5-day Climbing Course (all inclusive)

La Roche-en-Ardenne, België

La Karavana, The Outdoor Hostelbus
  • Email address verified
13 reviews
May 24 - 28, 2023
Group size: 4 - 12
5-day Climbing Course (all inclusive)
La Roche-en-Ardenne, België

La Karavana, The Outdoor Hostelbus
  • Email address verified
13 reviews

May 24 - 28, 2023
Group size: 4 - 12

About this trip

Up for a new sport? Learn how to leadclimb and get your indoor lead-climb certificate! We'll be climbing on different outdoor climbing spots the Ardennes in Belgium.  

On this 5-day climbing safari trip you'll learn everything to start lead-climbing. The rope techniques, how to belay a lead climber, how to lead climb yourself and how to read a topo. Since our accommodation has wheels we will show you a couple different climbing spots in Belgium. You'll learn about rope techniques, how to belay, knots and (if you want) we will do single pitch lead-climbing as well! If you prefer toprope climbing that's fine as well. Everything will be outdoors. 

It's ideal for any climber with some top-rope climbing experience or boulderer who would like to start lead climbing outdoors on single-pitch sport routes. During the course you will develop the confidence to become competent in leading exciting sport climbs outdoors. The lead climbing skills you learn on this course will also enable you to get your indoor lead climb certificate. 

For this trip you need to be(come) a member of the NKBV, the Dutch climbing foundation. It's obligatory to go climbing in Belgium to be a member and have the 'klimjaarkaart', but you can enjoy it the entire year: there are a lot of advantages like discounts, good & cheap travel insurance and you'll get the inspiring 'Hoogtelijn-Magazine' 5 times a year. You can become a member here.  Make sure to add the 'klimjaarkaart' as well! 

Please note: our meeting location will be around Namen, Belgium. During the trip you'll travel around in our bus. We'll set up a whatsapp group for people to carpool to us if they wish.


DAY 1: 

Welcome around 19h (CET) around Namen (specific location will be shared later)

- We'll discuss the planning & theoretical information 

DAY 2- DAY 5: Climbing Safari to different climbing areas, with lessons every day

DAY 5: Goodbye drinks & back home

A list of the things we'll work on: 

  • Lead belaying
  • Lead climbing
  • Correct use of sport climbing equipment
  • Threading anchors
  • Using a guide book
  • Climbing calls and communication

Werrie, our certified guide, will make sure you feel comfortable and share all his knowledge with you in four full days of climbing! 

Interested in other trips? These are coming up too!

12-14 May 2023: Surf Crash Course - learn to surf! 

19-21 May 2023: Girls surftrip - meet other surfgirls! 

July : Norway Roadtrip - preregister now

August - Sept: Scotland - preregister now

www.lakaravana.nl <-- for all info

Also, you can rent the bus with a group of friends as a group accommodation or let us make you a personalised trip!

More info check out our website.  

What’s included

  • Certified climbing guide
    Who knows all the best climbing spots in the region
  • Climbing lesson
    +/- 5-6 hours a day
  • Climbing certificate
    Depending on your level & progress, you can get your official single pitch top rope or even your lead climb certificate.
  • General climbing gear
  • All meals
    Breakfast, lunch, dinner (vegetarian)
  • Accommodation 4x
    We'll find cool camp spots but sleep on our bus of course!
  • Cofffee, tea, water
  • Transport during trip

What’s not included

  • Drinks
    Other than coffee, tea, water (we do offer drinks for a friendly price)
  • Helmet
    We can help you to rent though
  • Climbing harness
    We can help you to rent though
  • Climbing shoes
    Bring your own
  • Transport to Ardennen
    We'll set up a Whatsapp-group so you can carpool if you wish.
  • NKBV membership
    Necessary to climb in Belgium
  • Klimjaarkaart
    Necessary to climb in Belgium. Deze kun je bestellen bij je NKBV lidmaatschap

Available Packages

Trip Price

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Your Organizer

La Karavana, The Outdoor Hostelbus
13 reviews
La Karavana The Outdoor Hostelbus! An English double decker bus from 1976 converted into a hostelbus with 9 beds, a kitchen, bathroom and cosy livingroom. Join us on one of our trips or just sleep in our bus with a group of friends!


It was a very fun weekend trip to the north of the NL. Despite the rain on the first day, the vibes were great. Good and vegetarian food, yoga lessons, surf and floating in the water, endless walks on the beach, music, great girls, and a comfy bed in the fabulous Karavana bus. All very nice, I barely had time to rest, haha. There was always something going on!
By Samanta B for Surfweekendtrip Julianadorp | La Karavana x Surfgirls on May 29, 2024
Great vibes, happy people and delicious food. Wonderful way to meet like minded other woman. Je krijgt de vrijheid om zelf te bepalen waar je aan meedoet en waar niet. Erg fijn!
By Femke H for Surfweekendtrip Julianadorp | La Karavana x Surfgirls on May 28, 2024
We were taken good care of. We've seen a lot of Scotland's nature and loved all the activities. My personal favorite was conyoning. That was awesome, even in the cold. Highly recommend anyone try a trip on this amazing bus!
By Jango H for The Scottish Highlands on Oct 31, 2023
De reis met LaKaravana door de Schotse Hooglanden was geweldig. De reisleiding (Eileen en Saskia) is altijd vrolijk, actief en gastvrij. Ben je actief en wil je Schotland (of een van de andere bestemmingen) anders beleven dan met alle andere organisatoren is dit echt een aanrader. Buiten de gebaande paden, veel lachen, ook voor alleengaanden perfect.
By Willy P for The Scottish Highlands on Oct 19, 2023
Ik heb een waanzinnige tijd gehad. Veel van Schotland kunnen ontdekken met de meiden van La Karavana. Reizen met zo’n oude bus is een unieke ervaring en geeft je een waanzinnig gevoel. De bus is van alle faciliteiten voorzien. Ook de medereizigers waren erg gezellig! Wij waren op pad met 5 reizigers en 2 begeleiders. Persoonlijk vond ik dit ook wel prettig, want het was nu in het slaapvertrek best wel rommelig en druk. Bij een volledige volzet is dit misschien nog iets ‘erger’. De activiteiten waren leuk en veelzijdig, al moet ik zeggen dat ik één kasteel bezoeken wel voldoende had gevonden. Daarnaast zijn de meiden wél flexibel en denken ze graag mee over de wensen van de groep. Zo konden we iets langer op Isle of Sky verblijven. Het mountainbiken in Trossachs National Park hebben we niet gedaan, daarover is ook niet gecommuniceerd. Ook de Harry Potter trein kon niet doorgaan, als alternatief zijn we met de gewone trein gegaan. Voorafgaand is hier wél over gecommuniceerd. Het eten dat elke avond geserveerd werd was lekker en gevarieerd. De lunches waren elke middag verrassend en in de ochtend hadden we regelmatig iets extra’s, zoals wentelteefjes, een gebakken ei of verse croissants. Al met al; het was een feestje om met de bus op pad te zijn geweest.
By Esther P for The Scottish Highlands on Oct 11, 2023
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I traveled with this bus about a year ago. One of the worst experiences of my life. One of the hosts used a racial slur while at dinner. Completely changed my outlook on traveling with a female hosted trip. And the booking agent, girls love travel, would not refund my money.
By Chasity W on 17 Feb, 2024