galapagos islands

  • Email address verified
40 reviews
Duration: 7 days
Group size: 1 - 16
galapagos islands

  • Email address verified
40 reviews

Duration: 7 days
Group size: 1 - 16

About this trip

8 Días alrededor de archipiélago conociendo sus sitios mas icónicos y representativos, sin duda te llevaras recuerdos únicos.

What’s included

  • Alimentacion
    Desayuno, Almuerzo, Cena
  • Hospedaje
  • Transfer
    Ingreso y dalida
  • Actividades
    Descritas por itinerario
  • Seguro civil
  • Guas Certificados

What’s not included

  • Ticket Aereo
    podemos ayudarle a conseguir tarifas especiales.
  • tarjeta de ingreso
  • Adicionales
    Alguna mobilizacion o actividad no descrita en el itinerario.
  • tasa deingreso PNG

Available Packages

Trip Price


Dia 1
Llegada, cráteres gemelos y reserva de tortuga gigante en las


A su llegada al aeropuerto de Baltra, se encontrará con nuestro guía naturalista, En el aeropuerto, primero tomará un servicio de traslado al Canal de Itabaca.

Un corto viaje en ferry lo llevará al otro lado del canal en un par de minutos. Desde aquí se le llevará en transporte privado a Puerto Ayora, la ciudad de la isla de Santa Cruz. En el camino, harás una breve parada en Cráter los gemelos, que son un par de cráteres colapsados​​que se formaron cuando la tierra se hundió en cámaras de magma vacías de antiguos volcanes. También puede encontrar algunas aves aquí. Luego visitará la Reserva El Chato, donde podrá observar las tortugas gigantes en la naturaleza que son endémicas de las Galápagos. Cerca del rancho, también tendrá la oportunidad de ver un túnel de lava desde el interior. Estos túneles se formaron cuando la capa externa de lava fundida se solidificó, mientras que el magma líquido continuó fluyendo durante una erupción volcánica hace muchos años. Almorzará en el rancho privado en la Reserva El Chato, antes de continuar el viaje hacia su hotel en Puerto Ayora.

El resto de la tarde tendrá tiempo libre para pasar por su cuenta. Puede pasear por el bulevar de Puerto Ayora, Otra opción sería visitar la Estación de Investigación Charles Darwin, donde se pueden observar más tortugas gigantes y un par de iguanas amarillas en cautiverio.

Your Organizer

40 reviews
Tailor Made tour in the Galapagos Islands


NO RECOMENDADO, CUIDADO, ESTAFA. Una verdadera estafa, primero el turoperador pidió que canceláramos por civitatis porque demoraban en pasar. Luego le pasamos la dirección y no sabíamos que debíamos ir a Galápagos, dado que estábamos en Manta y casi unos 20 días antes que habíamos dicho esto, no nos dijeron nada, escribieron el día antes que no podían hacer nada, y que no se dieron cuenta que nuestro hotel estaba en Manta. Perdimos todo el dinero, nos sentimos estafados, la realidad es que es una verguenza la agencia, no lo recomiendo para nada.
The trip itself was fine but the organization was lacking. We did not get any communication regarding pick up time or meeting place until I called the day prior. And it seemed as if they were not expecting us. When we were dropped off at the port for the ferry to the speed boat to get to Isabela Island we were advised that the tour leader would have our names displayed. The speed boat ride was very harsh and if I had any medical issues ... back sensitivity, this would have been a disaster. Once on Isabela Island, our names were nowhere to be found and a tour leader had to call the tour operator who then added us to his list. Once the land tour was completed by Victor, we were handed over to Andrea for the kayaking portion of the tour. This felt out of sorts and we felt as if we were best being accommodated by Victor and Andrea as a stop gap measure. This was very disappointing as this was the most costly all the tours we did in the 5 days we were in the Galapagos. Would not use the services again or recommend them.
By Christopher C for FULL DAY TOUR TO ISABELA FROM SANTA CRUZ on Jun 23, 2024
One of the best vacations, ever! Galapagos Islands are just out of this world. Full of nature, beauty, flora and fauna, including some rare & almost extinct species! Overall a wonderful time!
By Manish G for Galapagos 4 days 3 nights on May 03, 2024
One of my best dives ever! I especially appreciate the great pictures and videos of the dive that were provided to us after the dive. Thank you!
By PAT B for galapagos on Feb 08, 2024
The daytrip to North Seymour and Bachas Beach through GalapagosBKtours was the best one we did! The boat was very nice - large and spacious for the 15 people on the trip, with a very smooth ride. The crew and guide were very professional and helpful. We had a wonderful 3-course lunch of sashimi and salad, grilled fish and rice, and dessert. We thoroughly enjoyed the sites - the bird nesting sites were particularly amazing. We booked directly through GalapagosBKtours and while the trip was expensive, it was much cheaper than if we had gone through tripadvisor and had to pay that markup. Communication was good with pickup from our hotel. I would definitely book with GalapagosBKtours again if returning to the Galapagos - this experience was much better and smoother than the other tour operators we used for the rest of our daytrips.
By Sharyn R for VISIT TO NORTH SEYMOUR & BACHAS BEACH on Jan 04, 2024
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