Yoga & Ayurveda Healing Intensive Nov 13-16, 2020 in Conifer, CO

Conifer, CO, USA

  • Email address verified
Nov 13 - 15, 2020
Group size: 5 - 15
Yoga & Ayurveda Healing Intensive Nov 13-16, 2020 in Conifer, CO
Conifer, CO, USA

  • Email address verified

Nov 13 - 15, 2020
Group size: 5 - 15

About this trip


  • Yoga to transform your body: specialized postures and series for strength and healing
  • Ayurvedic Yoga, Vinyasa and Hatha Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Restorative Yoga
  • Sound and Energy Healing
  • Chakra Meditations
  • AgniHotra Healing Fire Ceremony
  • Hand Mudras and Bandhas to increase circulation, purify and open the channels in your body for enhanced energy to speed up healing for yourself and others
  • Deepen your Meditation through Vedic techniques that have been proven to invoke clarity, inner peace, purify your chakras, activate your 3rd eye, and enhance brain function. During Vedic meditation, you tap into a state of relaxation that is more regenerative than sleep in terms of reduced cortisol (the stress hormone)
  • Breathe Properly with Pranayama Techniques to expand your lung capacity, increase oxygen and prana
  • Relax in profound ways that will energize your whole being
  • Utilize the power of your mind so you can create and manifest the life you dream of
  • Chant Mantras to activate your Chakras, open your 3rd Eye, raise your vibration and tune into higher frequencies. There are energetic pentacles within your energetic field that can be opened up so that you can utilize the power
  • Access your Inner Energy, Light and Vibration and use these Divine qualities to repair strands of your DNA
  • Bring yourself back into balance through a combination of healthy and balanced diet, yoga, meditation, ayurvedic principles, mantra, chanting, sound healing, rest – and your body will heal itself


Receive a free Ayurvedic Cleansing Pancha Karma Webinar Program with registration (Value $240). Ayurvedic cleansing restores your body’s natural balance, promotes longevity, removes the negative effects of stress and tension, rejuvenates your body and mind, and releases deep seated toxins in your body - studies show that Ayurvedic cleansing is one of the most effective means of eliminating PCBs and heavy metals stored in the body. 


Join a getaway of blissful meditations, transforming yoga poses, sound healing, chakra purification, 3rd eye activation, expanding breath work, deep relaxation techniques, enlightening mantras and mudras, Self-love practices to awaken your heart, and delicious meals prepared in a loving environment at Taspen's Cosmic Kitchen. 


The goal of this intensive is to help you heal physically and emotionally and expand spiritually.

Do This for Yourself - You Deserve the Love!

The knowledge and skills you will learn during this intensive will help you in every area of your life, personal as well as professional, in relationships, business, and spiritual pursuits.


 Discover the Answers to Life's Most Important Questions

What do I want?

Who am I?

What is my purpose?

What I am grateful for?

Step away from your daily to-do list to pause, reflect and focus this special weekend on your true Self. Rediscover who you are and experience lasting inner peace.

Heal And Transform Your Mind and Body!!!


Come together with like-minded individuals and fellow seekers. You’ll share your journeys, create friendships, and together, you’ll magnify your Light and the light you are sending out into the world. While Your individual Light is powerful by itself, coming together in shared consciousness, we generate a force so strong that it illuminates even the darkest corners of the earth.

Prepare for your Intensive

Before you embark on your Yoga and Meditation Intensive, take some time to journal on your intended outcome. Identify those elements that you wish to release and what you need to invite in for re-balancing your mind and body for self-awareness and self-improvement.

Write at least three statements for each. State what you are willing to let go of, and write a positive affirmation for personal and Spiritual growth.

Here is an example:

Intention of Letting Go: I release all unhealthy lifestyle

Positive Affirmation of Healing: I now live in self-freedom

As the unhealthy negative patterns become more clear, and as you become more willing to allow self-growth and spiritual expansion, your transformation unfolds in miraculous ways.

Participate in this Intensive and Return Home Happier, Healthier & Stronger!

About Heidi Nordlund, AD, YT, TCP

Ayurvedic Doctor, Yoga Therapist, Tibetan Cranial Practitioner, Spiritual Healer and Guide

Heidi's journey into health and healing began when she was 13 years old. She was diagnosed with severe scoliosis and used yoga to strengthen and heal her body. Her passion for yoga led her to Nepal where she received her Yoga Teacher Certificate from Sushil Bhattacharya in 1998.

Her thirst for meditation brought her to Kriya Yoga, and in 1999 she was initiated into the lineage of Paramahansa Hariharananda and Paramahansa Prajnanananda. Heidi's dedicated practice opened her heart, taught her the power of prayer, invoked the triple Divine qualities of Sound, Light and Vibration, and she shared the benefits of her yoga and meditation practice with many people in Denmark, her home country, helping them to find balance, health and inner peace.

