Trees of Life Retreat

Hardwick estate, South Oxfordshire

Sadhama Rewild Retreats
  • Email address verified
80 reviews
Apr 30 - May 2, 2022
Group size: 1 - 75
Trees of Life Retreat
Hardwick estate, South Oxfordshire

Sadhama Rewild Retreats
  • Email address verified
80 reviews

Apr 30 - May 2, 2022
Group size: 1 - 75

About this trip

A space to connect with nature, community & your natural self.

Trees are the oldest living beings on our planet. Through meditation, movement, asana, sound, breath, art, story and song, discover the joy of connection and learn to commune with these kindred majestic beings - Trees of Life. 

Come with us on an unforgettable journey of immersion into your wholesome essence, through the wisdom of ancient trees and rewilding powers of unbridled nature.

Find a sense of belonging with a like-minded & light-hearted community who will share these timeless adventures in the sacred land of Hardwick Estate.

Expand into joyous unison with the elements and tune in to ancestral seasonal rhythms, awakening the spring within at our Mayday Beltane celebration!

During this special time of year, when nature awakens and springs to life its abundant potentials, unleash those inherent potentials within you and step up to your highest self, supported by nature's momentum of the season of Beltane, and its celebration with your community.

The Programme

Trees have been supporting us on our spiritual quests for millennia.

We all know the story of Buddha achieving his full realisation under the bodhi tree. After he had found enlightenment under the pipal - fig tree, it became known as the bodhi tree or tree of enlightenment, bodhi meaning ‘ultimate and unconditioned truth’, and also ‘the Great Awakener’.

The name Druid comes from dru = most, highly, and vid, knowledge. "Most knowledgable ones”. But the very word for knowledge is identical with vid = tree. Because all knowledge was seen as coming from trees. These spiritual tradition holders of the British Isles worship the oak tree, and use them as a doorway between the spiritual realms. 

These huge beings embody a profound stillness, and the strong upward movement of electrically active layers through their trunk greatly enhances the powers of yoga and meditation, directly interacting with the spine and the energetic processes of the human brain. Most sages of the past knew this secret knowledge, and we would like to share it with you.

Surround yourself with ancient trees, wildflower meadows, stunning scenery, magical sunset views, wonderful wildlife and your community.

The history of trees in culture and consciousness finds its deepest expression in the universal mythology of the World Tree or Tree of Life. The various aspects of this metaphysical and eternal Tree, manifest in the abundance of different tree species around the world. All these Trees of Life have a lot to teach us. 

Journey to the source of this sacred knowledge at this unique gathering. 

The majority of spiritual paths have begun beneath old, venerable trees and in sacred groves. 

Soak in the sacred knowledge of the meaning of trees. You will be living alongside one of the the country's leading experts - Fred Hageneger - who will take you on a spiritual adventure around the cathedral of the trees in the unparalleled ecologically tended forest. Share in his deep etheric knowledge, woven with the practical aspects of our communication with trees and nature. Learn to identify the Trees of Life around you, and gain wondrous insight into their secrets. 

Step silently into the grove of trees and experience a concert like no other as nature sings its ancient songs. Find a restorative and soulful peace in live meditative music inspired by trees, a divine soundtrack to your joyful presence in the cool green embrace of the Hardwick groves. This is biodiversity in the realm of music! From the graceful birch to the oak in a thunderstorm, from sunlight in the ash to the moon in the willow, from the lively rowan to the silence of the yew, which comes from a world beyond time.

Learn the untold story of nature’s greatest healers and gain practical insights into their extraordinary powers in our guided tree meditations. Dmitry Glazkov holds sacred space while you meet the ancient oaks in Hardwick’s meadows. Use their supportive steadiness to elevate your practice to the next level and experience deep states of self remembrance.

Crystallise your path and engage deeply into your yoga practice, using the Trees of Life to bring you closer to your true nature in our tree yoga workshops. We each have a unique balance of elemental energies within us. Using the tools of Ayurveda, we are able to discover what this balance is and how to work with it. So too does each Tree of Life have a unique elemental signature and embodied qualities. Combine the powerful forces of these two aspects of shamanic wisdom, and you are able to commune your practice with a partner of energy, working directly with the flow of elements found in the natural world. 

In almost all cultures trees have been acknowledged as potential guardians of the gates to the spirit world. We are delighted to have Yannick Dubois with us, sharing his Druidric and Bardic lineage to connect to the wisdom of the local folklore and the roots of our land. Unfold into creative freedom on an intuitive artistic exploration, inspired by the Trees of Life which call to you. Follow Yannick on a shamanic drum journey through the life cycle of a tree, and reawaken the deep wisdom you share with these beings. 

