Occupying an area of 30.000 km2 with a population of about 2,800 individuals, surrounded by the Yasuni National Park, the largest protected park of Ecuador, declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1979, inhabit the "Huaorani" or the "People", called " The Aucas" by civilization, and also inhabit the "Tagaeris" - "Taromenanes" or "red leg".
The latter are one of the few indigenous cultures or tribes not contacted yet by civilizations that are currently in Ecuador and are part of our intangible cultural heritage, with protection, care and respect of all the neighboring societies.
The Huaorani currently inhabit in what are today provinces of Napo, Pastaza and Orellana. Although the first Huaoranis were nomadic, now have been forced to set their limits within the Yasuni National Park and its protected zone.
Among the Napo River to the north and the south Curaray, along rivers Yasuni, Shiripuno, Cononaco and minor tributaries in an area of 678,220 hectares, the Huaorani territory. The Huaorani or Waorani are native Amerindian people* who lives northwest of the Ecuadorian Amazon. Defended their territory of the settlement and other indigenous cultures, they were pursued by oil companies in the last century.
Called "Auca" by miscegenation (white people) speak "wao Terero" which is a unique language. There are communities like Taromenanes and Tagaeri and living in voluntary isolation, refusing all contact with humanity, always moving continuously in areas untouched. They live exclusively of what nature provides them, feeding on hunting and fishing, cultivating cassava and banana, are expert hunters, draw up their spears and blowguns, also a neurotoxin called "curare" to use his darts.
Today, they struggle to survive, to oil exploitation, especially by pollution and loss of their territories, and this entails the invasion of settlers.
The Bameno community in riverbank Cononaco, the Huaorani are fully convinced that well-managed tourism will help to solve, in part, the current problems, living in their jungle "ome" as they call it, free of all attack on their culture and territory.
The rate is in base of 2 passengers in double occupancy
The rate is per person, and is valid for people over 12 y.o
For single travelers ask at our specialist - [email protected]
ask rates by kids under 12 y.o
other options are available under request
the program schedule day by day, is send to you by email, and is part of this document. The program is subjet to change.
IMPORTANT: We reserve the right to modify the itineraries due to weather conditions in the best interest of our clients.