Heidi moved to the United States in 2002 to deepen her learning and application of spiritual healing disciplines. Her teachings were enriched by formal academic training through Naropa University; her Bachelor of Arts Degree (2005) reflecting her focus on Contemplative Psychology, Health and Healing, Sanskrit, and Hindu philosophies, practices and traditions.

Heidi continued her learning in Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy, and in 2012, she completed four years of 3000 hours training as certified Ayurvedic Doctor from Alandi Ashram, and six years of 1175 hours Ayurvedic Practitioner and Yoga Therapist Professional Certification training program at the Rocky Mountain Institute of Yoga and Ayurveda in Boulder, CO.

Heidi is also trained in the rare ancient healing art of Tibetan Cranial by Master Teacher and Lineage Holder Shar Lee Lee, and has sine 2008 helped thousands of people heal from headaches, head trauma and injuries. As a C-IAYT Yoga Therapist, certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Heidi Nordlund offers Yoga Therapy with a strong Ayurveda influence. Following the classical tradition of individualized yoga practice, Heidi formulates recommendations based on your particular constitution and imbalances.

Through the last 20 years of yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, Tibetan Cranial and healing practices, Heidi has acquired great knowledge and practical experience and brings an incredible power of divine opening to her healing work.



"Heid’s presence emits unconditional love and you will be held in the hands and heart of a true master." Cassie M., Sedona, AZ

"Heidi's light hearted spirit is infectious!" Kimberly S., CO

“Heidi offers practices that promote positive thinking, target self-esteem, aid in grief, and most importantly develop more self-love in a spiritual sense. I highly recommend working with her to lift emotional difficulties on a deep level that goes beyond addressing symptoms. The practices she has offered me have helped me identify and remove emotional blocks, develop more self-compassion, and to increasingly align with my Higher Self. ” Vanessa C., NY

"The work Heidi and I have done is nothing short of a miracle for me. I feel more awake and attuned to my spirit and earthly body than I have in many, many long years!” Elizabeth B., CO

"My view of this world has forever been changed in part do to Heidi. I will no longer allow things to stand in my way. I am ready to find my purpose. Heidi is truly an ANGEL here on earth." Tom H., CO

"Heidi is an infinite wealth of knowledge, embodied directly by the Powerful energy she emanates! It is a rare occasion when I am silenced by the Being before me, and I continue to remain in this state in her presence. All that she offers is endless, and she is a gift to work with!" Forrest G., CO 

“It is rare to meet a person truly dedicated to the betterment of others. But, I was lucky to meet Heidi. She helped me enourmously teaching me with her compassionate heart and wisdom. If I were to define Heidi in two words, it would be “pure love!" Daniela I., CO

“I am finally content and peaceful being. Heidi is truly an earth angel, and I'm so thankful she is following her destiny and offering her gifts." Sarah L., CO

“Heidi not only makes you feel better physically, she raises your spirits with her knowledge and spiritual essence. She just has a way of lifting your spirits.” Myrna W., CO. 


Ayurveda gives you tools to better understand the way you think, feel and act. By utilizing Ayurvedic principles you can reclaim your health and prevent disease, beginning first with awareness. In Ayurveda, you achieve balanced results through balanced means.
The world-class Ayurvedic meals served at the retreat will primarily be vegetarian, with locally-sourced ingredients and a distinct Indian flair drawing from the rich cultural history of India. Gluten-free and dairy-free options will be available.

There will be a delicious Gourmet meal for the Friday welcome dinner. Breakfast, lunch and dinner during the retreat are included in your reservation.

Living an Ayurvedic life is all about balance, and there are several ways to practice this through cooking. During this retreat, you will enjoy meals that are prepared with the best organic, fresh, seasonal and local ingredients. Every meal is homemade in a loving and conscious manner.

Recipes for the delicious foods will be provided.

“My overall energy has increased, my sleep has improved, my attitude & outlook is much more positive. I just feel so much better” Caryl P., CO

Ayurveda is a wellness practice that originated in India and is about 5,000 years old. The word "Ayurveda" is a combination of two Sanskrit words that mean life (Ayur) and science (Veda), so the literal translation of Ayurveda is "the science of life." Ayurvedic medicine seeks to create a healthy strong body through a series of diet, exercise and lifestyle practices, including sleep and mindful living.

Ayurvedic diet incorporates many different practices into your eating routine. These practices help you to benefit from the different qualities of food.

One of the primary characteristics of an Ayurvedic diet is that you eat according to your dominant constitutional type or dosha. You can think of your dosha as your most prominent energy.

There are three different Ayurvedic doshas that derive from five different elements: space, air, fire, water, and earth. Each element provides different qualities or attributes.

