The Retreat Leader Training | A Guide to Hosting Global Retreats

Lotus Retreats
  • Email address verified
37 reviews
Sep 3 - 24, 2024
Group size: 3 - 10
The Retreat Leader Training | A Guide to Hosting Global Retreats

Lotus Retreats
  • Email address verified
37 reviews

Sep 3 - 24, 2024
Group size: 3 - 10

About this trip

The Lotus Retreats | Retreat Leader Training

A Guide to Planning & Leading Retreats Around the World!

Embark on a 4-week retreat leader training & program designed to guide you through each step of planning, promoting and hosting retreats around the world! The training consists of 4-Live calls weekly (with recordings) and a guide book to follow along.

Lotus Retreats has been organizing and hosting international Yoga retreats for 8 years in over 10 countries. From Self-Realization & Empowerment retreats, Cultural Immersions, Women's Retreats and nature excursions all the way through the Andes mountains, Lotus Retreats has shared 34 unique retreats all around the world with a community of Yoga teachers, retreat leaders & retreat centers and travelers alike. 

You will learn how to host your own unique retreats, from start to finish.

- Are you desiring to host your own retreat to share your skills and passions?

- Would you like to travel to unique locations around the world and bring your own guests?

- Have you tried hosting a retreat before but need more structure and guidance on how to do so successfully?

- You may also learn how to host day retreats; weekend retreats & retreats of any caliber.

So much goes into planning a retreat and creating a truly unique experience and safe container to hold each guest. From logistical planning, accommodations, financial planning, marketing,  selling the retreat, managing the guest communications & - actually planning the events during the retreat and ensuring a smooth, safe, operational and transformational experience for everyone involved.

This 4-week training is for any beginner, intermediate or experienced yoga teacher, retreat leader, guide, space holder, facilitator, ceremonialist,  coach or any kind of leader - looking to strengthen their ability and confidence to host an event!

Meet once a week for 4-weeks with outlines and key points for designing your retreat or offering. 

(If you cannot make the weekly calls, they will be recorded and outlines will be sent)

By the end of the 4-week training; you can design your own retreat with all the necessary points to do so confidently and successfully. Empowering support is offered throughout the entire course in our Live calls, e-mails and group chats!

Sept 2024 Training Dates:

Tues, Sept 3rd - Tues, Sept 24th

  • Meet weekly via Zoom on Tuesdays (Or Wednesdays, depending on the group preference)
  • Tuesdays at 5pm PST / 6pm MST / 7pm CST / 8pm EST
  • All meetings will be recorded and shared if you cannot attend live

By the end of the 4-week training; you will have all the materials to plan & lead your own retreat with all the necessary structure to begin marketing, promoting & hosting your offering.

You may opt in for additional support with help marketing your trip on the Lotus Retreats platform. You may also receive one-on-one support throughout the entire duration of your retreat to ensure a smooth & full completion.

*500-HR & 200-HR RYTs may host retreats with Lotus Retreats upon completion of this training.*

"It’s my absolute pleasure and passion to organize group retreats from the ground up; from financing, fine-tuning all the logistical details, positively promoting the retreats and hosting a unique offering from the heart with classes, workshops, cultural immersions, ceremony, meals & more… " - Loren Lotus

What’s included

  • 4-Weekly Live Calls
    4 hour long calls to connect Live, move through the retreat leader guide, questions, visions and empowerments to plan your own retreat!
  • Individual Support
    Learn how to teach and share from the heart! Embody your passions and share authentically what it is you want to share on your retreats
  • Planning Your Retreat
    Learn how to design your retreat based on your unique passions and offerings that are true to you
  • Intinerary Planning
    Learn how to structure your retreat in an organized & comfortable flow for your guests to arrive, retreat and depart peacefully and safely!
  • Logistical Planning
    Learn how to best prepare for all the expected (and unexpected) logistics from travel, transports, meals & more..
  • Retreat Pricing
    Learn how to price your retreats and offers to make a profit
  • Retreat Marketing
    Learn how to promote & market your retreat to your network and clients to get the bookings you need to host your retreat!
  • Lotus Retreats Cert
    Receive certification to host retreats with Lotus Retreats; receiving additional support marketing, & hosting your offerings

What’s not included

  • Yoga Teacher Certificate
    This training does not include a Yoga Teacher Training; that is a separate 200 or 300-hr commitment, that we can advise & support you on!

Available Packages


Available options

Market Your Retreat on Lotus Retreats

Do you have a retreat you're hosting? Market your retreat on the Lotus Retreats website!

