Yin&Yang, Finding Balance - Yoga retreat

Puerto Escondido, État de Oaxaca, Mexique

Floriane Brossaud
  • Email address verified
Nov 18 - 21, 2022
Group size: 5 - 11
Yin&Yang, Finding Balance - Yoga retreat
Puerto Escondido, État de Oaxaca, Mexique

Floriane Brossaud
  • Email address verified

Nov 18 - 21, 2022
Group size: 5 - 11

About this trip


Leave your computer at home. Turn your phone off and join me for a 4 days retreat at the magic place Pueblo del sol, where you will be a step closer to let your mind free and reconnect with our mother Earth.

We are living in a Yang world, in a dynamic, loud, always in movement environment. There is so much to think about, our family, our job, our future, our doubts and fears, that sometimes we are forgetting ourselves in the process, losing balance, feeling disconnected without being able to enjoy the real true gift that we have in the hands, the present moment. 

Everything on earth is made of duality, Masculine & Feminine, Fast & Slow, Sound & Silence, Fire & Water, Light & Shadow. One cannot live without the other. Therefore, the concept of Yin and Yang is simple, all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites. The pairs of equal opposites attract and complement each other.  When life-force energy is appropriately balanced between Yin and Yang, it flows smoothly, maintaining and promoting a good state of physical and emotional health. We always need both side in our life.

“The secret of life is finding balance in everything you do”. 

But how to find more balance in our life?  In this retreat we will work on understanding our different energies & layers, finding our unbalance. Once, we know ourselves better, by expanding our awareness, we can deeply transform ourselves and welcome inside us more harmony and peace. 

My goal is to help you to work on your yin & yang side, creating more inner connection, more balance to feel better in your body & mind on a long-term basis, transforming your routine.

Whether you’re “well-being curious,” or an experienced yogi, this retreat can help you dive deeper into your self-care practice, create well-being habits, and connect with a warm-hearted community that will bring out the best in you.

The place : Pueblo del Sol

Mexico is a magical land, a country of endless possibilities. A land of old civilizations that knew how to use the power of plants, vibration & sound to heal people. Today, we are more and more to wish to come back to these beautiful practices & to reconnect with respect to what the Mother Nature has to offer. 

Pueblo del Sol is one of these special places, located 1 hour from Puerto Escondido, in the Oaxaca’s Sierra, on the Pacific coastline. It offers endless, unique beaches with beautiful, lush green hills surrounding you wherever you go.

Pueblo del Sol offers 800 hectares of local vegetation of the Oaxaca's’ mountains, where you can reach an authentic connection with nature and adventure. It is a project focused on returning to the nature by preserving the customs and roots, where a new reality is being created based on the integration with our Mother Earth, its care and respect, but also on the people working there.

You will easily connect with nature as you will be surrounded by huge trees, beautiful untouched landscape including waterfalls, endless coastline, and jungle forest full of wildlife.

Finally, you will also learn about ancestral practices and rituals inspired by Mayan & indigenous civilization, such the Cacao ceremony. Cacao is very sacred in these lands and is used for healing purposes. 

As Pueblo del sol is located one hour from Puerto Escondido, why not also taking a few extra days to explore this cute little beach town where days can be spent riding wild waves on a surfboard, boat trips to see whales and dolphins, releasing baby turtles, admiring the stunning sunsets, sipping fresh coconuts on the beach, or simply relaxing in a hammock…


- The retreat will be in English. However, Flo speaks fluent Spanish & French if you need any translations or special language requests

- All levels are welcome. You do not need any previous experience in Yoga.

- This retreat is for adults only and open to both male and females. 

(Min age 16 years old, if accompanied by an adult)

-Book your spot with 30% of the payment. 

-The last 70% remaining will be paid one week before the retreat.

- 10% discount until October 1st with the code: EARLYBIRD10

-Maximum 11 people, we believe keeping the group small has many benefits and gives you plenty of personal space.

Who I am ?

My name is Floriane, but please call me Flo. I am French. 

A few years ago, I quit my office job in France and left for the road with just a backpack on my own, in search for more meaning in my life. During this travel, I explored and discovered different types of yoga, energies, teachers, from all over the world, which inspired me and helped me find my path. 

After a 200 hours Yoga Teacher training in Vinyasa, followed by a Yin yoga training through a well-recognized School, Yoga Academy International (YAI), registered by the Yoga Alliance, I started to teach yoga in Mexico, in Puerto Escondido where I decided to settle. 

Offering to my students, a safe and warm space without judgement where all types of shapes, ages, gender, nationalities are welcome. I believe that everyone is different, but Yoga is for everyone. We do not need to be flexible to do yoga, and we should not let that limited belief stopping us to get started. 

During my years of teaching, I naturally took my interest towards some well-being & spiritual practices, learning the science of sound healing with Tibetan bowls, using sounds, vibrations, and music to bring positives effect on the body and the mind as reducing stress, allowing deep relaxation, improving sleep…

My time in Mexico also guided me towards beautiful Mayan ancestral ceremonies where I learned the art of sacred cacao ceremony, a medicinal plant to awake your consciousness and your heart to connect with your inner healing power, to release what no longer serve you.