Vata (space and air): Attributes include dry, light, cold, mobile and rough.
Pitta (fire and water): Attributes include sharp, hot and liquid.
Kapha (earth and water): Attributes include moist, heavy, soft and static. 


Boosts in cognitive ability and creativity

Better sleep and more energy

Tapping into your higher knowing

To move beyond your mind’s noise and emotional turbulence into peace and expanded awareness

Connecting with your Divine nature and renewed version of yourself

Accessing your own source of truth

Releasing internal emotional blocks

Enjoying a deep level of calm and relaxation

Mind-expanding mystical experiences that will forever change you! 

As you expand your awareness through ancient Vedic traditions of yoga and meditation, you become more capable of seeing all of the richness that life has to offer you.


True happiness is always within you, you just need to know how to find it.

During this retreat, you will learn how to experience happiness within you, and learn to find it amidst the challenges of life. Meditation is an important key! Meditation changes the structure of your brain and directs you to the pre-frontal lobes where happiness lives within you.

You will learn specific techniques that makes meditation much easier and you will learn how to use meditation to transform your life. As a daily practice, you will meditate in the sun, by the sound of flowing water, on the powerful Red Rocks at magical Vortex sites, deepening your connection with your Higher Self.



4:00 PM Arrival and settling in 

5:00 PM Opening Ceremony. Yoga and Meditation Class 

6:30 PM Gourmet Dinner and Nature Walk

7:30 PM Spiritual Practices including energy healing and sound healing 


7:00 AM Sunrise Yoga and Meditation on the Red Rocks at spectacular Cathedral Rock Energy Vortex 

11:00 AM Delicious Brunch and Nature Walk 

1:30 PM Ayurvedic Tips & Tools for a healthy lifestyle. Yoga and Meditation Class 

5:30 PM Dinner and Nature walk 

7:30 PM Spiritual Practices including emotional healing and sound healing


6:00 AM Sunrise Yoga and Meditation

7:30 AM Yoga, Healing, Ayurveda, Shat Karma 

12:00 PM Lunch and Nature walk 

2:00 PM Ayurvedic Treatments. Yoga and Meditation Class 

6:30 PM Dinner and Nature walk 

7:30 PM Healing Practices including energy healing and sound healing 

9:00 Ceremonial Fire  


6:00 AM Sunrise Yoga and Meditation

7:30 AM delicious Breakfast 

8:30 AM Closing Ceremony 

9:00 AM Checkout and Goodbyes 

10:00 AM Departure Explore Sedona on your own

"The wisdom and sense of inner ease attained through Heidi's professionalism, knowledge of Ayurveda and most of all her own wisdom, are priceless. My physical body has been transformed from the inside out in just two months of work with her. I feel blessed, confident and hopeful about my health and well-being in despite of Drs. Outlook." Candice B., CO


Participate in daily yoga sessions that go beyond the postures to bring yoga, or the “union” of your true Self, into every aspect of your being – allowing your body, mind, heart, intellect and Soul to flow in harmony.

Coordinate your movements with your breath in Vinyasa Yoga and enhance your focus and concentration while going with the flow.

Enjoy Restorative Yoga poses including light twists, seated forward folds and gentle backbends.

Dive into the wealth of knowledge of Hatha Yoga and Pranayama preparing your body for deeper spiritual practices and meditation.

Discover how you can strengthen the muscles that you don't use much and heal your body in extraordinary ways with Yoga Therapy.

Cultivate positive karma through Bhakti Yoga and Karma Yoga.

Incorporate Yoga Poses and New Yoga Series into your daily day and gain renewed passion and inspiration for life 

A Comprehensive Yoga Tune-Up to Rejuvenate Your Body & Enrich your Life

Healing of Body and Mind

Release deep seated trauma and imbalances that cause issues such as joint pain, scoliosis, back pain, headaches, sinus problems, dizziness, indigestion, sleep disorders, fatigue, neck and shoulder pain, nervous system issues, and brain fog. Any symptom from a headache to insomnia or even cancer is your body’s way of telling you it is out of balance.

"The work Heidi and I have done is nothing short of a miracle for me. I feel more awake and attuned to my spirit and earthly body than I have in many, many long years!” Elizabeth B., CO  

Heal Yourself Emotionally and Spiritual

The heart becomes blocked when negative thought patterns (which in yoga are called Samskaras) get stuck in the mind and body. You have probably felt the negative effects of having a nagging worry or thought haunting you throughout the day. These thoughts are like energetic-roadblocks, and they are depleting and tiring. A heart full of unfinished events and worries is something that most people hold onto and time has come to release and let go of the old baggage.


This intensive is for you, if you are ready to tune in to higher frequencies, expand your consciousness and receive deep wisdom and power.