Melt your heart with the warmth of the engaging storytelling around a fire hearth. We are evolved to share in circles, throwing our poems, stories and songs to the fire - the micro deity at the heart of the human community. Let Yannick be your guide in a visionary storytelling initiation through the nine worlds of the mythical Yggdrasil. 

Trees hold an interconnectedness with all the world’s beings, from the bottom tips of their roots to their pollen floating on the air, forming an unseen network which covers the globe. Tap into this infinite web through authentic movement and sound with Elaine Vijaya, wise woman and mistress of energy, dance and voice. Use embodied conscious movement and breath to find a place of deep connection and healing within the elemental worlds.

We come together to celebrate the spring’s delight and awaken your spirit in unison with mother nature. Beltane is the peak of spring and the beginning of summer. Earth's energies are at their strongest and most active. All of life is bursting with potent fertility, and at this point in the wheel of the year, the potential becomes conception. Harness those energies in a profound ceremony to enhance your connection to the elements, invoke the positivity and growth of the seasons, and step up into your graceful, highest self.

Ticket Info

We hope to be able to accommodate all who are interested & feel drawn to come together as a community.  

We have tickets available for the Full  Retreat immersion: Saturday - Monday afternoon and Day Tickets for Saturday and Sunday. 

Tickets are limited in numbers to facilitate deep experience of rest and reconnection as a community.

There are an exclusive batch of  Early Bird tickets available at a discounted rate, on sale until the 14th March. We expect this incredible event to sell out so don't delay!

Your Retreat Immersion Ticket include:

✔️ 2.5 days of full immersion into sacred lands and your beautiful self!

✔️ All activities, classes and workshops.

✔️ Beltane Ceremony.

✔️ Delicious Ayurvedic food: lunch and dinner on Saturday; breakfast, lunch and dinner on Sunday; and breakfast and lunch on Monday. A selection of hot drinks will be available throughout the day.

✔️ Ground rent for your own tent.

✔️ Contribution for the building of a permanent retreat space here at Hardwick.

All tickets are booked on this website - tap the green Select  button on the right to secure your place. 

We can offer payment plans, please reach out if you need to pay in instalments. 

For those who would like to combine the fun of the retreat and karma of the service we have few Seva Tickets. These tickets are designed for those who enjoy getting involved in the running of the retreat by giving the core crew a hand with whatever is needed to be done on the day, or those who can't afford the full price of the tickets but still want to come.  If you’re keen to be involved, apply here.

Our refund policy can be found in the terms and conditions when you book.

Catering & Accommodation

Our food will be prepared according to the ancient wisdom of ayurveda and will be tailored to your unique constitution. Crafted to delight by our talented chef Karen Buckland and lovingly prepared by our dedicated and whole hearted kitchen team. 

We will be dining in the gorgeous and abundant gardens of the famous veganic farm Tolhurst Organic. Fresh, organic and locally grown ingredients are chosen to produce low carbon footprint, cruelty free food, inspired and aligned with our ethos of re-connecting and re-aligning with mother nature to live in more harmony.

Accommodation is provided on a secluded camping field next to the shores of the river with composting toilets and fresh water. Tents available to rent if you can not bring your own. For a comfortable and nourishing experience of the retreat at the beginning of the summer, we recommend bringing a good foundation for your bed which can provide insulation from the ground and keep you warm. Good solutions could include a folded bed frame or thick mattress / ground mats, rug to go underneath and plenty of blankets and hot water bottle for the top. If you are in any doubt whether you will be able to make yourself 100% comfortable and cosy, we recommend choosing to stay in accommodation nearby. You can find a link to local airbnb places here.

Camper vans & caravans are welcome, dogs must stay at home!

Site & Travel

Hardwick estate is only 40 minutes by train from London (Paddington), and just 20 minutes by car from Junction 12 on the M4.  Easily accessible from the main transport hubs at Reading, yet set in the rolling countryside of the Chilterns AONB, Hardwick is ideally located for a weekend getaway of peace and tranquillity.

If you have a spare seat in your car and are happy to share a ride, or if you need a lift to the gathering, here is the link to our retreat community WhatsApp Trees of Life.

