
Excellent work by all the EdOdyssey staff, particularly Luis. Planning, logistics, troubleshooting, etc were handled professionally and expertly. I highly recommend them and will work with them again.
By Bruno T for Environmental Science in Peru (MSU Peru 2024) on Jul 10, 2024
This trip was filled with amazing experiences and exposed us to the true culture of Sicily. A truly unforgettable experience.
By Brendan B for 2024 Italy Immersion Honors Program - Salisbury University on Jun 30, 2024
We had a fantastic time in London. EdOdyssey’s team of talented coordinators and guides ensured that our students were able to safely experience a wide breath of London’s culture and fine arts. Thank you to Jules and Maddie for making this an extraordinary adventure for us!
By Maureen B for St. Mary's School - Fine Arts and Culture in London Field Study on Apr 05, 2024