74024 Manduria, Province of Taranto, Italy

  • Email address verified
87 reviews
Nov 7 - 25, 2024
Group size: 1 - 43
74024 Manduria, Province of Taranto, Italy

  • Email address verified
87 reviews

Nov 7 - 25, 2024
Group size: 1 - 43

About this trip

Arrival Day: November 7th 2024

On this day we will arrive, get settled and have dinner together. We will begin the proper training the following morning of November 8th. 

Departure Day: November 25th 2024

On this day we will wake up and leave the property by 9am. Graduation will be on the evening of the 24th. 

LOVE AND ALL IS COMING - Heart of Devotion 200 Hour Teacher Training

The LAAIC Heart of Devotion 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Training is an annual gathering in which yoga practitioners from all over the world come together with sincerity and determination to experience first hand yoga as both practice and goal.   

Led in person by LAAIC founder Talia Sutra, the training is intensive, challenging and comprehensive.

LAAIC integrates classical āsana, prāṇāyāma, mantra, chanting, meditation, Advaita Vedānta and Yoga philosophy as well as foundational scriptural study as pillars to a life led by a deep desire for mokṣa- freedom from Self ignorance.

Over the course of eighteen days, trainees cultivate a steady and intensive daily schedule which begins at 5:55am and ends at 8pm which will initiate them as both lifelong students and as potential teachers. The daily program includes morning āsana sādhana, postures clinics, philosophy lectures, practice teaching and more.  

LAAIC Trainings bring together practitioners from all over the world and together LAAIC trainees experience the meaning and importance of the Yamas and Niyamas- yogic ethical observances and restraints, Viveka- the capacity to discriminate between the temporary and eternal, Vairāgya- the ability to release attachment to the results of their efforts and Mumukṣut- a sincere and unyielding devotion to Union with Truth.

What are the Requirements?

The LAAIC TT programs are challenging mentally, emotionally, energetically and physically. They are not retreats or holidays.  There are ten hours daily of classes and all classes must be attended on time, while following LAAIC's Code of Conduct. 

Therefore, the most important requirement is the complete acknowledgment, acceptance and personal responsibility to meet, face and work with the challenge as it reveals itself. 

The second most important requirement is an earnest faith in the process of practice and a foundation of working trust and respect for LAAIC as a school and all its teachers.  It is recommended that all applicants have some experience with LAAIC instruction, such as attending classes or workshops with Talia Sutra in person or online at 

There are no physical requirements to attend. You do not need to be physically flexible to join. What is required is the will to learn and the ability to be present even through challenging moments. 

There is no requirement for trainees to teach post graduation. Many people join for personal inner growth. But in order to receive a certificate, all trainees are required to participate in the Practice Teach portions of the Training. 

Heart of Devotion Curriculum: 

  • Daily LAAIC āsana sādhana led by Talia Sutra. Of all these morning sessions, a total of 4 will be led by LAAIC Mentors Giulia and  Flor. Giulia and Flor are both 500 Hour LAAIC graduates and professional, full time teachers selected by Talia to teach on this training. 
  • Introduction to mantra and chanting practices. We will chant daily.   
  • Introduction and practice of dṛṣṭi, prāṇāyāma, bandha and mudrā. 
  • Introduction and study of aṣṭāṅgayoga- the Eight Limbs from Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtras. 
  • Introduction to seated meditation.
  • What makes a good teacher? What makes one a yogi?
  • Significant teachers in recent history. 
  • Brief history of yoga.   
  • LAAIC Teaching Guidelines and Principles. 
  • Learn to teach the LAAIC Heart of Devotion 1 hour Open Level Class using the LAAIC Teaching Guidelines
  • Sanskrit and English names of postures and principles 
  • How to sequence a class. 
  • Receive Teaching feedback from Talia and LAAIC Mentors and practice teach daily. 
  • Practice and learn Talia’s Methods to Backbending, Flexibility and Inversions. 
  • LAAIC Physical Assists theory and practice. 
  • Sublte Body anatomy: in depth and practical study of cakra system, pañca kośa, pañca vayu and more. 
  • Foundations of Sanātana Dharma, Yoga and Advaita Vedānta.
  • Professionalism & ethics  
  • Social media and the business of yoga

