Challenge, Evolve, Become - con Veronica e Mattia

      28010 Nebbiuno, Province of Novara, Italy

      Yogando Retreats
      • Email address verified
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      35 reviews
      Sep 11, 2021
      Group size: 1 - 30
      Challenge, Evolve, Become - con Veronica e Mattia
      28010 Nebbiuno, Province of Novara, Italy

      Yogando Retreats
      • Email address verified
      • Facebook verified
      35 reviews

      Sep 11, 2021
      Group size: 1 - 30

      About this trip

      Un giorno immersi nella natura in cui riusciremo a conoscerci meglio, a condividere le nostre esperienze e, soprattutto,  ad allenarci insieme migliorando la nostra tecnica e le nostre skills. 

      Sarà una giornata in cui ci sarà spazio solo per sorrisi, divertimento e sì, un pò di fatica, ma quella buona!

      Quella che quando finisci ti senti VIVO come non mai, quella che ti fa sentire forte e invincibile, quella che ti fa sudare ma che ti riempie il cuore di soddisfazione, la fatica che ti fa EVOLVERE!

      Quindi che aspetti?

      Sei pronta ad unirti a noi?

      Le classi

      FULL BODY: Faremo un allenamento a circuito alterando movimenti per il lavoro della parte superiore del corpo con quello della parte inferiore, con l’obiettivo di di stimolare consecutivamente senza pausa gruppi muscolari più possibile distanti tra loro per facilitare la circolazione, intensificare ulteriormente il lavoro cardiovascolare, aumentare la forza e la resistenza muscolare e, al contempo, ridurre il grasso corporeo.

      GLUTES LAB: Classe laboratorio dedicata interamente all’allenamento dei Glutei. Vedremo la tecnica e la progressione degli esercizi più importanti per avere un lato B tonico e forte. Faremo un workout completo e divertente per sollecitare i muscoli più grandi del nostro corpo e capire quali sono le basi per far crescere i nostri glutei.

      HIIT: Classe di allenamento ad alta intensità per migliorare forza e resistenza. L’ High Intensity Interval Training sarà composto dall’alternanza di brevi sforzi molto intensi, quindi con ampia componente anaerobica, seguiti da periodi di recupero attivi meno intensi.

      I vostri insegnanti

      Veronica Contratti


      Veronica è una Fitness Coach e Content Creator italiana, che ha fatto della sua più grande passione un lavoro.

      Da quando, a 18 anni, è entrata per la prima volta in una palestra, ha sentito di essere nel suo mondo. Sebbene i suoi studi vertessero su altro, con il passare del tempo la magia che provava ogni volta che poteva esprimersi grazie allo sport l’ha portata a formasi e dedicarsi anima e cuore a quello che oggi è tutta la sua vita, il suo lavoro e la sua passione.

      Grazie al suo programma di allenamento VERYAHOLIC WORKOUTS, Veronica insegna alle ragazze che si affidano a lei il suo metodo di allenamento, per costruire un corpo tonico, armonico e femminile e una mente serena e positiva.

      Mattia Coppini

      Your Online Fitness Coach 

      Il mio non è un lavoro ma una ragione di vita, lo sappiamo, non è lavoro se lo fai con il sorriso. That's it. That's me. Ad oggi rappresento due brand importanti come Diadora e Buddyfit ma non sono solo un Trainer, sono un fratello maggiore che ama suonare il pianoforte, cantare e viaggiare, viaggiare, viaggiare, viaggiare.

      Da ora in poi intendo essere spudoratamente felice, e tu?"

      La location

      Wana Glamping

      Localita' Bindellina, Piemonte, Italy

      Poggio Radioso, risiede sulle colline adiacenti ad un villaggio medievale di Campiglia. Un villaggio unico, ricco di case storiche e boschi per lunghe passeggiate. Wana Glamping ha una vista mozzafiato sul Lago Maggiore e la tranquillita' di questa location vi fara' sentire come in vacanza, ma non troppo lontano da casa. 

