Past Trips


A unique opportunity. A beautiful microcosm. Everyone on their own journey. Honestly, it's hard to describe. I felt free and safe to explore, challenge myself, allow insights, and also to simply enjoy. The farm, lake and hills were gorgeous. I arrived without having met any of the other participants. I was a little apprehensive about this as I'm an introvert, but it felt easy to connect with the lovely, open-hearted group that we made. I'm also quite sensitive, one of those types who will tear-up on a dime, and I felt so free and safe to let emotions occur without judgement. I'm feeling so grateful for the entire experience.
By Audrey D for Ecstatic Dance Spring Retreat • 1-5 May 2024 on May 17, 2024
My first experience of ecstatic dance retreat is definitely not my last. The landscape was amazingly beautiful, our apartments were cozy, the nutritious meals were revealing and the activities, memorable. Organizers, staff and participants were appreciated by all for their particular talents.
By Michelle G for Ecstatic Dance Spring Retreat • 1-5 May 2024 on May 15, 2024
This was an amazing trip on every level, from the beautiful nature of the site to the content and facilitation and management of the retreat it was all so loving, holding and enjoyable. Bonus points for the food provided on the site which was abundant, fresh and delicious. It was an incredible experience
By Julie M for Ecstatic Dance Spring Retreat • 1-5 May 2024 on May 09, 2024


Simply amazing! I really recommend this kind of experience to make ourselves happier. Thanks all team . Lots of love Jan🤍🌻🤍
By Jannina M on 10 Aug, 2021