Tours included:
✔️ Sunrise Contemplation
✔️ Ecological Trail – 3km
✔️ Lake Salvador Recognition Tour
✔️ Lecture: Voices of the Jungle: Discovering the Amazon
✔️ Recreational Fishing
✔️ Indigenous Practices (bow and arrow)
✔️ Caboclo Canoeing: : Traditional Amazonian Canoeing
✔️ Nighttime Observation Tour and Sounds of Nature
✔️ Path of the Sun: Visit to the Caboclo’s House
✔️ Exploring Nature: Jungle Survival Instruction Trail
✔️ Tour of Indigenous Community, Spice Tasting, and Ritual
✔️ Dolphin Observation
✔️ Meeting of the Waters
✔️ Tour of Janauari Ecological Park with Lunch
✔️ Pirarucu Fishing Simulation
✔️ Morning in the Jungle: Visit to the Native’s House
Naiá Suite - Uiara Amazon Resort