Past Trips


Nicole is deeply thoughtful about her guests and their experience. Her teaching is present and attuned to students. It was a peaceful and nourishing retreat. I came with two friends and we all enjoyed ourselves together and time with the other guests. I think Nicole attracts interesting and kind people! Lumeria is dreamy.
By Olivia M for Lumeria Maui Yoga & Sound Healing with Nicole Cronin on May 01, 2024
I am grateful to Nicole for creating and hosting this beautiful yoga retreat at the Present Moment. It was everything I needed. It’s impossible to predict the impact a group of women who come together, open, vulnerable, powerfully seeking their truths—and what force this has on one another. I am grateful to each of them, what they brought of themselves and willingly shared this week. It felt as though we each came searching for answers our bodies already held. And gently, through movement and stillness guided by Nicole we created the necessary space we each craved and reflected back in a way so personalized that each of us could see, feel, and deeply know what we needed to do. At dinner, that first day of our retreat, Nicole asked us to consider an intention for our physical bodies and our metaphysical ones. We were invited to share and it was beautiful how we did. Over the course of our time together, as we got to know each other, build trust and become friends, each of us eventually did share our intentions. It was a transformative week that’s had a lasting and profound effect on my life. Thank you Nicole. I will be the first to sign up for your next beautiful retreat!
By Sandra F for Retreat to Paradise with Nicole Cronin & Guest Marlene Handler on Dec 20, 2023
Retreat to Paradise with Nicole Cronin and her guest Marlene Handler was healing, transformative, and a divine human experience. Nicole's teachings are deeply and strongly felt, and aligned with the higher consciousness. The yoga retreat in its entirely was fluid with a gracious flow and spaciousness. Present Moment Yoga Retreat in Troncones Mexico was the perfect spot where nature and all its elements collide and are ignited. Nicole has contributed so much in the short time I have known her to my growth as a practicing yogi. The yogis that attended Nicole's retreat are extraordinary human beings and a testament to the yoga teacher she is! Marlene Handler, Pelvic Floor Specialist, is delightful and fun! Marlene's work is important and needed. She is an unabashed pioneer bringing awareness to this scared region of our bodies by giving women and men their power and joy; thereby, giving them a sense of safety, and security. Marlene's work is foundational for a healthy and happy life, and truly powerful beyond measure. Thank you both lovely women for your contribution to my healthy and happy life.
By Jade Z for Retreat to Paradise with Nicole Cronin & Guest Marlene Handler on Nov 27, 2023


Hands down, best investment I have made in myself in the past 5 years! I’ve had the pleasure to practice with Nicole at The Pad studios for almost a decade. After dreaming of joining one of her retreats, I finally committed to the Retreat to Paradise in Troncones, MX. The experience helped me slow down from the many hats I wear at home (mostly mama of two). I was able to nourish my body and soul with movement, healthy food, and nature. All while making new friendships. Nicole is simply amazing. I appreciate the wisdom she offers as she opens each class and she has a gift of reading the room and offering a practice that you’ll feel connected with each time. 100% recommend. You will thank yourself later!
By Vanessa V on 26 Nov, 2023