Past Trips

Vibe and Flow in Costa Rica
Vibe and Flow in Costa Rica
Puntarenas Province, Playa Carmen, Costa Rica
05 Jan, 2022
Vibe and Flow through Panama
Vibe and Flow through Panama
Cambutal, Panama
12 Feb, 2023


This was my first time attempting yoga in an organized setting. I had tried yoga twice on my own, but this organized setting put me at ease and it certainly displayed my strengths and weaknesses. When a younger sister told me of this yoga retreat I knew I wanted to try this. The setting in Panama was perfect .... looking out at the Pacific Ocean, on the beach. The two instructors were concerned for the welfare and well being of all that attended. I personally enjoyed and respected the assistance of the instructors and other experienced "yogies" that assisted me in correcting the posture, etc. The organizational harmony and cohesiveness was great. This retreat was well organized. Yoga has certainly sparked my interest and I have begun to look at other venues, e.g., Barbados to attend another event. The resort was beautiful ... several steps, quiet, comfortable and very clean. The staff were top-notch professionals. In the future, if I attend such a resort, I would definitely want to know the gratuities upfront because as a travel agency owner, gratuities are also known in advance for cruising and suggested gratuities for touring, etc. I would also like to know the travel time, in approximate hours, from Point A to Point B, as five or six hours each way is a long time to spend on a bus! I met lovely people and hope to stay in contact with them and may even see some of them in another yoga setting in the future. I loved the excursions: surfing, boat rides, meals, party on the beach at night ... all in all, a fantastic yoga retreat! This is the beginning of a yoga retreat for me! Thanks all!
By Brenda F for Vibe and Flow through Panama on Mar 02, 2023
Good Times with Good Friends, New and Old! Sarah & Elizabeth continue to out-DO themselves, as this was their BEST RETREAT EVER! The resort was fantastic in every way, and the VIBE which S & E created and fostered was AMAZING, even to the point of everyone making fast and lasting friendships with participants whom nobody even KNEW on Day-1! By Day-2, everyone was chatting, laughing, dining, practicing [Yoga] TOGETHER like old friends, and that lasted for the rest of the trip :-) YaY!
By Joseph K for Vibe and Flow through Panama on Feb 27, 2023
I had such an amazing experience! From the planning and events, Liz and Sarah were incredible. Thank you for an amazing experience and I was so sad that it was over! There's not enough words to describe how grateful to have had this opportunity!
By Maggie K for Vibe and Flow through Panama on Feb 22, 2023