Connection
    Salsa dancing, Cooking classes, Cacao ceremony.
  • Local Adventures
    Jungle hikes, Horseback Riding on the beach, Catamaran tour, Fishing day trip!
  • Transfer from Airport
    A group shuttle will be coordinated for you, and will be about $40 each way. You can also choose to travel on your own to Costa Dulce.

Available Packages

Shared Cabin - Triple - Twin Bed
Only 2 left

Rustic luxury describes our bungalows and cabins the best. There are no televisions or ACs but stunning views, balconies with hammocks, big beds, and warm water showers.

*Note on Room: You can book this room with friends, or I can pair you with someone of the same gender. I have hosted 15 retreats, and on every retreat about half of the group shares a room with someone they've never met. 100% of the time it works out beautifully. If for any reason it doesn't work for you when you arrive or at any point during the retreat, there is always another solution.

*Note on booking: the deposit for your room is non-refundable.  Final payment is due 45 days before trip begins and is also non-refundable. I run small, high-impact retreats and simply need to ensure I am supported to make this possible for all who join. Travel insurance is also available to you and recommended in case of unforseen circumstances. Thank you for understanding and for your support in making these dream retreats come to life!

Shared Cabin - Double - Twin Bed
Only 2 left

Rustic luxury describes our bungalows and cabins the best. There are no televisions or ACs but stunning views, balconies with hammocks, big beds, and warm water showers.

*Note on Room: You can book this room with a friend, or I can pair you with someone of the same gender. I have hosted about 15 retreats, and on every retreat about half of the group shares a room with someone they've never met. 100% of the time it works out beautifully. If for any reason it doesn't work for you when you arrive or at any point during the retreat, there is always another solution.

*Note on booking: the deposit for your room is non-refundable.  Final payment is due 45 days before trip begins and is also non-refundable. I run small, high-impact retreats and simply need to ensure I am supported to make this possible for all who join. Travel insurance is also available to you and recommended in case of unforseen circumstances. Thank you for understanding and for your support in making these dream retreats come to life!

Private Cabin - Queen
4 left

Rustic luxury describes our bungalows and cabins the best. There are no televisions or ACs but stunning views, balconies with hammocks, big beds, and warm water showers.

*Note on booking: the deposit for your room is non-refundable.  Final payment is due 45 days before trip begins and is also non-refundable. I run small, high-impact retreats and simply need to ensure I am supported to make this possible for all who join. Travel insurance is also available to you and recommended in case of unforseen circumstances. Thank you for understanding and for your support in making these dream retreats come to life!

Private Cabin Suite - Queen
Only 2 left

Rustic luxury describes our bungalows and cabins the best. There are no televisions or ACs but stunning views, balconies with hammocks, big beds, and warm water showers.

A balcony perched over the beach, complete with a bathroom, epic outdoor – but hot water – shower, queen bed, hammock and lounge chair. Ideal for couples, singles and surfers. This is the epitome of an ecolodge bungalow. It’s radical.

This room is set up to be booked for 1.

If you want to book with a friend or partner, please reach out and I can change the booking setup for you.

Room for 1 is 3799

Room for 2 is 2499 per person

*Note on booking: the deposit for your room is non-refundable.  Final payment is due 45 days before trip begins and is also non-refundable. I run small, high-impact retreats and simply need to ensure I am supported to make this possible for all who join. Travel insurance is also available to you and recommended in case of unforseen circumstances. Thank you for understanding and for your support in making these dream retreats come to life!

Benefactor Rate

If you have an abundance of financial resource, this is a great place to contribute as you will see and feel the direct impact of your contribution in the benefit you receive from the retreat. My retreats are restorative, rejuvenating, healing and inspiring, and I wish to create more opportunities for people to have these healing experiences.

I currently create 1 space for a woman to join who otherwise wouldn't be able to without this support. She sends a short description of herself and her background, and I pick at random by October 2024 and she is offered the 50% reduced rate to join. I would love to create up to 5 spaces per retreat for this kind of support. 

- If you would like to contribute for multiple participants, you can select more than 1 benefactor contribution.

- If you would like to contribute at a lower rate, you can do so via paypal by sending any amount to with the label "Benefactor Contribution, Nicaragua 2025."

*Note: Your benefactor contribution is non-refundable.


Your Organizer

Outdoor Yoga Retreats
42 reviews
I draw on the contemplative traditions of reiki, meditation, yoga, nutrition, positive psychology and integrative wellness to address the entire human experience - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I teach a steady, strong and spirited vinyasa class. Classes are thoughtfully designed to the seasons and time of day. You can expect to chant, sweat, feel your heart come alive and learn new elements of yoga philosophy in each class. I also love teaching restorative yoga and yoga nidra in late afternoons and evenings on retreat.