  • Principles of anatomy and physiology for Yoga Practitioners and Teachers. This will be taught via zoom over 4 sessions (each session is 2 hours long) by Dr. Rose Erin Vaughan. The classes will take place live via zoom October 28-31, prior to our time together in Puglia. The classes will be recorded, so no problem if you are unable to join live. 
  • Learn the foundations of Ayurveda with third generation Ayurvedic practitioner, Dr. Nidhi Pandya: 3 lectures (each 2 hours long) live via zoom during our time together in Puglia. 
  • Talia will be teaching philosophy throughout the training on site. In addition, Dr Keshava Murthy will teach 4 classes (each 2 hours long) live via zoom while on site together. 

Upon successful completion of the Training, trainees will be eligible for a 200 Hour Certification through Yoga Alliance. 

  • Daily Schedule: 

6:15-8:15am: LAAIC āsana sādhana 

8:30-9:30am: Breakfast 

9:30-12pm: Morning Session

12-1:30pm: Lunch 

1:30-5pm: Afternoon Session

5-6pm: Dinner

6-8pm: Evening Session

Tuition Cost: Depending on Room 

Graduation Requirements: 

In order to achieve LAAIC 200HR certification, students are required to: 

  1. Complete and submit all pre-training assignments.
  2. Attend every session of the contact hours on time. 
  3. Demonstrate competence during practicum.  
  4. Begin shifting over to a vegetarian diet at least one month prior to the training. Keep a vegan diet during the onsite immersion.
  5. Take no alcohol or recreational drugs at least one month prior to the training. No alcohol, drug use or smoking of any kind is tolerated while onsite together. 

About the Location: 

LOVE AND ALL IS COMING - Heart of Devotion 200 Hour Teacher Training will take place in Puglia, Italy. 

Puglia, a southern region forming the heel of Italy’s “boot,” is known for its whitewashed hill towns, centuries-old olive groves and hundreds of kilometers of Mediterranean coastline. Nestled amidst olive groves and not far from the tranquil Ionian Sea, our home for the 18 days will be an elegant Masseria (farmhouse) from the 1700.

Puglia has two airports, please make sure to fly in and out of Brindisi Airport as this is where we will arrange for the shuttle transfer to the property. It is about a 45min drive from Brindisi Airport to Masseria Potenti. 

LAAIC TT is a fully vegan training. We will live, eat and sleep in beautiful and modest rooms that are interconnected which will create a community atmosphere while still holding space for privacy for each of us. The food served is not gourmet or extravagant but will be simple, healthy, delicious and sustaining. 

Return Policy

Thank you for being a part of our community! Please carefully read our refund policy – it applies to every one, every time.


Deposits secure your spot on the training and are not refundable. Refunds for the balance payments vary depending on timing. For cancellation requests submitted with more than 45 days of the training date: You may transfer to a future program or choose to get refunded 100% of total amount (less deposit). 

There are no refunds for cancellation requests submitted within 45 days of training date, no exceptions. Nobody books with the intention of cancelling, but unexpected events do occur, so please consider purchasing travel insurance. Exceptions cannot be made for any reason, including weather, injury/illness, or personal emergencies. No refunds or credits will be granted for failure to attend or complete the program or for arriving late or leaving early.

What’s included

  • LAAIC Training Manual
    LAAIC Training Manual
  • Accommodation
    18 day / 17 night accommodation
  • Meals
    Three organic vegan meals daily
  • Tea Coffee
    tea & coffee
  • Airport Transfer
    Transportation to / from from Brindisi Airport
  • Mats
    We will have mats available for use but you may also bring your own if you prefer

What’s not included

  • Flight
    Students must purchase their own flights

Available Packages

Twin bed Shared Double w Ensuite Bath
Only 3 left

Shared Double room with en suite bathroom. You will be sleeping in a twin size bed and sharing this room with 1 other trainee.

