Women of Color Healing Retreat

Guanacaste Province, Nosara, Costa Rica

Satya Moore
  • Email address verified
Mar 21 - 26, 2019
Group size: 8 - 12
Women of Color Healing Retreat
Guanacaste Province, Nosara, Costa Rica

Satya Moore
  • Email address verified

Mar 21 - 26, 2019
Group size: 8 - 12

About this trip


Women of Color Healing Retreats was created out of the desire to connect women with nature and seeks to provide a space of learning, healing, and nurturing that so often alludes black women. In order to build sustainable communities that value the intersections of cultural identity, women of color must first rediscover who they are outside of a society that wishes to stunt organic spiritual growth and self-love. Women of Color Healing Retreats is a space for all black women, as they fully honor the diversity of black identity. It is a space for all bodies, all sexual orientations, all socioeconomic statuses, all political ideologies, and all levels of traditional or radical thought.

Disclaimers & Conditions

  • I understand that I will be unplugged from technology during most parts of my experience. I understand that WOCHR encourages participants to disconnect from social media and anything not serving me during my WOCHR experience. 
  • I understand that all WOCHR programs are plant-based. I understand that I do not need to be vegan/ plant-based to attend a retreat. I understand that I will be filled with delicious plant-based meals during my stay and that animal by products will not be allowed during my time with WOCHR.  
  • I understand to enhance my experience with WOCHR that I should tell relatives and friends that I do not want to receive any correspondence during the retreat unless it is an urgency. I understand that my experience at WOCHR is to focus on my personal growth, wellness and self-care. 
  • I understand that I will be abstaining from alcohol during my time at WOCHR.
  • I understand that that there are no refunds for my purchase of a WOCHR Experience. 
  • As a guarantee for my participation in the WOCHR Programs, I send you the non-refundable deposit to reserve my space. I understand that my retreat ticket is non-refundable.

Refund Policy

 Your retreat ticket is NON-REFUNDABLE. However, you may apply your registration fee to another retreat if you are no longer able to attend. You will be allowed to transfer your registration 1 time. Your registration is also transferable to another person so they may attend in your place. In the case that WOCHR cancels a retreat, a refund will not be issued, however your retreat ticket will be transferred to a future retreat for you to attend, or you have the option to transfer your ticket to another person. 

What’s included

  • ​Round Trip Flight to CR
  • Airport Tranportation
  • Lodging
  • Vegan Breakfast.
    This is for anyone who is currently a vegan and for those interested in exploring a vegan lifestyle. Healing vegan meals made with local fruits and vegetables will be provided.
  • Vegan Lunch
    Delicious healing vegan lunch, on some days we will have lunch on the beach!
  • Vegan Dinner
    Fill your belly with delicious vegan and holistic meals to nurture the mind, body, and spirit with our delicious group dinners.
  • Decolonizing Yoga
    Every morning and evening the group will take a guided outdoor yoga class at the lodge surrounded by the jungle. Yoga is a holistic practice that connects our mind, body and spirit.
  • Meditation
    Morning Meditations (Some are guided meditations).There's no level, so just come with an open heart.
  • Coffee Bathing
    Enjoy a coffee scrub by the river where the natural blend will detoxify exfoliate and improve the blood circulation in your beautiful skin.
  • Bon Fire (ceremony)
    Release all that does not serve you as you play, stretch, dance, connect with mother earth!
  • Surf or Kayaking Lessons
    Take a two-hour surf class for beginners with an expert surf teacher here in Costa Rica or you will be able to go kayaking in the beautiful jungle. Experience in swimming is not required for kayaking.
  • Women's Circle
    The women will journal, hold discussions and cultivate a safe space to heal and grow.
  • Women's Workshops
    There will be women’s workshops and circles throughout the retreat. Your retreat includes 3 intensive workshops and some women's circles.

Available Packages

Trip Price
Deposit: $500

Your Organizer

Satya Moore
Satya (SAH-TEE-YA) ​ is the CEO & creator of Satya and the WOCHR. She believes in manifesting our desired lives. She feels most comfortable in nature, and her life’s philosophy is anchored in the understanding that the Earth heals us. Satya is a healer, black nationalist, yogi, organizer, co-author of Resilience Through Yoga & Meditation , vegan, business woman, spiritual woman, teacher + eternal student. She believes that it is our duty to uplift black communities. She feels closest to the Earth in her work with yoga, meditation, spiritual + political ancestral healing, and self-care.

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