Past Trips


It was intense but really great. A beautiful experience with an amazing teacher and a really good arrangement thanks to Audrey.
By Vanessa G for 200 Hour June Yoga Dunia Teacher Training in Hatha, Vinyasa & Yin Yoga on Jul 04, 2019
Great teacher training! I learnt so much in such a short amount of time and I’m inspired to continue to learn more. Leah Sugarman is so knowledgeable and has so much to offer. She set a good environment for us to all learn and support one another.
By Jessica M for 200 Hour June Yoga Dunia Teacher Training in Hatha, Vinyasa & Yin Yoga on Jul 03, 2019
The course was more than I could have hoped for. I gained knowledge, confidence and got to experience some of the best yoga classes I’ve ever been to. I would have liked to be given some of the Sanskrit pose names as part of the reading list, prior to the course so that I could have started to become familiar with words I hadn’t heard of before. I feel this would have helped so that once the course started it was about consolidation of that knowledge as there was so much else to think about in terms of teaching content.
By Michelle G for 200 Hour June Yoga Dunia Teacher Training in Hatha, Vinyasa & Yin Yoga on Jul 02, 2019