What’s included

  • Daily Wild Swimming
    We are blessed to have a clean and pure section of the Thames on our doorstep. Listed as one of the best wild swimming spots in UK
  • Tree Yoga
    Connect to the natural state of our body/mind and find relaxed awareness, presence & peace through communion with the elemental energy from the Trees of Life around you.
  • Being With Trees
    Experience the magnificent forest of Hardwick with an empty mind and full heart. Contemplate what matters to trees, not what matters to you. Encounter the deeper layers of life behind the green veils
  • Tree Meditation
    A great opportunity to learn effective methods of meditation with the help of the the timeless stillness and living wisdom of trees - our traditional supporters on the path to enlightenment .
  • Creative Nature
    Experience and play with intuitive writing and drawing in nature. Questing for inspiration and cultivating receptivity towards our subtle communication with trees and all our green kith and kin.
  • Shamanic Drum Journey
    During a deeply nourishing and relaxing guided shamanic drum journey through the life cycle of an Oak tree, we will explore and experience the wisdom and medicine of the majestic Oak from within.
  • Ancestral Tree Stories
    Travel with the wild Gods of the Vikings through the nine worlds of the world-tree Yggdrasil, where weird and wonderful beings of great power and magic reside. A visionary storytelling initiation.
  • A Journey Home
    A journey of breath, movement, connection and healing. Our body is home, we are the trees, the earth, water, air and fire. Find your rhythm in the elemental worlds with authentic movement and sound
  • The Trees and Us Today
    Discover the untold story of the symbiotic relationship between trees and humans that has been unfolding since time immemorial, woven through our culture and consciousness.
  • Foraging Walks
    Join us for the unique opportunity to explore the abundant flora and fauna of the wild flower meadows and magnificent forest of Hardwick with an expert guide in local biodiversity of plant kingdom.
  • Sound `Bath
    A deeply healing and restorative vibrational practice. Use the power of sound to bring you into transformative alignment and assimilate your energy work into embodied rest.
  • Live Music
    Sacred sound round the campfire will be heart-warming songs about nature, green futures and what it is to be human, lead by specially invited renowned musicians.
  • Meals and hot drinks
    All our food is organic and locally sourced and lovingly prepared with your health and satisfaction in mind. We are so lucky to be surrounded by passionate and ethical growers!
  • Ayurvedic assessment
    Personal Ayurvedic assessment of your constitution will be offered. Understanding of your own nature provides enhanced tool set for self healing and wellbeing.
  • Boat Rides
    We will have few boats, paddle boards & kayaks available at our camp side throughout the gathering for you to enjoy the river Thames rides
  • Ground Rent
    Accommodation is provided on a secluded camping field next to the shores of the river. We have an option to rent tents which you can add before you checkout. Tents for rent are limited.
  • Massage (cost)
    There will be professional therapist on site offering rejuvenating massage and deeply healing bodywork. This will be offered at a reduced rate but is not included in the package price.
  • Kinesiology (cost)
    Kinesiology is a holistic therapy that uses muscle testing to find imbalances in the body and find what is needed to re-balance, whether that be on a physical, emotional or energetic level.

What’s not included

  • Tent - accommodation
    Accommodation is provided on a secluded camping field next to the shores of the river. We have an option to rent tents which you can add before you checkout. Tents for rent are limited.
  • Bedding
    Please bring your own sleeping bags, blankets, pillows etc
  • Cutlery and crockery
    Please bring your own plates, bowls, cutlery and mug. This will help us stay clean and hygienic.
  • Yoga mat
    Please bring your own yoga mat. Let us know if you cant access a mat we have a few to borrow. Please also bring a blanket for end of class relaxation.

Available Packages

Joy Immersion

All 3 days of the gathering

All activities, classes and workshops

Fresh, organic, locally harvested plant based meals: 

2 meals on Saturday, 3 on Sunday and 2 on Monday.  Hot drinks are included too. 

Ground for your own tent

Day Retreat Saturday

All activities, classes and workshops on Saturday.

Fresh, organic, locally harvested vegan meals & hot drinks are included

Day Retreat Sunday

All activities, classes and workshops on Sunday.

Fresh, organic, locally harvested vegan meals & hot drinks are included


Available options

Pre Erected Tent (1-2 people size)
Sold Out
large Bell tent 5m with double mattress
large Bell tent (5m)



We will welcome you to our beautiful location between 11am-12 noon. There will be time to settle and orientate, put up your tents and relax into your space before we gather. 

There will be an enlightening introduction into the Ayurvedic techniques which will inform your practice and meals throughout the weekend.