I am now a cheerful holistic health practitioner passionate about connecting body and mind to find inner balance. My mission is to guide people in search of more well-being and self-connection through yoga, sound healing and other practices to find the tools that help them feel better in their body and mind.

It will be an honor for me to help you safely, deepen your practice and reconnect with your self-guidance, allowing you, too, to find the path that belongs to you.


  “I've attended two yoga camp retreats with Flo, and I must warn you she is not a regular yoga teacher, but a holistic companion that will take your experience to the next level. Flo makes sure that your time in the retreat feels personalized and intimate, promoting a friendly atmosphere within the group. The yoga sessions vary from energizing morning routines to calming evening flows accompanied by her stack of additional talents, including music healing, pranayama breathwork, and sacred medicine ceremonies.” 

Joaquin, 32, Mexico

I must say that Flo's retreats have not only helped me in opening my eyes to new experiences or to even meet new wonderful loving people, but it also helped in healing my body, mind and spirit. I'm glad my path crossed with Flo and her Yoga, she taught me that yoga is more than just flexibility. Yoga has now become a way for me to stay present, to allow myself to feel, accept, heal and most importantly, LOVE. She teaches yoga through her heart, allowing yourself to move at your own pace, your own time just as how life should be, with no rush” 

Fernando, 34, Mexico

Cancel policy

 We need a minimum of 5 participants to hold the retreat.

 If it is not possible, your full payment will be paid back.

Cancellations within 25 days before the retreat start date, deposit will not be refunded. 

In case of any new regulations imposed by local and/or international government related to Covid, the retreat will be postponed to a later date.

Any questions or queries, please feel free to contact me through email, phone, or social media.

Floriane Brossaud

Holistic Health Practitioner


+33 6 73 27 79 12            


The retreat price includes three tasty meals prepared and served fresh by the chef every day. Meals are served in the open dining room in the Casa Kafa

The menu is carefully designed to provide guests with a unique culinary experience. You will enjoy delicious, energizing nutritious, and detoxifying plant-based meals. We also use some delicious dairy-products for some of our meals.

Everything is cooked from scratch with the highest quality ingredients, many of which are homemade, or locally bought in the village nearby.

Please let them know in advance if you have any special diet request, so we can communicate it to the chef.

What’s included

  • 6 Yoga classes
    Vinyasa, Yin yoga, Yin-yang yoga, Yoga Nidra...
  • Meditation & Pranayama
    Breath exercices, guided meditation
  • Workshops
    opening & closing circles, setting intentions, guided exercices to find more balance
  • Cacao ceremony
    Indigenous Mexican ritual to reconnect wih your heart
  • Sound Healing
    There are no organ systems in our body that doesnot react to sound, music & vibration. Open yourself & feel the power of sound in your body
  • Accomodation
    2 different types of sustainable lodge : Casa Voluntarios / Ecolodge
  • 3 meals a day
    Vegetarian / Vegan
  • Access to the Yoga Shala
    Mats & props are included. Sierra view
  • Transportation
    Round trip from Puerto Escondido meeting point
  • Hike
    to nearby waterfall
  • Adventure time
    Visit a Coffee plantation & take a zip line with breath taking view on our beautiful Oaxaca' sierra
  • Free Time
    for journaling, walk in the beautiful jungle, explore Pueblo del Sol or add an extra activity

What’s not included

  • Flight Tickets
  • Aiport transport
    from Airport to Puerto Escondido
  • Medical Insurance
  • Extra activities
    Pueblo del sol activities : Apiaries, Ceramic workshop, cooking class...

Available Packages

Ecolodge- 1 person

Option 1 – For 1 person

1 double bed in a luxury Eco-friendly bungalow

(Including a fridge & a coffee machine)

Private Bathroom

Terrace with Sierra view



830 USD (16500 in MXN)

Payments are made in USD if you would like to pay in other currency (MXN or Euro) please contact me.

10% discount until October 1st with EARLYBIRD10 

Deposit: $250


Day 1

Day 1: 

7.30am: Meeting Point in Puerto Escondido 

8.30am- Arrival at Pueblo del sol 

8.45am - Breakfast

10 am – Welcoming circle – intentions setting 

12.30pm – Lunch

2.00pm – Coffee plantation tour & zip line

4.00 pm – Chill Time

5.00 pm- Yin yoga

7.00 pm- Dinner

Your Organizer

Floriane Brossaud
I've always felt that I had an energy in me, that I was not using wisely, often giving me the feeling that the life I was living was meaningless. But one day, the call for another life was too strong, and I left a comfortable life in Paris to follow this intuition, without any visibility and security for my future. Today I am an holistic medicine therapist passionate about connecting body and mind to find inner balance. Now I guide people in search of well-being and self-connection through yoga, sound healing and other practices.