Past Trips

Montaña de 7 colores
Montaña de 7 colores
Aguas Calientes, Perú
1 day
Rainbow Mointa Offer
Rainbow Mointa Offer
Aguas Calientes, Perú
2 days


The journey is very long from Cusco (7 hour bus ride plus 2.5 hour walk after the bus. The hotel and meals were basic but fine. Unfortunately the prime views of Mapi were hidden in cloud as it's the rainy season. My English-speaking guide wanted to stay with the larger group waiting for the cloud to clear, so I did the visit solo, which was fine. (I did this in the interests of time:: I had to get the bus down and walk 10 km to get the bus back to Cusco). On the way back it had been raining a lot and at one point at a river crossing, it looked like we would not be able to get back to Cusco that night, but we made it.
By Elizabeth W for Machu Picchu By Car 2 on Feb 04, 2024
They picked us up from the hotel. The food was excellent. The buses were comfortable and in great condition. They were recommended to me by my brother who had used their services, and I was not disappointed. Great service.
By Jose E for Rainbow Mountain Full Day on Dec 29, 2023
The best way to travel to Montaña 7 colores. Beautiful landscapes to enjoy in quads. And our guide Rogelio was very helpful and nice.
By Carla L for Montaña De 7 colores en Cuatrimoto on Apr 11, 2023