Gulf of Cádiz Pelagic Trips 2024 - Birding the Strait

11550 Chipiona, Cádiz, Spain

Birding The Strait
  • Email address verified
10 reviews
Duration: 1 day
Group size: 7 - 10
Gulf of Cádiz Pelagic Trips 2024 - Birding the Strait
11550 Chipiona, Cádiz, Spain

Birding The Strait
  • Email address verified
10 reviews

Duration: 1 day
Group size: 7 - 10

About this trip


Salidas pelágicas en el Golfo de Cádiz

Birding The Strait organiza salidas pelágicas en el Golfo de Cádiz. Regularmente organizamos salidas programadas desde Chipiona. Estos viajes se realizan con un mínimo de 7 participantes y un máximo de 10. También podemos organizar salidas pelágicas privadas si tienes un grupo y deseas programar un viaje en una fecha específica.

El Golfo de Cádiz es un lugar excepcional para realizar viajes pelágicos y observar aves marinas. Algunas especies habituales en estas salidas son: Págalo grande, Págalo parásito, Paíño europeo, Paíño de Wilson, Pardela balear y Pardela cenicienta, entre otras. Organizamos salidas pelágicas durante los meses de julio a octubre y las notificamos mediante nuestro boletín y redes sociales. Puedes saber más acerca de nuestras salidas pelágicas en el Golfo de Cádiz aquí.

[EN]Pelagic trips from the Gulf of Cadiz

Birding The Strait organizes pelagic trips in the Gulf of Cadiz. We regularly arrange scheduled trips from Chipiona. These trips run with a minimum of 6 participants and with a maximum of 10. We can also arrange private pelagic trips if you have a group and want to program a trip in a specific date.

The Gulf of Cádiz is an exceptional place to do pelagic trips and observe seabirds. Some common species in these outings are: Great Skua, Arctic Skua (or Parasitic Jaeger), European Storm-Petrel, Wilson’s Storm-Petrel, Balearic Shearwater and Cory’s Shearwater, among others. We arrange pelagic trips during the months of July to October and we notify them through our newsletter and social networks. You can learn more about our pelagic trips in the Gulf of Cadiz here.

Términos y Condiciones


Ten en cuenta que al reservar o realizar el pago en nuestra cuenta, reconoces que tú y todos los miembros del grupo para el que estás reservando, habéis leído, entendido y aceptado nuestros Términos y Condiciones.


  • Si cancelas tu reserva al menos 31 días antes del viaje, tu pago será reembolsado menos el importe correspondiente a las comisiones bancarias.
  • Si cancelas a menos de 30 días del viaje, por cualquier motivo, lamentamos que no tendrás derecho a reembolso o re-programación de tu excursión. 
  • Si Birding The Strait cancela el viaje, aplicaremos los siguientes reembolsos:
    • problemas mecánicos con el barco o reservas insuficientes: te reembolsaremos la totalidad del importe, excepto las comisiones bancarias.
    • Condiciones climáticas inadecuadas: te reembolsaremos la totalidad del importe, excepto las comisiones bancarias. Alternativamente, te ofreceremos la posibilidad de reprogramar tu excursión, siempre en función de la disponibilidad y estando el importe final sujeto a posibles aumentos de precios.

Descargo de responsabilidades 

Recuerda que tu participación en nuestras excursiones es bajo tu propia responsabilidad y riesgo. Al aceptar estos términos y condiciones, aceptas eximir a Birding The Strait S.L. y todo su personal y representantes de cualquier pérdida y accidente que puedas sufrir. Al usar nuestros servicios, significa que aceptas estos Términos y Condiciones. En particular, al aceptar estos Términos y Condiciones, reconoces que:

  • Eres plenamente consciente de la naturaleza de los riesgos asociados con tu participación en la actividad, en particular los riesgos asociados con al tránsito de personas en embarcaciones en el mar u otros factores.
  • Eximes a Birding The Strait S.L. y todos los empleados y representantes de cualquier tipo de responsabilidad, ya sea causada por negligencia o no, derivada de la pérdida o daño de objetos personales, o derivada de cualquier lesión acaecida durante el curso de tu participación en las actividades.
  • Declaras que gozas de buena salud y estas capacitado para afrontar la realización de la actividad descrita y que dispones de asesoramiento médico completo antes de emprender las actividades (o alternativamente, he decidido personalmente prescindir de el).
  • Aceptas que este descargo de responsabilidades se regirá e interpretará según las leyes de España. Además, aceptas en todo momento someterte a la jurisdicción de los tribunales españoles en todos los asuntos en los que el presente descargo de responsabilidades sea aplicable.