Such a lovely retreat! Julie and Kayla create such a beautiful container for yoga, song, and the most wonderful setting near the Yuba River. I chose to camp so had a nice little camp site to myself to get away from it all. Each day was perfectly planned to start with quiet, meditation, yoga, song, and plenty of time at the river. There is an outdoor spa area that is a great way to relax and the whole place has this lovely summer camp feel to it. I highly recommend this retreat - it really had it all - delicious food, song, connection, play, yoga, relaxation, and so much nature all around. The team hosting this retreat really paid attention to all the small details to make it special and enjoyable.
By Jennifer L for Yoga and Heartsong :: Soulful Nature Camp for Women on Aug 27, 2024
Awww thank you Jen for this kind review!! So happy you enjoyed the retreat, the yoga, the song, and the beautiful space. A treat to share in it with you. xoxo
By Outdoor Yoga Retreats on Sep 03, 2024
I had wonderful, soulful time!! Highly recommend
By Kristina S for Yoga and Heartsong :: Soulful Nature Camp for Women on Jun 18, 2024
This was a more beautiful experience than I ever could have imagined! Thank you Julie and Kirin for creating such a wonderful atmosphere. I met a lot of amazing women here. The yoga classes and other programming were excellent all week.
By Magdalena F for Soulful Yoga Retreat from Women on Feb 22, 2024
A fabulous experience—Julie and Kirin did such a good job creating a safe space for us to feel rejuvenated and connected to ourselves and each other. There was a good mix of standard yoga flow classes with other uplifting and empowering experiences including a pose lab, yoga nidra and hypnotherapy, and an introduction to the practice of somatics. The retreat center environment was stunning—we saw macaws every day and ate delicious, healthy food for every meal. I can’t recommend this experience highly enough and I hope to be able to return again next year!
By Makenna M for Soulful Yoga Retreat from Women on Feb 19, 2024
It was wonderful! Fabulous yoga instructors/leader and great group of people. The resort was divine and Costa Rica was magnificent! Thank-you thank-you for a restful recharge.
By Cheryl M for Soulful Yoga Retreat from Women on Feb 19, 2024
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Julieanne and Kirin's retreats are the perfect blend of soul food style movement, downtempo relaxation time in a gorgeous environment, friendship, delicious healthy food and fun. I can not provide a higher endorsement for a trip with these women and feel so lucky to have experienced multiple yoga vacations. Honestly, the most relaxing, deeply nourishing and low stress trips of my life. If you are reading this.....just book the damn trip. You will not be disappointed.
By Chelsea B on 21 Feb, 2023
I recently returned from an incredible 7 day retreat at the wonderful Blue Osa in Costa Rica, hosted by Julie and Kirin. The community formed in a week amongst 15 women, ranging in age from 23-73, without expectation, and trusting something was there for all of us, was truly magical and something I have never experienced. Julie and Kirin created a safe space for us to share our grief, tender spots, goals and vulnerability. This retreat was long overdue for me, as a mom of two young girls, it truly was one of the best experiences of my life. The retreat gave me the space to be held in nature, by new friends, through delicious healthy meals and most importantly fill my cup first so I can give back to my family and those around me. Julie and Kirin are authentic, loving and inspiring in their own unique way, it was truly a gift to be able to practice alongside them and a group of beautiful women. I highly recommend any retreat with Julie and Kirin as it will change your life forever!
By Kirsten F on 08 Feb, 2023
Since returning from Kauai, I have felt a sense of retreat throughout my days. Peace and serenity weave through my day, easing the stress from work and everyday tasks. I am motivated and inspired to continue what I have learned on the retreat and bring it into my daily life. This retreat showed me what it was like to take care of myself and ultimately how that will help me to take care of those around me. From eating healthy meals, to practicing yoga regularly, to calming my mind and practicing kind observations. A huge thank you to Julie for her care and support during the retreat. It was a treat being able to spend this time with her guiding our group. She was prepared and had lots of information and goodies to share, yet was flexible and open to changing the itinerary based on the needs of the group and the weather. Her knowledge of yoga, the island, cooking, and many other great things kept us inspired and in awe. I would recommend a retreat with Julie to anyone with a curious mind, an open heart, and anyone who wants to truly relax and retreat in a healthy and rejuvenating way.
By Hannah E on 30 Sep, 2018
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