Forest Home Christian Camp 40000 Valley of the Falls Dr., Forest Falls, CA 92339

West Coast Hearts of Beauty
  • Email address verified
44 reviews
Feb 6 - 9, 2025
Group size: 25 - 40
Forest Home Christian Camp 40000 Valley of the Falls Dr., Forest Falls, CA 92339

West Coast Hearts of Beauty
  • Email address verified
44 reviews

Feb 6 - 9, 2025
Group size: 25 - 40

About this trip



Join us as we journey together towards discovering a redemptive marriage!

Marriage may be the most sacred of all human relationships: two people, coming together as one. There may not be anything more powerful than two people walking together with God. And because of the power and weight of marriage in God’s Kingdom, it should not come as any surprise that marriage is violently opposed… it’s a favorite target of the enemy.

We believe that is why you don’t have to look very far to find a marriage in trouble. Every marriage experiences difficulties and challenges. But we know there is a way for couples to make a comeback, enjoy the restoration process, and actually thrive in the midst of the everyday challenges of life. 

Your marriage is worth it! Whether you have been married for months, years, or decades, having the right tools, training, and orientation is crucial to achieving a redemptive marriage. 

For some of us, we just desire “time away together” and enjoying the opportunity to keep our marriage fresh and discover new things about each other. Either way, The West Coast Marriage Camp is sure to deliver!

So, join us, as you walk together with God, and discover and uncover the marriage that God has intended and designed for you both.


“Love is invincible facing danger and death. Passion laughs at the terrors of hell. The fire of love stops at nothing- it sweeps everything before it. Flood waters can’t drown love, torrents of rain can’t put it out.”

Song of Solomon 8:6-8 (MSG)

To Contact us:

Email at [email protected]

Call at 562-270-4547


We utilize “The Rendezvous Project” videos series and Guide book created by The Zoweh Team



When to arrive:

Registration is from 3:30pm-4:30pm Thursday February 6th. The first session starts at 5pm. Dinner is at 6:30pm.

We expect to end at noon on Sunday February 9th

$200 discount available Feb. 1-6 only!

A friend of the West Coast marriage Camp has donated money to help offset the cost of 5 couples attending. The price was $1200 and has been reduced to $1000 as a result of a generous donor. God is good!

No special code is needed.

(When these 5 spots are filled the price will go back up.)

What’s included

  • Premium Lodging
    Luxurious hotel style newly renovated lodging. Includes, air conditioning, kitchenettes, cozy common area, private bathrooms, and Queen beds with all linens and bedding.
  • All meals
    All meals from Thursday dinner through Sunday breakfast are included. Along with fun snacks, drinks, and delicious desserts.
  • All materials
    You will each receive a user friendly workbook to guide you through the weekend and to lookback on as you gather "tools" towards a redemptive marriage.
  • What else can we expect?
    For God to show up and transform your marriage, (9) sessions led by a guide team, alone time with God and with each other, beautiful mountain scenery, hiking trails, and fun activities.

Available Packages

Couple's Premium Package


Newly renovated, Luxurious hotel-style lodging for two. includes heating, air-conditioning, kitchenette, bathroom, Queen size beds and linens.

Eight delicious meals, (9) sessions led by a guide team, alone time with God and with each other, beautiful mountain scenery, hiking trails, and fun activities.


Your Organizer

West Coast Hearts of Beauty
44 reviews
A three-day journey is hosted in a setting of beauty and tranquility and is designed to recapture your heart. Through teaching sessions, films, and guided periods of reflection, we show participants that the "more" they have been longing for in life is available! This is more than a retreat–it is an expedition of the hearts. This experience is based on the book Captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge. At the heart of every woman are three core desires: a desire for romance, a desire to play an irreplaceable role in a grand adventure,


By Teresa G for West Coast Hearts of Beauty - Fall 2024 on Oct 22, 2024
This camp is always life changing. Such a beautiful time spent with amazing ladies!
By Felicia G for West Coast Hearts of Beauty - Fall 2024 on Oct 22, 2024
As the leadership team of West Coast Hearts of Beauty, we are so grateful to have been invited in to witness all that God is doing in the lives of the women who joined us for this amazing experience. What a wonderful group of ladies! Our hearts are full! We Hope to see many of the ladies and their husband's at the West Coast Marriage Camp in February 2025.
By for West Coast Hearts of Beauty - Fall 2024 on Oct 16, 2024
West Coast Hearts of Beauty is the single most important weekend I have done in my journey. It’s impossible to describe it, you have to experience it. I promise you won’t regret it! God uses this ministry to heal and give you freedom from your pain.
By Keelie B for West Coast Hearts of Beauty - Fall 2024 on Oct 16, 2024
I just LOVE WC HOB. This is my third trip to heal my heart's wounds and soothe my soul. SPR'23; HOB-GA OCT'23 w my sister & now OCT'24 WC HOB. Came full circle for me. Each time I have been fortunate enough to make it to HOB despite the evil one's best efforts --I am always in awe of the Holy Spirit moving through, God's love, and Jesus' saving grace. I cannot get enough. I have absolute Faith and confidence our paths will cross many times from here on out. I just cannot praise HOB enough - you truly have something Spiritual (I refuse to say magical) that just sets you apart from any other retreat, rehab, prescription, addiction-intervention that is so impactful, meaningful, restorative, and vital. I continue to be grateful for whatever reason I was lucky enough to stumble upon HOB (the first time). HOB is my Earthly fountain of youth that restores my soul waters and fills my cup. I thought I was alone this HOB. Turns out my OG table & bunkmate Sheyla kicked off Corazones Bellos this past weekend. Yup, I know - the Lord works in mysterious ways! Amen? Amen. I still text my OG group. It has been 18 months and want to continue to add to my oikos of prayer warrior sisters... Of course, a huge THANK YOU to all of the absolute crown jewels of HOB leadership women (and the men they support/heal) -- there are no words to describe the sheer miracles you pull off each moment, lifetime, and so far looks like forever. Your authenticity, vulnerability to bare/unveil all, and expose your radiance is what I think the secret sauce to HOB being so transformative is. I mean every time people ask me (non-believers): "what on God's green earth is SO different about you? What happened to you this weekend? You are different." Me: yup, I am healing... Ladies, I pray you keep ministering. Keep discipling. Keep being fishers of men (& women, more specifically Ezers). Amen!
By Kate B for West Coast Hearts of Beauty - Fall 2024 on Oct 15, 2024
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