      Cosa devo portare con me?

      Tappetino e kettlebell e manubri (se volete)
      Cavigliere qualora le utilizziate. 

      Abiti  comodi e adatti alla stagione e scarpe comode da passeggiata.  

      Consigliamo anche l’anti zanzare  e protezione solare 

      Certificato medico

       I partecipanti saranno responsabili della loro condizione di buona salute. 

      Devo essere vaccinato?

      Si richiede o il green pass, oppure un test Covid (PCR e non molecolare) con risultato negativo nelle 48 ore prima dell’evento. Senza il test, l’ammissione non e’  garantita, nemmeno se si ha già pagato. 

      Ho delle allergie alimentari

      Chi avesse particolari esigenze/problemi di alimentazione è pregato di avvisare all’atto dell’iscrizione. 

      Il biglietto e' rimborsabile?

      Per poter completare la prenotazione sarà richiesto un versamento dell'intero prezzo del biglietto. Il biglietto non e' rimborsabile. Qualora ci fossero restrizioni COVID e chiusura delle regioni, verra' emesso un voucher da utilizzare per lo stesso evento che rimanderemo a data da definirsi.

      Cosa succede se devo disdire?

      Le disdette devono essere comunicate tramite email  scritta a 

      Se dovessi contrarre il Covid?

      Non è previsto nessun rimborso, ne’ del saldo, ne’ della caparra, per  chi, malauguratamente, avesse contratto il COVID e non potesse  partecipare all’evento. 

      Se non riesco a fare il test prima?

      Yogando Retreats si riserva la facoltà di annullare il titolo d’ingresso  in ogni momento qualora il partecipante non abbia presentato un test  COVID negativo.  

      Avrei altri dubbi

      Non esitare a scriverci!

      Siamo a tua disposizione!

      What’s included

      • Pranzo e merenda
      • Lezioni di fitness
        Con Veronica e Mattia
      • Parcheggio gratuito
      • Soundboks
        Bluetooth sound system
      • Giardino privato
      • Accesso al lago

      What’s not included

      • Trasporto
      • Colazione e cena
      • Pernottamento

      Available Packages

      Trip Price


      Day one
      Meet up

      9 am - Arrivo e check in 

      10 - 11 am: Work out con Veronica 

      12.30 am: Pranzo 

      15 - 16 pm: Work out con Mattia

      17pm: Merenda energetica e saluti finali 

      18pm: Check out 

      Your Organizer

      Yogando Retreats
      35 reviews
      We design and host exclusive custom yoga retreats