Por favor, haz todo lo posible para sentirte lo más cómodo posible durante el viaje en base a nuestras recomendaciones.

Gracias por tu atención a estos aspectos relevantes. Por favor, ten en cuenta que al reservar y/o realizar el pago en nuestra cuenta, aceptas que tanto tú como todos los miembros del grupo para el que estás reservando, han leído, entendido y aceptado nuestros Términos y Condiciones.

Si necesitas cualquier información adicional no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros.

[EN]Terms and Conditions 

Keep in mind that when booking or making the payment in our account, you acknowledge that you and all the members of the group for which you are booking, have read, understood and accepted our Terms and Conditions: 


  • If you cancel your reservation at least 15 days before the trip, your payment will be refunded less the amount corresponding to any bank commissions.
  • If you cancel within 14 days of the trip, for any reason, we regret that you will not have the right to a refund or reschedule of your excursion.
  • If Birding The Strait cancels the trip we will apply the following refunds:
    • Mechanical problems with the boat or insufficient reservations: we will refund the entire amount, except any bank commissions.
    • Inadequate weather conditions: we will refund the entire amount, except any bank commissions. Alternatively, we will offer you the possibility of rescheduling your excursion, always depending on availability. The final amount to be paid might be subject to possible price increases.


Remember that your participation in our excursions is at your own risk and responsibility. By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree to exempt Birding The Strait S.L. and all its staff and representatives of any loss and accident that you may suffer. By using our services, you signify that you accept these Terms and Conditions. In particular, by accepting these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge that:

  • You are fully aware of the nature of the risks associated with your participation in the activity, in particular the risks associated with the transit of people in boats at sea or other factors.
  • You exempt Birding The Strait S.L. and all employees and representatives of any type of liability, whether caused by negligence or not, derived from the loss or damage of personal belongings, or derived from any injury that occurred during the course of your participation in the activities.
  • You declare that you are in good health and that you are able to carry out the activity described and that you have complete medical advice before undertaking the activities (or alternatively, you have personally decided to do without it).
  • You agree that this disclaimer will be governed and interpreted according to the laws of Spain. In addition, you agree at all times to submit to the jurisdiction of the Spanish courts in all matters in which this disclaimer is applicable.

Thank you for your attention to these relevant aspects. Please, bear in mind that by booking and/or making the payment in our account, you accept that both you and all the members of the group for which you are booking, have read, understood and accepted our Terms and Conditions.

If you need any additional information, do not hesitate to contact us.

Available Packages

Pelagic Trip in the Gulf of Cadiz
Available until 2 days before departure

6 hour trip duration


Your Organizer

Birding The Strait
10 reviews
Birding the Strait is a Travel Agency Specialised in Birding and Nature Tours. It is based in Tarifa, a beautiful town located in the southernmost point of Spain and continental Europe. Right in the middle of the Strait of Gibraltar, it is one of the best sites in the world to enjoy raptor migration.


Had a great day with Victor. Super knowledgeable about birds and the history of the area in terms of nature, farming, and legislation. Despite sub par weather we managed to get many of my targets and visited some very cool places. A last minute Spanish Imperial Eagle on the drive back capped off a fantastic day! Highly recommend.
By Solomon G for Solomon G. - September 9, 2024 - Birding the Strait on Oct 18, 2024
Victor, my guide for the day arrived as arranged at 8.30am. We then visited the key sites in the area for raptor migration across the Straits of Gibraltar plus a nearby wetland. Victor was great company, very knowledgeable about birds in the area and where best to see them from. I particularly welcomed his guidance on how to safely access the watchpoints from a very busy road! I highly recommend 'Birding the Straits' and Victor for their expertise and friendly company.
By Ron M for Full Day Trip 2024 - Birding The Strait - 21st September on Oct 03, 2024
We had a great trip. The guide was fantastic, took us to wonderful places. The accommodations were excellent.
By Joan M for Strait of Gibraltar Birding Tour on Sep 20, 2024
Dr. Carlos Gutierrez Exposito was an amazing bird expert and scientist! We had exceptional guidance and expertise from him as well as great support from Birding the Strait! Also great conservation conversations!
By Laurie F for 2 Full Day Trips 2024 - Birding The Strait - 10th and 11th September on Sep 18, 2024
We asked for a general introduction to the Tarifa area and that is exactly what Nacho created for us. Diverse landscapes, large soaring birds, migrating sea birds, a cliff with 39 griffon vultures and nests, the breeding colony of the Northern bald ibis, waders, etcetera. Nacho is very well informed about the area and we enjoyed the conversations we had while driving from one spot to the other. Highly recommended.
By Johan L for Full Day Trip 2024 - Birding The Strait - May 21, 2024 on Aug 20, 2024
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