Cuyabeno, Ecuador

      • Email address verified
      40 reviews
      Duration: 3 days
      Group size: 1 - 12
      Cuyabeno, Ecuador

      • Email address verified
      40 reviews

      Duration: 3 days
      Group size: 1 - 12

      About this trip



      Disfruta lo mejor de la Amazonia ecuatoriana en la reserva inundada del Cuyabeno!

      *Hoteles seleccionados. Mejor calidad al mismo precio!


      - Aventura, naturaleza, avistamiento de pájaros y tour cultural.

      - Disfruta la Amazonía y todos sus encantos

      - Relájate en la mitad del bosque inundado con servicio de primera y guías bilingües.
      - Navega río abajo viendo toda la increíble flora y fauna de este "Hot Spot" natural.

      - Tour navegable para buscar Caimanes, Delfines rosados, Anacondas, Mono ardilla y más.
      - Tours guiados navegables y en tierra para ver la abundante vida de la reserva.
      -  Disfruta de uno de los mejores atardeceres en medio de la laguna grande del Cuyabeno, uno de los lugares más bio-diversos del mundo.

      Cuyabeno - Tips de Viaje


      Que traer: Ropa cómoda y ligera. Pantalones largos y cómodos para caminar. Camisetas de manga larga. Protección solar , gafas y repelente de insectos. Tomatodo para rellenar de agua. Ropa para lluvia. Linterna de cabeza para la caminata nocturna, cámara de fotos y si es posible larga-vistas. 

      - Si desean nosotros podemos proporcionar botas de caucho y poncho de agua. 

      ITINERARIO: Itinerario puede variar dependiendo del lodge elegido, del clima, seguridad, operatividad del lodge, etc.  
      CLIMA: La Amazonía es generalmente caliente y húmeda, con lluvias constantes. Época seca va de Octubre a Marzo con temperaturas que van desde los 19 ° C a 36 ° C durante el año. 

      SALUD: No se necesita vacunas, pero se recomienda a todos estar vacunados contra el Covid-19 para mayor tranquilidad de todos los pasajeros. En el lodge tenemos todos los medicamentos importantes para emergencias, pero es responsabilidad del cliente tener un seguro de viaje.
      Sustentabilidad:  En SMART GALAPAGOS trabajamos solo con los mejores lodges en calidad y precio, pero también nos aseguramos de trabajar con los Lodges que prestan más atención al cuidado del medio-ambiente.

      Electricidad e Internet: Se cuenta con planta eléctrica hasta ciertas horas de la noche. No hay internet en el Cuyabeno.


      Viaja inteligentemente, viaja Smart!

      What’s included

      • Hospedaje
        Hospedaje todas las noches en habitación privada con baño privado
      • Comidas
        Todas las comidas desde el almuerzo el Día 1, hasta el desayuno el último día
      • Bebidas
        Agua, te y café
      • Toures Navegables
        Todos los toures navegables
      • Tours guiados
        Toures guiados con guía local bilingüe
      • Transfers
        Todo el transporte incluido: Lago Agrio - Puente - Cuyabeno Lodge
      • Botas y Ponchos de agua
        Entregaremos botas y ponchos de agua a quienes deseen

      What’s not included

      • Transfer Quito-LagoAgri
        Transfer en bus privado desde Quito a Lago Agrio y de regreso
      • Bebidas alcohólicas
        Bebidas alcohólicas disponibles para comprar
      • Comunidad/Shaman
        Un pequeño aporte a la comunidad y al Shaman es necesario ($10pp)
      • Propinas
        No incluye propinas
      • Seguro de viaje
        Seguro de Viaje (recomendado)

      Available Packages



      (Doble o triple)


      Available options

      Transfer Quito-Lago Agrio. Bus privado

      Precio por persona por ruta

      Transfer Lago Agrio-Quito. Bus privado

      Precio por persona por ruta




      Precio por persona por noche


      D1) Lago Agrio - Lodge
      Bus + Canoa al lodge + Caminata guiada en la selva

      AM: Transporte desde Lago Agrio a "El Puente" (comienzo de la Reserva) 

      PM: Canoa por el río hasta llegar al Lodge. El almuerzo se sirve en el Lodge alrededor de las 14:00. Por la tarde comenzará la actividad alrededor de las 16:00, para visitar la Laguna Grande y otros atractivos cercanos. Alrededor de las 17:30, llegará a la laguna para nadar y ver la puesta de sol, que es una de las partes más increíbles del recorrido. A las 18:00 una emocionante caminata nocturna para disfrutar de la vida y sonidos de la selva.