(You may also Venmo @lotusretreats)

Your Organizer

Lotus Retreats
37 reviews
Expand and enhance your vision of the world with a Lotus Retreats experience! Lotus Retreats offers a combination of yoga & philosophy, workshops & ceremonies, plus nature excursions & cultural immersions to fully explore each location traveled. Each week is carefully curated with activities and optional excursions to deepen and benefit your physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing. Every retreat is unique to the location, the group & your hosts, who passionately guarantee an eye-opening & heart-awakening experience for all.


Loren is such an inspiration! I found the course very insightful. She shares great tools in which to work towards hosting your own retreat. Really happy I was introduced to her and will continue to work towards my vision. Thank you Loren <3
By Rupia A for The Lotus Retreats | Transformational Travel & Retreat Leader Training on Jun 30, 2024
I am so grateful for Loren sharing her years of knowledge & experience with us in this wonderful online course. Her honest guidance & inspirational feedback has been so helpful along this journey. From templates, checklists, open-ended Q&A time, prompts for self reflection & gentle deadlines to encourage motivation, this training has you covered! I have now successfully hosted my own content creation retreat for photographers & creatives, since taking this course. & I am still finalizing plans on a future yoga retreat as well. Loren follows through with this course with support, encouragement, & guidance even long after the zoom calls end. This offering has definitely helped me to gain the confidence & knowledge needed to finally take the leap to sharing my own retreats. It was also great to meet other like-minded folks, who were all able to come together, brainstorm, & share ideas with one another.
By Kassia O for The Lotus Retreats | Retreat Leader Training on May 01, 2024
I would highly recommend this training!! Loren is such a great space and wisdom holder for questions, insights, and anything that may come up around leading, planning, and coordinating a successful retreat. This training is perfect for you if you're wanting to gain deeper insight into what it looks like to host a retreat, how to plan and market a successful retreat, and are also wanting to connect with other like-minded individuals as well. Loren shares tips and what she has learned from her own experience leading retreats all around the world I found very helpful and valuable. Taking this training not only helped me to feel more confident in my abilities to plan, host, and lead retreats but I also got the opportunity to connect with others that are interested in doing similar things. Having this community felt very grounding for me and helped me to take the next step and get out of my comfort zone when it comes to my dream of hosting and leading retreats. Thank you Loren!
By Rylee H for The Lotus Retreats | Retreat Leader Training on Apr 25, 2024
If you’ve been thinking about how amazing it would be to host your own yoga retreat/ workshops. I highly recommend this training. Loren is an amazing teacher. I really got a lot from this training. From how to pick the right retreat center for you to which website is best to use. All the little details to think about when hosting a retreat. I would also like to add that since taking this training Loren has been there to answer all my questions that I’ve had and to offer lots of encouragement. I feel very blessed to know her and to have had the opportunity to learn from her and to continue learning from her.
By Hali H for The Lotus Retreats | Retreat Leader Training on Apr 25, 2024
Loren has mastered the art of crafting conscious, impactful retreats and is the perfect guide in helping you get your offering ready to launch. From planning to execution, the level of detail and mentorship offered in this training was exceptional. So grateful for this upleveling experience!
By Rachel O for The Lotus Retreats | Retreat Leader Training on Apr 25, 2024
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First and foremost, apologies for this super overdue review. I just realized that I haven't left a review for Loren Lotus, but periodically I have thought about this magical retreat I went on with Loren in 2018 to Colombia. Loren was very communicative about all the trip details beforehand, and planned very special programs; a small trip to the neighboring village with a local guide, interesting workshops with great guest teachers, etc. although she is an amazing instructor! The retreat venue was magical and was very accommodating about everyone's dietary restrictions. I spent possibly the best week of my life, and I am forever grateful for that experience. Highly recommend it if you are looking for something to nourish your mind, body, and heart. Thank you Loren. I hope you are doing well! Sending love.
By Heisue C on 30 Nov, 2023
I had an amazing experience in Colombia with Lotus Retreats in July 2023. Loren and Rachel are fantastic women who lead with love and light. They show so much care and respect towards each person's experience and offer each guest the opportunity to make their trip as busy or relaxed as they wish it to be. I highly recommend the excursions, as I got to experience more of Colombia and the history of its culture; however, they are optional, which is great on days when a guest would prefer some time spent in reflection. The daily yoga offerings were my favorite part, as they brought different styles of yoga, pranayama techniques, and sound healing into class. And finally, the freshly prepared, locally-sourced meals were INCREDIBLE. My body is still thanking me!
By Katie K on 12 Aug, 2023
I had the opportunity to deepen my practice / experience the beauty of Tulum Mexico with Lotus Retreats and would do it again in a heartbeat! The Lotus Retreats crew quickly created a space of loving community, increased awareness, and intentional practice within the first few hours of our retreat and it only got better from there! These retreats are special. Humanity in raw form. I'll be back for more, no doubt!
By Travis P on 02 Oct, 2018
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