We will then enjoy our first meal together before holding the opening ceremony circle to rejoin as a community amongst the meadows and green buds of spring.

Flow from a state of blissful reconnection into A Journey Home of conscious movement and sound. Widen your state of awareness from yourself and the humans around you to include all forms of life around the globe, travelling on the web of communication facilitated by the Trees of Life around you.

Using this opened and harmonious state, draw on the cosmic inspiration flowing to you to go on a Creative Nature artistic exploration. Choose your creative medium and experience intuitive writing and drawing in nature, cultivating receptivity towards our subtle communication with trees and all our green kith and kin.

We pause to savour our evening meal delight, and prepare to honour our ancestral rhythms with a profound and deeply healing Beltane Ceremony, awakening the spring within  while Earth's energies are at their strongest and most active.

We follow ceremony with celebration as we join for a traditional Ceilidh dance with live musicians, completing the circle of folk traditions in this time honoured way for communities to rejoice and connect.

Your Organizer

Sadhama Rewild Retreats
80 reviews
A space to connect with nature, community and your natural self. Our retreats are crafted to offer the experience of rest, grounding and self-realisation. We share the unparalleled beauty and healing nature of Hardwick Estate, tuning into the living wisdom of the ancient oaks and sacred waters. We bring a profoundly nurturing connection, rewilding the biorhythm of the body within, and bringing ourselves into harmony with nature's elements and rhythms. The experience of connection, joy and oneness is our natural birthright.