      I recently had the pleasure of attending a retreat hosted by Elisa and Brooke Burke, and it was truly life-changing. I'm looking forward to attending another retreat in the near future! The entire retreat experience, from start to finish, was empowering, purposeful, and tailored perfectly to the group's needs.The connections I formed during the retreat were incredibly meaningful. I felt a strong sense of community and camaraderie with all the other participants. The retreat program itself was a fantastic mix of body sculpting, breathwork, and wellness workshops. I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of the workshops and how much I learned about myself through them. Each activity was carefully designed to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and the peaceful natural surroundings only enhanced the overall tranquility of the retreat.I highly recommend attending a retreat with these wonderful ladies if you want to reconnect with yourself, deepen your personal growth journey, and build meaningful connections with like-minded individuals. Thank you so much for providing such an unforgettable experience—I am eagerly looking forward to returning!
      By Bridgette H for LONGEVITY | Mind.Body.Energy. Build your own BB zone. on Apr 03, 2024
      I had zero expectations leading up to this event. I knew I wanted to experience a mind body connection somewhere tropical and that’s what I got! I knew I wanted to have some new tools to take into this new year and break some old mindsets that have been holding me back, that’s what I got! I wanted to move my body differently and cut off distractions from the outside world, that’s what I got! I’ve never felt so aligned with my new intentions and supported as I worked through some of the old self limiting thoughts .The accommodations were beautifully rustic and the food was average, but that’s not why I went. I went to fine tune myself, my perspective and create new healthy habits, that’s exactly what I got and more! Bravo to everyone who helped set this new year on track for me. Ill be back, Ive already manifested it ;)
      By Melanie A for BBBody&Soul | Longevity Retreat in Costa Rica on Jan 16, 2024
      Disorganized & disappointing, There was nothing related to longevity about this retreat. Eating at a buffet meals a day isn’t a 5 star experience. Being left for an hour in the hot sun along the side of a river waiting for transportation isn’t a 5 star experience. Not knowing any details about the waterfall excursion when asked 2x is not a 5 star experience. Not having bug spray for your guests not a 5 star experience. Not knowing who’s actually going on your retreat NOT a 5 star experience. The resort running out of towels not a 5 star experience. Over promises and undelivered
      By Cali L for BBBody&Soul | Longevity Retreat in Costa Rica on Jan 14, 2024
      Hello Carol, we are very sorry that this is your idea of a fabulous retreat that got 5 stars and amazing reviews from every single person on this trip. Regarding the organization, we were fully supportive in each step of your booking. We reacted very fast when, only the day before you were traveling, you sent us your flight details and we realized you were landing in the wrong airport. We showed full support while you were traveling solo, we spent time with you and we offered you dinner, the day before the retreat started. We treated you with compassion and support. The meals offered at buffet style were listed in the original contract, and the food was beyond amazing, offering a variety of fruits, vegetables and different form of proteins, at each meal. The waterfall hike was a very simple hike, we waited for transportation as part of the excursion, there was shade, and fresh fruits offered to everyone. We are sorry that this is your perception of the whole experience and we are quite surprised about your review. Hopefully, you learnt that there is no secret to longevity, but longevity is sisterhood, community, and how you perceive life.
      By Yogando Retreats on Jan 14, 2024
      My experience in Costa Rica with Brooke Burke and Elisa Magni was incredibly enriching and transformative. The combination of mindful practices, body movement , communal connection, and transformative activities was without a doubt a valuable investment in my personal well-being. Brooke asks some very important reflective questions that helped me tune into my core being, as well as get really honest and accountable with myself . My favorite activities included the breath-work ceremony, group I AM manifestion affirmations , mirror work and the transformative letter writing . Lastly , and perhaps the most invaluable aspect of this retreat is the deep connection and communal bond that formed between myself. Brooke , Elisa and ALL of the women attending. In addition, the resort is absolutely beautiful. The ocean is perfectly salty, warm and blissful, the food is extremely fresh with lots of vegetarian and vegan options. All of which I thoroughly enjoyed ! We also got a very generous swag bag filled with all of Brooke and Elisa‘s favorite things , ranging from hats , work-out clothes, candles and journals ! And the list goes on ! I am grateful that I choose to invest in myself and took this journey with Brooke and Elisa . I cannot think of a better way to begin the new year. I retuned home with the tools needed to keep vibrating at this higher frequency. I AM energetically lighter , I AM every woman, and I AM ready for an extraordinary 2024 .
      By Elysia L for BBBody&Soul | Longevity Retreat in Costa Rica on Jan 14, 2024
      Let me just say, if you are in a point of your life seeking transformation and restoration this experience is for you. Brook created such a safe supported space which allowed us all to be open and available for growth. I came home from this retreat refreshed, focused and calm. I have a better sense of who I am and what I want to experience moving forward. Forever grateful for this community and in awe of the dedication Brooke has to each and everyone of us. Her work ethic is extraordinary and her level to connect to each of us is unparalleled. Stop what you’re doing and take a moment to consider this opportunity for yourself. You deserve all the good things this retreat will curate. So much love and gratitude.
      By Basha D for BBBody&Soul | Longevity Retreat in Costa Rica on Jan 10, 2024
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