      La cena se sirve a las 20:00. Luego de la cena el guía impartirá un breve briefing del Lodge y la reserva Cuyabeno, también el itinerario para el día siguiente. Descansar.


      Your Organizer

      40 reviews
      Smart Galapagos is a local sustainable DMC (Destinations Management Company) specialized in the Galapagos Islands. We've lived in Galapagos and love these islands. We know every spot in the Islands and every hotel and supplier. For every Smart traveler we plant trees, many trees at no additional cost for you! Best price/quality guarantee!


      The hotel was in a perfect location, the rooms were comfortable and the staff was incredibly helpful. Loved it!
      By Elana (Lani) S for T. LANI x 4 - Casa Aliso Hotel Quito on Jul 09, 2024
      Our trip was amazing and Juan Pablo was incredibly helpful and accessible. We had a fabulous time- highly recommend! Thank you for an awesome experience.
      By Elana (Lani) S for SERVICE TIPS & REVIEWS on Jul 01, 2024
      What an incredible trip! Juan Pablo organized so many fun activities for me - the itinerary was full of snorkeling, biking, and great dinners! He even managed to squeeze in a diving trip for me. He communicated with me every day to make sure I knew the plan. Overall a wonderful experience and I would highly recommend this tour! Thank you so much for a fantastic trip!
      By Yasmin M for T. Yasmin x 1 - 8 DAY - GALAPAGOS 360 TOUR "A" - ESSENTIAL - SMART23 on Jun 09, 2024
      Although this part of the trip was not what is should have been - it was still wonderful. Juan Pablo was amazing to help out when my hubs was suffering with altitude sickness. Instead of going to the farm - we had to have a last minute change and Juan Pablo got us a hotel in the valley to help ease the altitude sickness. We really enjoyed that hotel. Sadly we did not get to see the condors - the fog came in and the visibility disappeared but we did see a ton of hummingbirds. The hot springs were to die for!!!! I did a chocolate wrap in the spa that was quite relaxing. I highly recommend working with Juan Pablo to figure out what will work best for you and your group!!!!
      By Dawne L for Andes Tour - 4 Day Tour - Quito+Farm+Condors+Papallacta on May 13, 2024
      Juan Pablo planned our trip and he was so patient and kind during the whole process. I always have a ton of questions - and he always responded very quickly with detailed information. ANYTHING he recommended was wonderful. It was such a blessing to work with him! He reached out every day of the trip to see how things were going and if he could help out in any way. Each day on this adventurous trip we encountered another magical thing!!! We cannot say we loved one island more than the next or one day trip more than the next but we can easily come up with 3 of the most incredible things per day. The wildlife was amazing, the color of the water was so vivid, wonderful sunsets, and many of the beaches had the finest powder sand. It was also super refreshing to be somewhere that was not jam packed busy, huge buildings, and having advertisements in your face all day. We had one picky eater and he did not complain about any of the meals. We absolutely loved this trip. Thank you so much for your input, help, and incredible tips Juan Pablo! You will be hearing from me again for my next Galapagos adventure!!
      By Dawne L for T. DAWNE x 2 - 11 DAY - GALAPAGOS 360 TOUR "A" - IDEAL - CUSTOM on May 10, 2024
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      Juan Pablo of Smart Galapagos organised a fantastic 8 day Galapagos experience for my group of 4 friends. It could not have been better organised. The hotels were all comfortable with lovely, helpful staff and great views. The restaurants were always the best in town. We saw all the major sights on the three main islands and it all ran like clockwork. He got us great prices and made sure we had a lot of extras. He kept in touch with us constantly, making sure everything was perfect. Thank you, Juan Pablo ! What a great experience ! All ' of us would highly recommend Smart Galapagos.
      By Catherine M on 12 Dec, 2023