Rich Logan travels the world studying and teaching massage therapy and Yoga. He is former faculty at the Chicago School of Massage Therapy, The Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, Rishikul Yoga, done hundreds of workshops and trainings internationally, guest lectured at the Auyurvedic College in Mysore, India, Hamburg, Germany, presented at Wanderlust Chicago, and Bhakti fest Midwest. He fronts Akoustikirtan, a revolving band of world-class musicians. A meditation practitioner since 1978, serious student of Yoga since 1998, teacher since 2001. He incorporates his knowledge of anatomy and physiology with a unique understanding of spirituality in the modern world. Significant teachers have been: TKV Desikachar, V. Venkatesha, Hema Venkatesha, Kim Schwartz, Tias Little, and over 15 years with Gabriel Halpern. He promotes a mindful practice, bringing one to the edge of ‘experience’ to ‘witness’ the moment unfold and realize it is us who is the unfolding.