Big bed Shared Double w Ensuite Bath
Only 3 left

Shared Double room with en suite bathroom. You will be sleeping in a big size bed and sharing this room with 1 other trainee who will be sleeping in a twin bed.

Twin bed Shared Triple w Ensuite Bath
Sold Out

Shared Triple room with en suite bathroom. You will be sleeping in a twin size bed and sharing this room with 2 other trainees.

Big bed Shared Triple w Ensuite Bath
Only 3 left

Shared Triple room with en suite bathroom. You will be sleeping in a large bed and sharing this room with 2 other trainees who will sleep in small beds.

Single Room W Private Ensuite Bathroom
Sold Out

This is a single occupancy room with a private ensuite bathroom.


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87 reviews
Love And All Is Coming is a yoga school founded by Talia Sutra offering yoga education. The school is built upon the eternal teachings of Sanātana Dharma with ahiṃsā (non-harm) acting as a definitive and guiding corner stone. LAAIC offers teachings from their source in a simple, rational and useful manner and with an emphasis on inner stillness. The school follows the non-dual philosophy of Advaita Vedānta: a recognition of the One in all.


I really enjoyed the classes and I will book again at LAAIC with Talia. It was really really so mindblowing for me because of all the new elements in this course like meditation and 8 limbs/yamas&niyamas etc. I am so glad that I booked this course, my understandig of yoga is now a so very much better one.
By Brigitta K for The Power of Sādhana: The Yamas & Niyamas & the Classic 26 on Sep 28, 2024
I have long desired to take a LAAIC course and can say that the course met my expectations and beyond. Talia is quite a force to reckon with in the Yogic world and I am quite honored to now be able to officially recognize her as a teacher in my Yogic journey. The course was very well developed and structured and the enthusiasm and knowledge brought about by Talia was truly inspiring.
By Iris C for The Power of Sādhana: The Yamas & Niyamas & the Classic 26 on Sep 23, 2024
So good. Always learn so much from Talia. Can’t wait to take one of her in-person classes.
By Janelle W for The Power of Sādhana: The Yamas & Niyamas & the Classic 26 on Sep 22, 2024
The wisdom that Talia holds and shares in a loving and clear way is invaluable. The course is well structured and offers a deep insight to what Sadhana is. Even after having practised the classic 26 sequence before through Talia's classes, I gained a deeper knowledge of the purpose of the postures and was able to deepen the asanas immediately. After having let the teachings of the course sink in for a few weeks, I can tell that I have noticed a positive transformation both in my sadhana and my daily life. I have new curiosity towards my practice and that has kept me going, waking up motivated every morning, and without attaching myself to the results. I'm truly grateful for the course and looking already forward to the next training! Thank you<3
By Jenni T for The Power of Sādhana: The Yamas & Niyamas & the Classic 26 on Jul 30, 2024
I want to share my experience with this course. I can't really express how much it meant to me, but I'll give it a shot. Let's start with Talia as a teacher. It felt like every word Talia spoke was meant specifically for me, with personalized comments about what I'm going through in life. It's amazing that the course came at the perfect time for me to hear all these messages. Not a single word she said was unnecessary, and everything served a purpose. She is incredibly focused and connected to the Source, providing participants with exactly what they need. She's focused, sharp, funny when necessary, and loving. A true presence. The course itself was delivered excellently. We started with the Yamas, then moved on to the Niyamas and the Classic 26, all of which were brilliant. Every participant, whether attending online or watching the recordings at their own pace, had the opportunity to ask questions and communicate with Talia and the rest of the group. The atmosphere was very respectful, and I appreciated how diverse it was. Although I hadn't practiced the Classic 26 before, not with Talia or anyone else, it was a beautiful experience to practice it with Talia. I experienced so much inner growth. I am truly amazed and grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in this training. It was truly eye-opening and even life-changing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
By Karolina T for The Power of Sādhana: The Yamas & Niyamas & the Classic 26 on Jul 21, 2024
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