“I can honestly say that Heidi has changed my life.” Allisen H., CA 

What’s included

  • 15 hrs classes
    Professional yoga, meditation, ayurveda and healing classes. Immerse yourself in daily yoga and meditation and focus on your well-being. Awaken yourself and tune into Higher Wisdom.
  • All meals and snacks
    Enjoy Ayurvedic meals and snacks
  • FREE $800 BONUS
    Ayurvedic Cleansing Pancha Karma Webinar Program. Restores your body’s natural balance, promotes longevity, removes the negative effects of stress and tension.

Available Packages

Main House Bedroom #1 upstairs

4 people in room and shared bath 

Queen bed. Includes all classes, all meals and Vortex Tour

Main House Bedroom #1

4 women in room and shared bath  

Twin bunk bed. Includes all classes, all meals and Vortex Tour.

TREE HOUSE Bedroom #2

With kitchenette and access to private balcony.
Two people in room. Shared bathrooms at nearby workshop.
Twin bed. Includes all classes, all meals and Vortex Tour


Queen bed and private bathroom and walk-in closet. Total $2700 for couple or two people. Includes all classes, all meals and Vortex Tour.

Living Room on main floor, shared bath

Queen sofa bed. Includes 3 night, all classes, all meals and Vortex Tour.

Living Room on main floor, shared bath

Twin sofa bed. Includes 3 night, all classes, all meals and Vortex Tour.


 Bedroom #2 upstairs with private access to balcony. 

2 people in room and shared bath 

King bed. Total $1600 for one person.  Includes 3 night, all classes, all meals and Vortex Tour. 


Bedroom #2 upstairs with private access to balcony. 

2 people in room and shared bath 

Twin bed. Total $1250 for one person.  Includes 3 night, all classes, all meals and Vortex Tour. 



Trip to the Famous Cathedral Rock

On Saturday morning you will enjoy a special Sunrise Yoga and Meditation on the Red Rocks at the spectacular Cathedral Rock Energy Vortex.

Sedona is a special place with many energy vortexes to help shift your energy. These vortexes are the intersections of natural electromagnetic earth energy, also known as ley lines. They are spiritual vortexes and they are powerful and transformational energy centers.

Ley lines can intersect in different ways, creating different types of energy vortexes. The three most common types of vortexes are magnetic, electrical and balanced vortexes.

Magnetic vortexes have a feminine energy because the energy flow is very nurturing, soft and welcoming and can assist you in inward activities, such as contemplation, meditation and reflection. Cathedral Rock, the “womb with a view” is a well-known magnetic vortex. It’s also a beautiful natural cathedral and the most photographed red rock formation in Sedona. 

An electrical vortex is a masculine vortex. Electrical vortexes tend to be very energizing and are really great for getting the energy moving. Perfect for forward movement, setting intentions and increasing your resolve and stamina, electrical vortexes are somewhat akin to drinking a double espresso. An electrical vortex such as Bell Rock is the right place to do a vigorous yoga flow or to chant or make prayers. Bell Rock will amplify your petitions and send them up and out into the Universe.

Balanced vortexes are simply a mix of electrical and magnetic energy, both feminine and masculine. For example, Airport Mesa is one of the best known balanced Sedona spiritual vortexes. Go to Airport or any balanced vortex to see things from a larger perspective and to gain clarity and a higher vision for your life.

The four best known Sedona spiritual vortexes are Airport Mesa, Bell Rock, Cathedral Rock and Boynton Canyon. Each of these vortexes are well- documented and publicized. In 1980, a local Sedona medium named Page Bryant acknowledged and named some of the vortexes, causing them to gain in popularity as places for spiritual awakening.

The vortexes are not new, however, and Native Americans including the Navajo, Yavapai and Hopi Indians long before recognized recognized the energy and spiritual power of Sedona’s vortexes, honoring the land in this area and using them only for sacred ceremonies.

There are many Sedona spiritual vortexes than just these four. In fact, Sedona is enveloped with vortexes which have been detected and measured through dowsing.

Some of the clues you notice when coming upon a vortex unexpectedly include subtle energy vibrations such as tingling in the hands or buzzing throughout your body, heating up or feeling a rush of energy or a shift in consciousness or perception.

Often, the land will be very beautiful wherever there is a vortex and trees may show twisting trunks and branches, spiraling in the energy field.

“My vibration still feels very good even though I am back in the city. My sincere gratitude for sharing concepts in an easy to understand and profound way: “storylines” and how we can change our story and making a space to do that. This was so inspiring for me.” Deborah C., Denver, CO 

Your Organizer

Heidi Nordlund is a certified Ayurvedic Doctor, Yoga Therapist, Medical Intuitive & Spiritual Healer who helps spiritually connected people to unleash their inner healer, take their gifts to a higher level and make a greater impact in this world. Heidi has in the last 24 years helped 1000s of people heal and advance spiritually, and she’s here to support you to step into a life beyond your wildest dreams!