Yoga Retreat Review: A Transformative Experience Wow! This retreat was truly exceptional, possibly the best I’ve ever attended. Dimitry and Karen were absolutely fantastic hosts, creating a perfect balance of relaxation and rejuvenation. Their deep knowledge of yoga and wellness was evident in every session, making each practice enriching and accessible for all levels. The food was another highlight—nourishing, fresh, and delicious, providing the perfect fuel for the mind and body. Mornings were magical, especially with wild swimming to wake you up—an exhilarating and energizing way to start the day! Overall, this was a superb experience, and I left feeling completely renewed. If you're seeking a retreat that combines yoga, nature, and expert guidance, this is it! Highly recommended!
By Ian M for Ayurveda & The Elements Retreat & Yoga Teacher Training on Sep 12, 2024
this was an amazing retreat - my best yet and i’ve been on a lot all over the world. The teachings were amazing, the food exemplary and the massage therapist really helped my pulled calf so that i could participate better. It was a truly nurturing experience and even as a beginner yogi i felt very welcome and able to follow and stretch as best i could without any inner criticism or comparisons to others which is new Thank you so much I truly looked forward to the next one
By Anita M for Ayurveda & The Elements Retreat & Yoga Teacher Training on Sep 05, 2024
Had a lovely time! The food was incredible! The speakers were brilliant and sessions were varied! If you've not camped in a tent before, I'd recommend hiring a bell tent! Loved the swimming and sauna, loved the atmosphere. Karen and Dimitry created a safe space, i'm so glad i found you!
By Tiluka B for Ayurveda & The Elements Retreat & Yoga Teacher Training on Sep 05, 2024
Another amazing Sadhama retreat! Karen and Dmitry blended their expertise on Ayurvedic yoga and diet to create an informative, experiential, and fascinating weekend. Combined with cold water swimming, river side sauna, campfire music, workshops, and community vibe, this was a really brilliant experience. I cannot recommend Sadhama retreats enough!
By Victoria S for Ayurveda & The Elements Retreat & Yoga Teacher Training on Aug 31, 2024
Lots of valuable information and a very well presented teacher training in Ayurveda... learning about doshas, which foods are best for your type and how to prepare a nourishing balanced meal, also how to change things when you are out of balance... The same with the yoga postures, which postures suit you etc, and lots of balancing prana/breathwork to wake you up each morning... There is also wild swimming in the calm clean waters followed by a lovely sauna, with a fireside singalong and a mug of warming chai each evening to leave you feeling nourished, hugged and ready for bed... highly recommend the beautiful retreats Sadhama has to offer 🦋 Kim Allyson
By Kim A for Ayurveda & The Elements Retreat & Yoga Teacher Training on Aug 28, 2024
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This is the real deal. If you are looking for a true expression of the essence of Yoga you don't need to look further. I have had the warmest of genuine welcome, been nurtured, eaten amazing food which is prepared and served with love. The teachings and course leadership are authentic and based in deep understanding of yoga. The setting is perfect, an oasis of nature unspoilt on the bank of the splendid Thames. The sweat lodge is authentic and transformative. I can't recommend this any more highly.
By Bob S on 03 Jun, 2023
I have left deeply transformed at the end of the retreat - at peace, empowered and joyful. I shall share with you a poem I penned at the end on Sunday after most people had set off. What brought me to this point? Was it just being at the right place at the right time? Was it just the practices, the setting, the energy, the company, the food? It was all of the above, and beyond! First of all, all the organisers and teachers at the Sadhama ReWild retreat I have just attended at the Hardwick Estate in South Oxforshire live and breathe what they teach. It came across strongly and informed the ethos, the energy and the vibration of the whole experience for everybody. People gelled and I made many new connections with some like-minded and like-hearted people which I am relishing. There was an all-embracing welcoming of everybody with no judgement. We practised yoga, danced around the fire, swam in the Thames, did forest bathing and much much more, all within a very safe and sustaining space magically magnified by the idyllic setting. I have sadly lost an old sangha due to various reasons, but have now got a new one - a new yoga family who has taken me in to walk alongside and with me and I with them. Second of all, the practices sometimes reminded of what I already know but have forgotten, at others I learnt new things. But, I found that perhaps we always experience things anew, as we are moment by moment changing. Practices were delivered and shared with joy. The structure of the day was honoured. It all was flowing without too much ado! Thirdly, the food, freshly prepared, vegan, organic, was very nourishing and absolutely delicious. I was sustained not just by the food itself, but by the ambience, the loving, compassionate, all-embracing energy and people. Now for the poem inspired by this experience, as promised earlier is called: JOY What does joy look like? What does joy feel like? What does joy smell like? What does joy sound like? Where does joy live? What dance does it dance? What song does it sing? Joy is seen on children's faces Joy turns up in some unexpected places. Joy sometimes surprises, takes you unawares Joy whispers sweet nothings, when it seems nobody cares. Joy's fairy-like nature can be felt in a tree Joy speaks to the heart when there's nothing to see Joy shines throughout our beings divine Joy reassures it is now and forever fine. Joy constant like a steady, strong mountain springs forth like a wild water fountain refreshingly fresh, always anew washing away all unwanted residue. Joy wakes up the dormant, heavy heart and the whole body, each and every part of our whole being sacred, infinite our spirits and souls dance happily within it. Joy is multiplied when shared Joy comes in when its summons are heard Joy sings and twirls sweetly around when it hears that most welcome sound of our inner being emptied of waste - in it comes, with its sweet-smelling taste hurriedly enters with an enthusiastic haste filling our heart, mind, body and soul with love so that our being is below as it is is above! Joy is when a sangha is sadly lost, but a new one is found Joy is when compassion, generosity and freedom abound Joy's gifts abundant as it is overflowing Joy brings us back to our own inner knowing. Written by (me) Mary Mallia "JOY" on Sunday 12th September 2021 after the Sadhama ReWild Retreat at The Hardwick Estate, South Oxfordshire and inspired by my experience there and at that time.
By Mary M on 14 Sep, 2021
I attended the Sweat snd Serenity Retreat - it was indeed a magical experience. Waking up to a bracing and refreshing wild swim, followed by daily yoga followed by a wonderful breakfast. The days activities were well planned out and varied ranging from a sweat lodge, forest bathing and meditation. We spent every evening around a fire, sharing, singing, laughing, crying and witnessing one another, it was such an impactful experience being in community and meeting wonderful people. The sweat lodge was held on Saturday and was an incredibly deep experience and one I shall always remember - the space and fire was held by Andy and his fire keepers who made you feel safe and connected which enabled you to go deep within. I can still smell the sweet grass in my nostrils. I throughly and surprisingly enjoyed the daily yoga ( and this was something I was least looking forward to having not embodied the practice myself) Bara was able to draw something out of each one of us despite what level one was at. She herself had a deep spiritual practice which really enabled me to see yoga in a different way, connecting to myself and something bigger. The food was absolutely amazing, so much thought and time had gone into its preparation and to ones ayurvedic dosha and accommodate each dish as particular digestive needs. The gong bath as a treat - lying still as the sun set feeling waves of energy flow through you. Walking to the splendour of the Oak tree ended our retreat and we sat there in beautiful community, in connection, with this ancient Oak - breathing in his breath and him breathing in ours - the reciprocal relationship we share. What a wonderfully nourishing experience - thank you - very much looking forward to the next one Marsha
By Marsha L on 13 Jun, 2021